I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 150: Take you to find your biological father


Lin Feng is on the phone.

"Well, send it to the best mental hospital. I'll pay for all the expenses."

"Tell the doctor as soon as possible that this woman has shown homicidal tendencies."

"Okay, Mr. Lin."

"Thanks for your hard work."

Lin Feng hung up the phone and turned to look at Yu Die, who was nestled on the sofa, still in shock.

"Are you okay?" Lin Feng walked forward slowly.

A pale smile appeared on Yudie's face, "I'm fine."

"Can I..." Yudie hesitated for a moment, and then continued to ask: "Can I ask how you know these things?"

Lin Feng was slightly shocked. He really hadn't thought about how to tell Yu Die about this.

He couldn't tell her that he came here through a book, right?

"Ahem!" Lin Feng said seriously: "After I treated you that time, I began to doubt your mother, so I asked someone to investigate for you."

"I wanted to tell you, but something happened yesterday and I didn't have time to tell you. I didn't expect that when I saw you calling me so many times in the morning, I realized something was wrong, so I hurried over."

Yudie nodded, not doubting Lin Feng's words.

"Thank you. If it weren't for you, I would definitely be dead by now."

"Now, I don't know how to repay you. If I can, I am willing to design clothes for you for free for the rest of my life."

Lin Feng nodded, "Okay, okay, this is good, and the clothes you designed are pretty good-looking too!"

Lin Feng didn't mean to be polite at all, but Yu Die didn't say anything, after all, this was her sincere words.

"Um..." Yu Die hesitated, not knowing whether to speak. After all, she had already troubled Lin Feng enough.

Lin Feng looked at Yu Die and knew what Yu Die was thinking.

"Do you want to ask who your biological father is?"

Yudie nodded slightly.

"I can tell you, but it may be difficult for you to see him in a short time."

Yudie looked at Lin Feng in surprise, but was quickly replaced by determination.

"Just tell me, it doesn't matter, I can wait!"

"Your parents are Shangguan Yi from the Shangguan family, one of the six major families in the imperial capital."

"And your full name should be Shangguan Yudie."

Yu Die looked at Lin Feng in shock.

Although she had already guessed that her father had an extraordinary status, she never expected that he turned out to be Shangguan Yi from the Shangguan family, one of the six major families in the imperial capital.

This really surprised and surprised her.

"Are you sure?" Yudie looked at Lin Feng suspiciously.

Lin Feng was very unhappy when he was suspected.

"You still can't believe me! Just wait, I will definitely let you see your biological father and your biological mother in these two days!"

Yudie curled up a little on the sofa, "No, forget it, forget it."

Although she also yearns for her father. But now she absolutely didn't want to meet her biological father in this situation.

"It's useless to refuse, just pack it up for me and wait for my good letter!"

Lin Feng called Secretary Liu and told Secretary Liu that he would be on a business trip these days and asked her to be optimistic about the company.

Lin Feng then asked his secretary to book two tickets to the imperial capital.

"Okay, the flight tickets are booked and we'll leave in the evening!"

"Hurry up, pack up, have a meal, take a shower, and have a good sleep!"

Yu Die looked at Lin Feng in shock. She never expected that Lin Feng would move so quickly.

"No, I'm not ready yet!"

"Don't we set off at night? It's only noon now, there's enough time!"

Lin Feng asked Aunt Li to take Yudie to the second floor.

Yu Die was confused at this time.

She felt like her life had changed dramatically.

Lin Feng sat on the sofa. He had been busy all morning and he was very tired.

I don’t know how much villain energy I will gain this time.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, you have gained 1,000 points of villain energy."

"Host villain energy: 2200."

Hey! He knew that this time he made the right choice.

Now Yudie and Ye Tian have nothing to do with each other. In the future, at all points about Yudie, the person who helps her will become herself, and then she can gain more villain energy.

Lin Feng couldn't help but get excited when he thought of this.

Early the next morning, Lin Feng and Yu Die came to the Imperial Capital together.

Lin Feng has never been to the Imperial Capital since he entered the book. He didn't expect the Imperial Capital to be so big.

It is not at the same level as Yanjing City.

The most notable thing about the Imperial Capital is the six skyscrapers.

They are controlled by six major families.

Lin Feng took a taxi with Yudie and headed to Shangguan Group.

In the car, Yudie's palms were so nervous that they became sweaty.

Lin Feng comforted Yu Die.

"Don't be nervous, it's useless to be nervous!"

"Besides, why are you nervous about meeting your biological father?"

"Yeah." Yu Die tried to control his breath.

The driver heard Lin Feng's words. He asked curiously: "You two, is this your first time in the imperial capital?"


"Come to the imperial capital to find relatives?"


"Hey! Then it's not easy to find someone. After all, the imperial capital is very big. Finding someone is like looking for a needle in a haystack." The driver shook his head.

Lin Feng smiled slightly and said, "It's okay. Her dad is easy to find. You probably know him too."

The driver became interested when he heard this, "Do I know him too? You should tell me your name so I can see who it is."

"Chairman and CEO of Shangguan Group Shangguan Yi!"

As soon as these words came out, the driver was stunned.

Then the driver laughed and said: "This little brother is really good at joking!"

Lin Feng knew that this man didn't believe it, so he didn't explain to him anymore.

But Yudie was still clasping her fingers nervously.

Half an hour later.

"Here we go, 108 in total."

"Scan WeChat."

Lin Feng paid and took Yudie out of the car.

The driver looked at the two people's backs and couldn't help but shake his head, "What a pity that such a handsome young man and beautiful girl have brain problems."

Lin Feng's ears were very good. Although he had walked quite far, he still heard the driver's words. He stumbled and looked back at the driver.

The driver noticed Lin Feng's eyes, drove the car, and drove away in a swish.

"Could it be that this kid heard me? That's terrible!"

The driver planned in his heart that he would tell his wife about this when he went home for dinner.

Yudie called Lin Feng with concern, "Mr. Lin, are you okay?"

Lin Feng waved his hand, "It's okay, let's go in first!"


The two came to the front desk.

Lin Feng's eyes lit up. There was a pretty girl at the front desk. She should be easy to talk to.

"Hello, who are you looking for?"

"I'm looking for Yi Dong."

"Do you have an appointment?"


"Then what do you want to do with Mr. Yi?"

Lin Feng pushed Yu Die in front of him, "This is Yi Dong's daughter. I brought her daughter to recognize her. Please inform me, thank you!"

The receptionist frowned, "Sorry, we don't have an appointment, and we, Yi Dong, won't see anyone!"

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