I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 157 The whole family died suddenly

Wang Cuilan was naturally unwilling.

Just when everyone was noisy, a man wearing black clothes and a peaked cap walked in.

"Who are you?" Everyone fell silent and looked at the man.

The man's eyes were cold.

"I'm in a very bad mood!"

Zhang Bawang stepped forward and cursed: "What does it have to do with you being in a bad mood? Didn't you see the quarrel here? Get out of here! Don't be an eyesore here!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the man raised his hand, and Zhang Bawang's body fell softly.

Everyone looked and saw Zhang Bawang vomiting blood.

"Overlord! My son!" Wang Cuilan shouted in pain.

"No one of you can get out alive today!"

When everyone heard this, they ran away in fear.

However, without exception, they all died.

The man in black looked at the corpses on the ground and curled his lips.

"A bunch of losers, how dare you betray me!"

Inside the Lin family villa.

Based on his medical knowledge, Lin Feng had people buy expensive medicinal materials, synthesize scar removal medicine and apply it to Shen Qingxue.

"It's so cold!" Shen Qingxue was originally afraid of pain, but she didn't expect it to be quite comfortable.

"Take this medicine and apply it three times a day. It will heal in a few days and there will be no scars on your forehead."

"Okay! Thank you!" Shen Qingxue hugged Lin Feng.

Lin Feng's face turned red immediately.

"Ah! This..."

Shen Qingxue realized later, let go of Lin Feng, and said shyly: "Ah! Ha! This... I'm so happy, ha!"

Shen Qingxue suddenly felt embarrassed.

"Little girl!" Lin Feng held Shen Qingxue in his arms. Suddenly the phone rang, diverting Lin Feng's attention.

Lin Feng lowered his head and looked at his phone.

It was Shen Ping who called, and Lin Feng was a little surprised.

"Hey, Uncle Shen, what's wrong?"

"It's broken! Lin Feng, something happened!"

"What's wrong?" Lin Feng noticed something was wrong.

Shen Ping said: "That whole family died just now!"

"What?!" Lin Feng was shocked.

The whole family is dead. Who can kill people in such a short time? Is it for money?

"What should I do! The police will be here soon, and I have to record a confession!" How could Shen Ping have thought that something so good would turn into this!

Lin Feng calmed down and said, "You go first and leave everything to me!"

Shen Qingxue looked at Lin Feng with big watery eyes. She could guess that things were not simple.

Lin Feng sighed.

"That whole family is dead. I guess they were for money. The two of us will have to go to the Public Security Bureau to record a statement later."

"Ah!" Shen Qingxue obviously didn't expect it either.

"Go and record a confession first!" Lin Feng took Shen Qingxue with him to record a confession.

On the way, Lin Feng called Secretary Liu and asked her to send someone to investigate the bank card account number.

After recording the confession, Shen Qingxue came back and saw Lin Feng frowning, puzzled.

"Brother Lin, what's wrong with you?"

"I can't figure it out. People from the Public Security Bureau said that the motive for committing the crime was not money, but what was it for? If it was a vendetta, how could ordinary people meet such a big enemy?"

"Could it be the person who instigated them to cause trouble before?"

Shen Qingxue's words reminded Lin Feng.

"I'm not sure! You and Uncle Shen don't need to close this matter. I will investigate and find out the results!"

Intuition told Lin Feng that the person behind it was not simple.

But who on earth hurt Shen Qingxue and killed such a family so ruthlessly?

Before the matter could be investigated clearly, three days passed quickly and a company meeting was about to be held.

Lin Feng frowned as he looked at the financial situation of the branch in front of him and the list of managers.

These branches were originally bought to develop business and generate revenue, but now they are like parasites. There are very few branches that can generate revenue, and they are basically all in the plural.

"Damn!" Lin Feng threw the information on the ground.

"These people really don't take our Lin Group seriously!"

Lin Feng told Secretary Liu: "Secretary Liu, call everyone for a meeting at two o'clock in the afternoon!"

"Okay, Mr. Lin."

"Mr. Lin, do you need to prepare anything else?"

"No need, I will draw up the layoff list myself."

Secretary Liu stepped back knowing the current situation.

If these people are not dealt with properly, he will not be called Lin Feng!

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the conference room was already full of people.

Everyone was whispering to each other, discussing, and speculating on Lin Feng's purpose this time.

"Mr. Li, have you heard? That guy Li Xiao is in jail!" Bi Fang looked at Li Yidao.

Li Yi frowned, "Don't say such unlucky words."

The general managers of several other branches also said.

"I heard that Lin Feng personally found Li Xiao, scolded him, and sent him in! I heard that Lin Feng was quite angry and said he wanted to rectify all branches."

"I think we are all anxious to come here now, just to rectify the company."

"It's all Li Xiao's fault! He's dragging everyone down."

Li Yi was upset after hearing this, so he said: "Forget it, everyone, stop talking! Let's wait for Mr. Lin to come back later and see what we do!"

Seeing this, everyone said nothing more.

"Everyone is here!" Lin Feng walked into the conference room with a smile.

Everyone felt relieved when they saw that Lin Feng's face looked quite good.

"Hello, Mr. Lin!"

"Mr. Lin is very energetic today!"

"Mr. Lin, it's really better to meet him if you are famous!"

Lin Feng heard everyone's praise and nodded.

"It's really an award!" Lin Feng sat in the center.

Bi Fang said with a smile: "I wonder why Mr. Lin called us here this time?"

At this time, these people had not seen Lin Feng's ruthlessness, and thought that Lin Feng was just a fledgling little brat, and did not take Lin Feng seriously at all.

Lin Feng knew that these people in front of him had seen him clearly, but after a while they were afraid again.

"It's nothing. I just want to ask you, why are the companies you manage losing money year after year?"

Lin Feng's face suddenly became serious.

But everyone still laughed.

"Mr. Lin, this company has always been like this, and there is nothing we can do! We have tried our best!"

"The company has just started, so it is inevitable that there will be losses. Besides, I have reported these situations, and Director Lin didn't say anything!"

"Mr. Lin, is this what you called us here for? We feel you should communicate with Director Lin first!"

No one took Lin Feng seriously.

Lin Feng sneered, then smashed the documents in his hand on the table.

"If you don't do well, get out of here!"

"Do you really think that my Lin family dare not touch you? I think you are like a mountain without tigers and monkeys dominate!"

"One by one, the revenue is not good. Do you really think I can't find out the reason? The company is obviously doing well, but there is no money. Where did the money go? It all went into your pockets!"

Everyone immediately fell silent.

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