I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 155: If you touch my woman, you are seeking death.

Soon Lin Feng figured it out himself.

According to the plot in the novel, Lin's Group is already Ye Tian's company, and he is responsible for handling problems in the branch. Now he has to handle it himself, so the plot has been changed, so a little plot change value has been added.

Although it's not much, it's still an unexpected surprise.

"Dududu~" The vibration of the phone brought Lin Feng back from his thoughts.

Lin Feng picked up his cell phone and saw that it was a call from Shen Qingxue.

"Qingxue, what's wrong?"

Shen Qingxue came over with a crying voice.

"Brother Lin, something happened, something happened in the place!"

"What's going on?" Lin Feng stood up and asked the reason.

"Ah!" There was a scream from the other side of the phone, followed by the sound of the phone falling.

"Hey Hey hey!"

No one heard.

Seeing this, Lin Feng didn't care about anything and hurriedly drove to Yiyang Steel Plant.

When I arrived at the gate of the steel factory, I found a lot of people gathered around the gate.

Seeing this, Lin Feng walked up to a person and asked about the situation.

"Brother, what's going on here?"

A short and fat man looked back at Lin Feng.

The gossip soul in the man's heart burned brightly, and he told Lin Feng everything in detail.

"Little brother, there was a fatality in this steel factory this morning. A worker fainted from heat stroke. Then he had a heart attack and died."

"The family members brought a group of people here to ask for an explanation, and they asked for 10 million yuan for asking."

"To be honest, even if you buy this little shabby factory, it's not worth 10 million. These people are just talking like a lion and trying to blackmail others."

"I heard that they also injured the factory director's daughter and asked the factory director to mortgage his daughter to them. Such a beautiful girl, tsk tsk!"

The man felt a pang of regret in his heart, and when he raised his eyes, Lin Feng, who was still standing there just now, was gone.

"Strange, where are the people?"

Lin Feng walked through the crowd and walked into the steel factory.

He knew something must have happened, but he didn't expect that things had developed to this point.

Lin Feng came to the door of the steel plant office and found a group of people surrounding him, and there was constant noise inside.

"I'm telling you, either you give me 10 million, or you marry your daughter to my youngest son as my wife. It's up to you to decide between these two choices!"

"I have no money!" Shen Ping said angrily.

"If you don't have money, just compensate your daughter to our old Zhang family. Anyway, your daughter is disfigured now, and our old Zhang family doesn't mind it either." The woman said aggressively.

Shen Ping suddenly became hardened, "Impossible! Even if my daughter dies, she will not marry you!"

Shen Ping would not let his daughter marry their youngest son. Their youngest son was an unlearned gangster. Not to mention his appearance, life experience, and even his character was not worthy of his daughter.

Why would he let his daughter be with a scumbag?

"Now it's up to you whether you want it or not. I'll give you three days to raise the money. If you don't have the money, we'll see you in court!"

The woman wanted to leave with her arrogant young son and relatives, but was blocked by a young man at the door.

"Who are you! Get out of the way!" the woman shouted.

"The matter hasn't been settled yet, who asked you to leave?" Lin Feng took a few steps forward, but his strong momentum forced the woman to take several steps back.

The woman took a self-protective stance and took several steps back.

"Who are you! Stop meddling in your own business!" the woman scolded.

When Shen Ping saw Lin Feng coming, there was a look of surprise in his eyes.

"Lin Feng, you're here!"

Lin Feng raised his eyes and looked at Shen Ping, "Where is Qingxue?"

"Qingxue is still in the hospital."

"How is she?"

"My head was broken, and I'm still lying in the hospital."

Hearing this, Lin Feng's heart burned with anger.

"Who hit me!"

Lin Feng lowered his head and looked at the woman in front of him.

The woman was so frightened that she took several steps back.

"Look what I did, I didn't hit him! Besides, that woman still wanted to call the police. If not, who would she hit?" The woman still said stubbornly.

Lin Feng sneered, then closed the door and propped a chair against the door.

"No one is allowed to leave today. Only after the matter has been dealt with clearly can you leave."

The woman took a few steps forward and said aggressively: "Why don't you let us go? Who are you!"

The woman's youngest son also stepped forward and said, "Get over here quickly, believe it or not, I will open your head!"

Lin Feng sneered.

"Who am I? I am Lin Feng, the general manager of Lin Group and a shareholder of this factory. Who do you think I am?"

The woman's expression froze.

"Lin Group Lin Feng? Who is it?"

The woman doesn't often watch the news, so naturally she doesn't know who it is, and the little son next to her has a fearless expression on his face.

"Then do you know who I am? I am Zhang Bawang, the little bully of this hundred-mile radius!"

When Zhang Bawang saw that Lin Feng was silent, he said even more arrogantly: "I advise you to kneel down and beg for mercy now. Maybe when I am in a good mood, I will let you go, otherwise I will beat you up and you will not be able to find the North!"

The woman also stepped forward and cursed with her mouth wide open: "I don't care who you are, don't meddle in your own business, I have never been afraid of anyone in my life!"

A short-sighted lady doesn't even know what a shareholder means.

However, among the relatives who came, some knew Lin Feng.

A middle-aged man stood up and pulled the woman over.

"Cuilan, wait!"

"Brother, what are you doing? Don't be afraid of him! A little kid, what's there to be afraid of!" The middle-aged man pulled Cuilan hard.

"Shut up! This young man is not easy to mess with."

"The Lin Group has a big business and is not easy to mess with. Besides, this young man should be rich!" The meaning of the middle-aged man's words was self-evident, and he obviously wanted to trick Lin Feng.

"But the Overlord wants that dead girl to be his wife!" Wang Cuilan had not yet reacted.

The middle-aged man hated iron and said, "You really can't think of anything!"

"Now that the second brother is gone, with these ten million, the overlord can't get any wife he wants, but he wants that bitch!"

"Big brother is right! Big brother is smarter!" Wang Cuilan smiled so hard that her eyes almost narrowed into a thin line.

The middle-aged man straightened his clothes and said, "Okay, I'll go negotiate."

Lin Feng's keen hearing had already picked up all this.

Want to trick him? dream!

Lin Feng's money is not so easy to get!

"Hello Mr. Lin, I am the deceased's eldest brother, Zhang Zhi."


Zhang Bawang was very unhappy when he saw Lin Feng's attitude, "Uncle, why bother talking to him? I just asked my brother to break his legs to see if he still dares to stop us here and not let us leave!"

Zhang Zhi turned around and glared at Zhang Bawang fiercely.

"Shut up! You're talking, get out of here!"

Seeing this, Zhang Bawang honestly shut his mouth.

Zhang Zhi turned around and looked at Lin Feng with a smile, "Mr. Lin, you said you are a shareholder of this company, what do you think of the compensation?"

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