I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 149 Find out the truth

"It's really amazing. You actually recovered from the poison I gave you!"

"Tell me! Who is helping you behind the scenes?"

Seeing this, Yu Die stopped pretending and looked at Yu Mu coldly.

"Who are you, and why have you raised me for more than twenty years and why are you trying to poison me?"

"What hatred do I have against you?"

Mother Yu sneered: "You little girl, you dare to question me, do you believe that I will let you die without a body?"

There was a trace of pain on Yudie's face, "Do you really hate me so much?"

Mother Feather answered affirmatively: "Yes, I hate you so much. I don't want to kill you all the time, but I know I can't. I have to torture you slowly until you are tortured to death, so that I can relieve the hatred in my heart." !”


Feather Mother laughed crazily, her laughter was terrifying.

Yudie closed her eyes in pain.

She never imagined that her mother, whom she had been with day and night and loved for more than twenty years, would hate her so much.

And I don’t know what I did wrong.

"But..." Mother Yu's voice changed, "If you want to know why, I can't tell you."

"However, I'm afraid that if you hear this, you will regret that you were born and still live this long!"

Feather Mother curled her lips, with a cold light in her eyes.

Yudie cried and nodded, "Okay."

"Do you remember how you often asked me where your father is?"

"Well, I remember, you told me that I was a test-tube baby."

Mother Yu sneered, "You also believe in in vitro fertilization! To tell you the truth, if you don't have the three certificates, you can't do in vitro fertilization."

Yudie was shocked, and then hurriedly asked: "Who is my father?"

Mother Yu ignored Yudie and continued to talk to herself: "You have a father, but your father no longer wants you and threw you away."

"You must be curious about who your father is, but I won't tell you who he is, but I will tell you that he abandoned me."

"I loved him so much, but he still abandoned me! I thought that after giving birth to you, he would look back at me, but he still cruelly left me and married another woman!"

Mother Feather's eyes suddenly turned sharp, "I know how despicable it is to hold you and pray to him, but that man has never looked at me!"

"And my life has been ruined by you!"

"Yudie! You shouldn't be in this world!"

Mother Yu slowly walked into Yudie, stretched out her hand to touch Yudie's face, and Yudie's whole body trembled.

"But I know you look so much like him, especially your eyes. Every time I see them, I can't help but want to poke them blind!"

Yu Die looked at Yu Mu in shock.

She knew that Yu Mu was crazy at this time.

"So you just want to kill me?"

Yu Mu suddenly stood up and looked up at the only window in the basement. "I was wandering around with you in my arms at that time. I was able to live in the basement and live a mediocre life."

"But what I didn't expect was that that man still came to see me."

"As for the purpose, it's for you. He said that he can raise you, but he needs you and me to never see each other again, and he doesn't want me to appear in his sight again!"

"At that time, he also gave me a large sum of money and asked me to consider it."

"But he thought wrong. I didn't play my cards according to common sense."

Mother Yu cast her gaze on Yu Die, "At that time, I hurriedly took you with me and ran away overnight!"

"I used this money to train you into the talented designer you are today. You should be grateful to me."

"But I don't want you to live so easily. As long as you feel uncomfortable, he will feel uncomfortable."


Feather Mother laughed wildly.

Yu Die's whole body fell into a sluggish state.

She never expected that her background would be so miserable, and that she would always be hated by her mother.

"Then you never really regarded me as your daughter?" Yu Die asked unwillingly.

"Yes, of course!"

"Don't worry, when you die, I will hold a funeral, let your father come to see you off, and then tell him the truth and make him suffer."

"At the same time, I will also commit suicide to accompany you, my good daughter!"

Mother Yu caressed Yudie's face, suddenly her eyes turned hateful, and she took out a bottle of poison and stuffed it into Yudie's mouth.

Yudie gritted her teeth and refused to drink.

She doesn't want to die yet, there are still unfinished things in her heart.

"Drink it quickly. After drinking it, you will be free!" Mother Yu said crazily.

Suddenly, the basement door was kicked open.

"Hey! I came at the wrong time!"

Lin Feng's humble voice sounded in the darkness.

Yu Mu and Yu Die looked towards the source of the sound and saw a thin, handsome young man walking over.

Yudie saw the person coming clearly, with surprise in her eyes.

Yu Mu looked at Lin Feng warily, "Who are you?!"

Lin Feng walked forward slowly, "Don't panic! I'm not here to hurt you, I'm just here to tell you the truth!"

Yu Mu looked at Lin Feng in surprise, "What do you mean?"

Lin Feng glanced at Yu Die, and after signaling Yu Die's peace of mind, he continued: "Do you really think you are Yu Die's mother?"

Mother Yu's expression tightened, "What do you mean by this?"

Lin Feng sneered, "It seems you are still addicted to pretending to be a mother."

"I will help you expose your true identity!"

"Your real name is Li Cuixia. You were indeed pregnant and wanted to give birth to a child for that man. However, unfortunately, you had a miscarriage, so you fantasize about having a child every day."

"The accumulated longing made you crazy, so you secretly went to that man's house and stole his child as your own."

"Over the years, that man has been looking for his child. He even gave you a large sum of money and asked you to return it, but you changed your name and went to live far away from that man."

"Do you really think that everything you do is so perfect that no one else can notice it?"

Yu Die was stunned.

She didn't expect that the person in front of her was actually not her biological mother.

Li Cuixia hurriedly retorted: "You are talking nonsense, that is not the case at all!"

"not like this!"

Li Cuixia has started to go crazy.

Lin Feng took the opportunity to rescue Yudie.

"That's not the case! Yudie is my daughter!"

"Yudie just has a daughter!"

Lin Feng held Yudie in his arms, "I'll take you away first. I will send someone to send this woman to a mental hospital."

Yudie nodded. At this time, her heart was in confusion and she could no longer think about other things.

Lin Feng took Yu Die away.

Feather Mother's vicious curses came from behind.

Lin Feng gently covered Yudie's ears, and Yudie looked at Lin Feng gratefully.

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