I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 154: Renovating the Branch

It seems that I need to reorganize the branches of Lin Group.

"I know. I'll go to the branch in person later and investigate. Don't tell anyone!"


Lin Feng drove to the M City branch and saw that the branch was still business as usual, except that there were more powerful security guards at the door.

Lin Feng walked to the door and was stopped by the security guard.

"Work Permit."

"I forgot to bring it!" Lin Feng wanted to get away with it, but the security guards looked at each other and did not give Lin Feng this chance.

"No entry without a work permit!"

Seeing this, Lin Feng knew that there must be something fishy in this company, so he simply revealed his identity.

"I'm a person sent by the head office to investigate. Let me in quickly!" Lin Feng looked at the reporter lurking in the dark not far behind him.

The security guard sneered, "Haha!"

"Journalists are so versatile these days. They even dare to pretend to be from the headquarters and try to get in!"

Obviously, the security guard didn't believe what Lin Feng said.

Lin Feng was blocked outside the door, his teeth itching with anger.

"You are sure you won't let me in, don't blame me for not warning you!"

The security guard also said, "If you make trouble here, don't blame me for beating you!"

"You still want to hit someone! You're so arrogant!" Lin Feng's eyes showed a ruthless look.

"Looking for a fight! I don't care if you are the King of Heaven, even if the Lin family and his son are here, they are not allowed in!" The security guard swung his stick and hit Lin Feng.

Lin Feng grabbed the electric baton and threw it out together with the security guard.

Seeing how brave Lin Feng was, the other security guards couldn't help but take a few steps back.

"Ask those in charge to come out to see me and say that Lin Feng is here!"

Several security guards were slightly shocked when they heard Lin Feng's words.

After hesitating for a moment, someone ran to tell the company's president, Li Xiao.

Li Xiao didn't believe it when he heard this.

Lin Feng himself knows this. He is the young master of the Lin Group. Why is he here now?

Li Xiao didn't believe it and simply said: "It must be a reporter. Get him out quickly and don't let me see him again!"


As soon as he finished speaking, the office door was kicked open.

"Mr. Li is so majestic, but he doesn't even want to see me. What's wrong? Is the CEO too comfortable and forgetting his identity?" Lin Feng walked in slowly.

Li Xiao was completely stunned when he saw Lin Feng. How did he know that a person like Lin Feng would come back to a small company like his own?

"Mr. Lin! You're here!" Li Xiao's attitude immediately changed 180 degrees, and he greeted him respectfully.

"Your arrival really makes Han Company feel happy!"

Lin Feng sneered, "Really? Then why didn't you tell me to come in just now and asked the security guard to kick me out?"

Li Xiao's face froze, and then he hurriedly smiled and said: "You also know that something happened to the company. Reporters have been guarding the door. How dare I let people in casually?"

"I thought someone was pretending to be you. If I knew it was really you, I would respectfully invite you in!"

While Li Xiao was talking, he brought the brewed tea to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng looked at the inferior tea but did not take a bite.

I can't get enough of this tea.

"You should know the purpose of my coming here!"

Lin Feng raised his eyes and looked at Li Xiao, who bent over and nodded.

"I know, I know! Mr. Lin, you have to believe us. There is absolutely no tax evasion in the company. As for forcing people to death, that is even more impossible! It's all within the company, and someone is spreading rumors!"

Li Xiao then said fiercely: "If I catch the person who spread the rumors, I will definitely deal with it."

Lin Feng raised his eyes and looked at Li Xiao, "Is that so?"

When Li Xiao saw Lin Feng's terrifying eyes, his heartbeat slowed down and his breathing became stagnant.

"Yes!" Li Xiao said bravely.

As for the truth, I am afraid only Li Xiao himself knows.

Lin Feng sneered.

"I think you really have the heart of a bear but the courage of a leopard! How dare you lie to me at this juncture!" Lin Feng slammed the table, and Li Xiao's legs went weak and he almost knelt down.

"Mr. Lin, I..." Li Xiao still wanted to quibble.

"Spit out the money you embezzled and pay me the taxes you haven't paid. As for the lives you're risking, I'll ask you to sit in jail!"

Lin Feng was ruthless in his dealings and did not give Li Xiao any chance at all.

Li Xiao was stunned, he didn't expect that he would have such a day.

He originally thought that he was the king here, but in front of Lin Feng, he was just a little scumbag.

"Mr. Lin, what are you talking about? I don't understand a little!" Li Xiao smiled awkwardly.

Lin Feng's eyes suddenly glanced at Li Xiao, "You still have the nerve to smile!"

"Let me tell you, now I have given you face. Otherwise, when the reporters pick out your wife and children, and the country arrests you, things will not be so easy!"

"Or do you want the entire company to be buried with you?"

Li Xiao's already weak legs could no longer support him and he knelt on the ground with a bang.

"I didn't want to force him to death, I just wanted to scare him, but I didn't expect him to jump off the building!"

Li Xiao also regretted it at this time.

At first, he just took a little secretly, but it didn't take long for him to find that no one could control him here. He could take more, and more.

Over time, he didn't know why it evolved into the situation it is today.

"Okay! Don't kneel here! I'll give you one day to deal with these things, and then turn yourself in! Otherwise, the company will take the lead in sending you in. When the time comes, don't blame the company for being cold-blooded It’s heartless!”

"Li Xiao understands, thank you Mr. Lin!"

Li Xiao knew that doing this was enough to give him face.

Lin Feng called and sent someone to keep an eye on Li Xiao while he left.

This situation is certainly not unique.

For such a huge company as the Lin Group, there must be some mismanagement.

These branches are kings in their own territory and act as a villain. They must be properly rectified, otherwise they will definitely threaten the main company in the future!

"Xiao Liu, notify the Human Resources Department and prepare a list of employees in the branch for me. In addition, notify the Legal Department and Finance Department and tell them to send personnel to each company to conduct audits."

"In three days, a meeting will be held."

"Okay, Director Lin, I'll do it now!" Secretary Liu was about to leave, but Lin Feng called Secretary Liu back.

"By the way, tell them also that if they do well, they will each receive a bonus of 20,000 yuan!"

Secretary Liu had a look of surprise in his eyes.

Lin Feng's ability to manage the company is comparable to that of Director Lin.

"Okay, Mr. Lin!"

Secretary Liu left, and Lin Feng was the only one left in Nuo Da's office.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully changing the plot. Reward 500 points."

"Remaining villain energy: 2000 points."

Lin Feng was shocked, what's going on?

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