Lin Feng asked back: "Ten million?"

Zhang Zhi hesitated for a moment, did not nod, but said with an embarrassed look: "Mr. Lin, this is a human life after all, ten million is too little!"

Zhang Zhi opened his mouth like a lion and was not satisfied with ten million at all.

Lin Feng sneered, "How about thirty million?"

Seeing this, Zhang Zhi nodded hurriedly, "Really? Mr. Lin, you are so arrogant!"

"Yeah! It's so exciting!"

"I'm very sorry that the person died. After all, he died in the company, but you dared to miss my woman and even injured her!"

"Do you think you can escape unscathed?" Lin Feng's eyes showed ruthlessness.

"Mr. Lin, what do you mean?" Zhang Zhi looked at Lin Feng warily.

"It's not interesting! It's just that today's business is not over! If one of you kowtows to Shen Ping dozens of times and breaks your own head, I can give you even 50 million, not to mention 30 million!"

"Otherwise, none of you will be able to leave today!" Lin Feng slapped the chair next to him, and the chair instantly fell apart.

Everyone was stunned.

Only then did they realize that the person in front of them was not someone to be trifled with.

Lin Feng knew that to deal with such barbarians, only force could convince them.

Trying to reason with them is like trying to talk to an ox.

"Who are you trying to scare? I'll kill you!" Zhang Bawang picked up the stick and hit Lin Feng on the head.

Lin Feng turned sideways, dodged the stick, and pinched Zhang Bawang's neck.

"Let me go!" Zhang Bawang dropped the stick and struggled hard.

As Lin Feng's hand tightened, Zhang Bawang's face gradually turned red.

Wang Cuilan was immediately dumbfounded.

"Let go of my son! I don't have an eldest son anymore, I can't lose my overlord anymore!"

Lin Feng sneered, "If that's the case, then you shouldn't anger me!"

Lin Feng pushed Wang Cuilan away.

"I don't hit women!"

When Wang Cuilan saw this, she knelt on the ground with a thud.

"I was wrong! I know I was wrong! Let my son go! I don't want anything anymore!"

Only then did Wang Cuilan realize that she was afraid.

There was a look of deep disdain in Lin Feng's eyes.

"Now I know I was wrong. Then when you hurt Shen Qingxue, why didn't you know to stop?" Lin Feng became extremely angry when he remembered that Shen Qingxue was still in the hospital at this time.

Seeing this, Wang Cuilan turned around and went to seek help from Shen Ping.

"Director Shen! Please! Let my son go! I only have this one child! Please!"

Seeing this, Wang Cuilan picked up a brick and broke her head directly.


Wang Cuilan's speed was so fast that no one could react.

By the time everyone reacted, Wang Cuilan had already beaten her head to a bloody head.

"Please, let my son go!"

Although Shen Ping also felt sorry for his daughter, he was still afraid of causing trouble, so he stepped forward to persuade her: "Lin Feng, let her go! Xue'er is fine, I just let her hide in the hospital."

After hearing this, Lin Feng let go of Zhang Bawang.

"Cough cough cough!" Zhang Bawang covered his throat and coughed violently.

Wang Cuilan hurriedly stepped forward to support Zhang Bawang.

"Son, are you okay? How are you?"

"He can't die! Let me tell you, Yiyang Steel Plant is the property of my Lin Group, don't try to cause trouble here!" Lin Feng took out a card and threw it at Wang Cuilan.

"I'm also sorry for the worker's death. Here is 10 million compensation."

Wang Cuilan looked at Lin Feng in surprise, as if she didn't expect that Lin Feng would give her money.

"The factory has its own basic human system and will not deny you money. However, I am curious about one thing. Why do you think of blackmailing the factory? You also have a crush on the factory director's daughter."

"Your main target is probably Shen Qingxue!"

Lin Feng stared at Wang Cuilan with a pair of narrow phoenix eyes, which made Wang Cuilan feel guilty.

Wang Cuilan lowered her head, as if she didn't intend to speak.

"If you don't tell me, then we'll see you in court. You're not done with hurting Shen Qingxue and causing trouble at Yiyang Steel Plant!"

Seeing this, Wang Cuilan hurriedly said: "Someone called me and told me that if I find a way to get the factory director's daughter, he will give me 10 million. If I can't get it, he will give me 1 million."

"Who made the call?"

Wang Cuilan shook her head, "I don't know, he gave me one million first."

"Give me your bank account number and I won't argue with you anymore!"

Wang Cuilan hesitated for a moment, then nodded and took out the bank transfer slip from her bag and gave it to Lin Feng.

"Okay! You can leave! Remember, don't make trouble again!" Lin Feng glanced at Zhang Bawang, the gangster.

Zhang Bawang was originally a strong-willed man, but after Lin Feng dealt with him like this, how could he dare to cause trouble again?

"Yes, yes! We know!"

Zhang Cuilan will leave with Lin Feng, and the relatives behind her will also leave one after another.

At the gate of the steel factory, everyone saw the family coming out with bruises and swollen faces, and the relatives behind them were all smiling, so they knew they must have received the money.

A man wearing black clothes and a peaked cap turned around and left when he saw this scene.

Shen Ping stepped forward to thank Lin Feng, "Mr. Lin, thank you!"

"Nothing! After all, it is a human life, so we should take it seriously! I will investigate the person who instigated the trouble behind the scenes."

"You are in the factory, run the steel factory well, and pay attention to the problem of relieving the heat in summer."

"I'm going to the hospital to see Qingxue now."

After Lin Feng finished his instructions, he turned around and left.

Inside the hospital.

Shen Qingxue was lying on the bed, looking at the ceiling, thinking a lot in her heart.

If that overlord Zhang insists on marrying him, then he would rather kill him than marry him.

It's a pity that I can't provide for my father until he retires.


Shen Qingxue was pulled back from her thoughts, turned around and saw Lin Feng, and her tears fell down.

"Brother Lin, you're here!" Shen Qingxue hurriedly sat up from the bed, and Lin Feng immediately stepped forward to help Shen Qingxue.

"Silly girl, what are you doing? Does your head still hurt?"

Shen Qingxue shook her head, "It doesn't hurt anymore!"

"It's just what the doctor said, there may be scars! Wow! I'm not good enough for you!" Shen Qingxue cried even harder when she thought of this.

Lin Feng let out a chuckle and laughed.

"You little girl, what are you thinking about in your mind?"

"Have you forgotten who I am? I am a doctor. I can cure your father's paralysis. Such a small scar is nothing!"

Shen Qingxue was stunned.

yes! How could she forget this!

"Then let's get out of the hospital? I want to be cured quickly!"


Lin Feng takes Shen Qingxue home.

On the other side, Wang Cuilan would fight, and a group of relatives gathered together to discuss how to distribute the ten million.

None of us are rich, we are just individuals who want a piece of the pie when they see the money.

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