I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 151 Father and daughter recognize each other

Lin Feng could tell that the receptionist didn't believe what he said.

"But his long-lost daughter, isn't he missing too?"

The receptionist couldn't help but rolled his eyes, "In all my years of working here, this is the first time I've seen someone pretending to be Yi Dong's daughter."

"If you really meet Yi Dong, please find a suitable reason and don't deceive me with such a poor reason!"

The front desk was starting to get a little angry at this point.

Yu Die knew that no one would believe it. To be honest, she herself didn't believe it. How could Shangguan Yi, the president of the six dignified families, be her biological father?

Seeing the attitude at the front desk, Lin Feng felt a little unhappy, "What do you mean by that?"

The receptionist sneered, "It seems I didn't speak clearly enough."

"Then I will be merciful and tell you again."

"To tell you the truth, Mr. Yi has a long-lost daughter. However, in the past few years, there have been hundreds, not thousands, of people who have come to recognize her father. None of them is Mr. Yi's real daughter."

"After Yi Dong was deceived for the last time, he made it clear that if there was no real evidence, he would not be informed again!"

"So, if you want to identify Yi Dong as his father, you have to provide evidence and go to the relevant departments of the company for inspection before reporting it to Yi Dong."

After saying that, the front desk gave Lin Feng and Yu Die a disdainful look.

"You don't even look in the mirror to see what you look like. Are you worthy of being Yi Dong's daughter?"

When Lin Feng heard this, he immediately became angry.

"What do you mean by this? What does it mean to be worthy or not?"

"Yu Die is actually Mr. Yi's daughter. Is there any lie?"

The receptionist rolled his eyes and didn't want to say anything more to Lin Feng. Instead, he took out his walkie-talkie and spoke to the security guard.

"Security, security, there's someone making trouble here at the front desk, come here quickly!"

Seeing this, Yu Die hurriedly grabbed Lin Feng, "Forget it! I don't want to admit it anymore!"

Yudie shook her head, all the hope in her heart had vanished at this moment.

She no longer had any expectations for her biological father, even though she had longed to see him.

"Why are we walking? We can walk and sit upright, why are we walking?" Lin Feng still didn't believe it. It was so difficult to meet the legendary Shangguan Yi.

Has Shangguan Yi really not seen the daughter he sent to his door?

Yu Die looked at the security guard coming behind him, but couldn't help but hide in the direction of Lin Feng.

The security guard walked up to Lin Feng with a very arrogant attitude.

"I'll give you two choices, one is to be thrown out by me, the other is to take the girl out by yourself."

Lin Feng's eyes turned sharply, "What if I don't choose either one?"

"You are really arrogant!" The security guard came forward and beat Lin Feng with an electric baton.

But in the next second, he flew out in an incredible posture and made a 180-degree turn in the air.

Everyone around looked over here.

Shangguan Yi, who was about to enter the elevator, also looked in this direction.

When I see the girl next to the young man, I always feel familiar, but I can't recall any specific memories about her.

Shangguan Yi walked towards Lin Feng's direction by accident.

Seeing this, several people nearby hurriedly stopped Shangguan Yi.

"Yidong, it's dangerous ahead, so don't go there!"

"Dong Yi, I will handle the matter. You go up first!"

Shangguan Yi glanced at the girl, then shook his head.

"I'll just go over and take a look. It's okay!" Shangguan Yi pushed aside a few people and strode towards Yu Die.

When the front desk saw this, he was also startled. He looked at the unconscious security guard lying on the ground and shouted hurriedly.

"Come on! Come on! There are thugs here!"

For a moment the crowd panicked.

Yudie, who had just been hurt, was startled by the sight before her, and pushed hard into Lin Feng's arms.

Suddenly, a strong voice sounded.

"Why panic! The sky hasn't fallen yet!"

Everyone looked towards the source of the sound and saw a middle-aged man wearing a crisp suit and a resolute face walking over.

When the receptionist saw Shangguan Yi approaching, he hurriedly stepped forward and said in a panic, "Dr. Yi, there is someone making trouble here. Please leave first and I will handle the matter here!"

Shangguan Yi frowned and glanced at the front desk, "You don't have to go to work in the afternoon, I will go to training for another month and then come back!"

"Yes, I understand!"

The receptionist was about to cry, thinking to himself what a sin he had done!

Shangguan Yi walked towards Lin Feng, but the receptionist immediately stepped forward to stop him.

"Yitong, don't go there! These are thugs and they will hurt you!"

"Nothing!" Shangguan Yi has been in the mall for so many years and has never seen any big storms.

Moreover, the two young men in front of me could tell from their eyes that they were not heinous people.

"Young man, why did you beat up our company's employees?"

Lin Feng looked up at Shangguan Yi and couldn't help but admire him in his eyes.

This is the legendary Shangguan Yi who single-handedly stands among the six major families!

Sure enough, he has a kingly demeanor, but he is still far behind compared to himself.

If Shangguan Yi can be accepted as a subordinate in the future, it will definitely be good for him to gain a foothold in the imperial capital in the future.

"They struck first, I was just protecting myself."

"Besides, I brought your biological daughter here for you to recognize, and your company's employees treat me like this?"

Upon hearing this, Shangguan Yi was stunned for a moment and turned his head to look at Yu Die.

Yudie looked at Shangguan Yi timidly, feeling surprised and scared at the same time.

She was surprised that she could finally see her father, but she was extremely afraid that her father would disown her.

Shangguan Yi met Yu Die's eyes and intuitively told him that this was his daughter.

However, the merchant was cautious and suspicious, so he still asked him to continue asking:

"You said she is my daughter, what evidence do you have?"

Lin Feng crossed his hands on his chest.

"Isn't this simple?"

"She is called Shangguan Yudie, and the person who kidnapped her is called Li Cuixia!"

Upon hearing this, Shangguan Yi was stunned for a moment.

The world only knew that her daughter was missing, but no one except herself knew that Li Cuixia abducted her daughter.

There are even fewer people who know Li Cuixia!

Moreover, this feeling of blood connection told him that the girl in front of him was his daughter!

"my daughter!"

Shangguan Yi took Yu Die into his arms and hugged her tightly.

Yudie was almost out of breath when she hugged him.

"My good daughter! Do you know, dad, I have been looking for you for more than twenty years!" Shangguan Yi's tears had already fallen out.

I'm afraid it's only this moment that can make such a calm and calm person lose his composure!

Yu Die carefully hugged Shangguan Yi back.

When everyone saw this scene, their jaws dropped in shock.

As for the aggressive front desk just now, I felt extremely regretful at this time.

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