I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 153 Director Zhang asks for help

"Mr. Lin, as long as you are willing to save me, I am willing to give up some profits on the development of tourist destinations!"

Zhang Feng said very sincerely.

To Lin Feng, these words sounded like a joke, but to Zhang Feng, this was already his biggest concession!

"Then what if I say, I don't want to?" Lin Feng is not that easy to fool.

Zhang Feng frowned.

He didn't expect Lin Feng to be so difficult to fool.

"Then Mr. Lin, what are your plans?"

Lin Feng sneered, and then said: "I want the profit distribution of Zhang and Lin's contracts to always be mine in the big head and you in the small head."

"Listen clearly, it's all future contracts!" Lin Feng emphasized again.

Zhang Feng was shocked.

He didn't expect Lin Feng to open his mouth like a lion and demand so much in one go.

You must know that the transactions between Zhang and Lin are quite close, and the amount of transactions between the two groups is as high as tens of billions.

As for the profits, there will naturally be no less.

"You're crazy!"

Zhang Feng cursed angrily.

Lin Feng smiled slightly, "I've always been crazy!"

"Now it depends on whether Director Zhang wants his life or wealth!" Lin Feng had to anger Zhang Feng to the maximum extent, so that Zhang Feng could hate Ye Tian even more.

Zhang Feng was furious, but now he had nothing to do.

At this time, Zhang Feng hated Ye Tian more and more, and wanted to cut Ye Tian into pieces with a thousand knives.

If it weren't for Ye Tian, ​​he wouldn't be so controlled by others!

"Director Zhang, have you considered it? Give me a reply!" Lin Feng urged.

Zhang Feng was so anxious that sweat almost broke out on his face, but Lin Feng looked calm, as if what just happened had nothing to do with him.

"Okay! I agree!" Zhang Feng gritted his teeth and said.

When you cure me, I will take care of you and Ye Tian!

You dare to threaten me, I think you little brat is simply tired of living!

Zhang Feng's heart was burning with fire, but on the surface he looked calm and calm.

Lin Feng smiled slightly, and then immediately took out an agreement.

Zhang Feng was surprised.

It seemed that all this was part of Lin Feng's plan, and Zhang Feng suddenly felt like he had been tricked.

"Director Zhang, sign this agreement!"

"Don't worry, I will definitely cure you!"

Lin Feng handed the pen to Zhang Feng with both hands. Zhang Feng took the pen and slowly wrote his name on the agreement. It was enough to see that he was so unwilling in his heart.

When Lin Feng saw Zhang Feng finished signing, he immediately put the agreement away.

"Director Zhang is truly a man of his word!"

"Treat me quickly! If you can't cure me, you know the consequences!" Director Zhang lowered his voice.

"Dr. Zhang, just keep your heart in your stomach. I have never made a mistake in treating a doctor!"

After all, I have only seen two people, and you are the third one.

"Follow me!" Lin Feng turned his back to Director Zhang and led Director Zhang into the bedroom behind his office.

Zhang Dong was lying on the bed, and Lin Feng observed Zhang Dong's poisoning situation through the golden clairvoyance eye.

The poison has spread all over the body, but the color is light gray and the poison is not deep. However, looking at the toxicity, it may completely kill Zhang Feng in a few months.

This Ye Tian is also very calculating.

In the past few months, Ye Tian imitated a copy of Director Zhang's will, and he was the one who accompanied Director Zhang until the end. When the time comes, people in the Zhang Group will inevitably not believe that Ye Tian is Zhang Feng's heir.

"I will give you acupuncture first to draw out the poison. The poison has spread throughout all parts of your body, including your flesh and blood, so it cannot be removed in a short time."

"Yes." Zhang Feng closed his eyes with relief and left everything to Lin Feng.

This is not because of trust, but because he knows that Lin Feng still needs to rely on him to make a fortune.

Lin Feng picked up the silver needle and slowly inserted it into Zhang Feng's body.

I was sweating profusely in a moment.

Looking again, Zhang Feng has been pricked like a hedgehog.

Lin Feng's acupuncture speed has increased now, but his physical strength is still a bit weak.

Lin Feng walked up to Zhang Feng and laughed out loud when he saw Zhang Feng's eyes wide open and his mouth speechless.


"Director Zhang, don't tell me that you are quite funny like this!"

"But don't worry, this needle will take half an hour. I'll come to get the needle for you in half an hour. I'm going to drink some water first!" Lin Feng walked out of the bedroom slowly, completely ignoring Zhang Feng's struggle behind him.

Zhang Feng had scolded Lin Feng thousands of times in his heart.

Lin Feng returned to the office and began to deal with official business. After all, so many things in the company needed to be witnessed by him, the chairman!

By the time Lin Feng looked up again, an hour had passed.

Lin Feng secretly thought it was bad and hurried to the bedroom.

"Director Zhang, are you okay?"

Zhang Dong's eyes widened with anger, but unfortunately he couldn't say a word.

Lin Feng chuckled, and then began to remove the needle for Zhang Feng.

All the needle tips taken out were covered with black unknown liquid.

"Director Zhang, when I finally remove the needle from your mouth, you will spit out a mouthful of poisonous blood!"

Half an hour later, Lin Feng was about to pull out the last needle, and sweat broke out on his forehead.

"Director Zhang, remember not to swallow the blood, otherwise everything you just did will be in vain!"

Zhang Feng nodded. At this time, he felt as if there was something foreign in his throat that wanted to come out.

Lin Feng pulled out the silver needle from his mouth, which was equivalent to pulling out the main valve.

Zhang Feng said "Wow" and vomited a large mouthful of black blood.

Lin Feng hurriedly took out water and asked Zhang Feng to rinse his mouth.

Zhang Feng lay on the bed and suddenly felt refreshed.

"I feel much better." Zhang Feng closed his eyes and felt that the boring feeling in his chest had disappeared.

"But I haven't completely cleaned up the remaining poison in your body. Don't expose it in front of Ye Tian, ​​otherwise the gods won't be able to save you!"

Zhang Feng nodded, he naturally knew this.

Lin Feng then sent Zhang Feng away.

As soon as Zhang Feng was sent away, the secretary ran in with a bang.

"Mr. Lin, except for a small problem, the company's branch in City M has already made the front page of the news."

"What's going on?" Although this is just a branch, it will still affect the company's fertility and stock.

Secretary Liu handed a piece of information to Lin Feng, and then reported loudly: "M City Branch is a company we acquired in 2018, and its revenue has been poor in recent years."

"what is the problem?"

"In the past few days, the Industrial and Commercial Bureau has been receiving reports of tax evasion by the branch, but the Industrial and Commercial Bureau did not investigate. However, it was found within the company that the person who reported the report turned out to be an accountant. The accountant committed suicide by jumping off the building early this morning!"

"This matter has been exposed on the Internet. Now everyone has shifted their targets to our Lin Group and asked our Lin Group to give an explanation."

"Director Lin, how do you think this matter should be handled?"

Lin Feng's face darkened.

In broad daylight, someone dared to destroy lives and cause such a big incident.

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