I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 158: Renovating the Branch

"Then Mr. Lin, what do you mean by calling us over?" Li Yi raised his eyes and looked at Lin Feng, with a bit of coldness in his eyes.

Lin Feng and Li Yi looked at each other, their aura was no less impressive than that of Li Yi.

"Nothing interesting? I'm just informing everyone of the personnel changes!"

"What do you mean!" Li Yiteng stood up and glared at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng took a sip of tea and said, "Mr. Li, why are you so anxious? Sit down quickly!"

Everyone looked at each other, obviously not knowing what Lin Feng meant.

"You may not understand it, but I think you will understand it soon!"

Lin Feng took out a list and handed it to Secretary Liu.

Secretary Liu looked surprised when he saw the personnel transfer list written by Lin Feng.

Almost all are major changes.

"The general manager of Syllable Company has been changed from Bi Fang to deputy general manager Zhang Zheng."

"The general manager of Jump Company has been changed from Li Yi to Zhou Ju."

"The general manager of Fujieda Company is..."

Almost all the company's top executives have been fired.

Everyone was shocked.

How could they have thought that one day they would be punished?

"Lin Feng, what do you mean?" Bi Fang slapped the table and stood up.

Everyone else also agreed.

"Lin Feng, does your father know what you are doing?"

"You are just burning bridges! I tell you, there is no way!"

"You will regret it if you fire us!"

Lin Feng smiled slightly and didn't take everyone's words to heart.

"These people I accept my fate are all very capable people. Do you think that if you leave, the company's employees will follow you?"

"Let me tell you the truth, I have already informed you in advance that the wages of all company employees will be increased by 10% on the original basis. If you can give higher wages, maybe people will be poached by you."

"However, I advise you not to do useless work. I have reported you to the relevant departments, and someone will soon come to take you away for investigation."

"What? Lin Feng, are you crazy!" Everyone looked at Lin Feng in shock, as if no one expected that Lin Feng would reach this point.

Li Yi said in a deep voice: "Mr. Lin, I advise you not to do things so seriously, otherwise no one will look good in the future!"

"Can you guarantee that your and Director Lin's hands will be clean?"

Lin Feng smiled slightly, "You can report it, we are not afraid, but you have to think about your wife and children."

Lin Feng's words were full of threats.

Seeing this, everyone calmed down.

With the strength of the Lin family, they can definitely do this. It just depends on whether they do it or not.

"Then Mr. Lin, what do you want to do?" Li Yi is still a sensible person.

Lin Feng said relaxedly: "It's nothing, just give me the company's taxes and pay them in full. The company will make it clean for me. Forget about the past, I won't argue with you anymore!"

Li Yi gritted his teeth and said, "Okay!"

When everyone saw this, even if they didn't want to, they had no choice but to agree, otherwise their family members would be implicated.

"I will send someone to check the company's accounts. Everyone must cooperate well, otherwise the situation will be ruined!" Lin Feng smiled slightly, then turned and left.

At this time, everyone felt terrified when they saw Lin Feng's smile.

Lin Feng returned to the office and couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

"It's so cool! These little bastards still want to go against me. They are so ignorant!"

Secretary Liu hesitated at the side, but finally seemed to have made up his mind and said: "Mr. Lin, with all due respect, will this hit you too hard and be counterproductive?"

"It's okay. Just wait until they figure out the company's accounts, then give them some money to buy them some face, and let them go happily, okay?"

"Okay!" Secretary Liu breathed a sigh of relief. In this case, it would probably make those people think of Mr. Lin better, and not worry that they would bite Mr. Lin back in the future.

Now that the company has been rectified, it will continue to develop shared electric vehicles.

"By the way, Xiao Liu, how are the shared electric vehicles doing?"

"The samples have been made and were sent over during the meeting just now. Why don't Mr. Lin go over and take a look?"


Secretary Liu took Lin Feng to see samples of shared electric vehicles.

Lin Feng looked at the wide space around him and decided to give it a try.

Secretary Liu hurriedly said: "Mr. Lin, be careful!"


This thing is necessary for him to travel every day in the real world, and he has long been familiar with it.

After riding it, it cannot be said to be exactly the same as the real world, it can only be said to be no different.

"Not bad! It's pretty good. Send it to quality inspection and test it a few more times. Remember, test it a few more times!"

"If there is no problem, we will put it into production and we will discuss the details in a meeting!"

Lin Feng was already eager to give it a try.

This was his first feat of creation.

"Okay, Mr. Lin!"

"Beep!" Lin Feng's phone vibrated. Lin Feng picked up the phone and was surprised when he saw that it was Mr. Wang calling.

"Hey! Brat!" Wang Laocang's powerful voice came.

"Hey, Mr. Wang, why did you call?"

"Nothing, I just asked you to come out and have fun! What have you been busy with lately?"

"Come and have fun with shared electric vehicles?"

"I'm too old to ride anymore! Come to the auction house on Chaoxia Street. There will be something good soon. You must be interested!"

"Okay, Mr. Wang!"

Lin Feng knew that it was definitely not that simple for Mr. Wang to call him.

Lin Feng looked at the shared electric vehicles and calculated the distance to Zhaoxia Street.

"It's not far, let me ride my bike!"

Before Secretary Liu could say anything, Lin Feng swooped out on the tram.

Seeing this, Secretary Liu hurriedly called the factory to confirm that the tram was safe and there was no problem before he felt relieved.

The entrance to the auction house.

Mr. Wang waited and waited, but did not see Lin Feng coming, and he couldn't help but feel suspicious.

This guy won't let me go, right?

Suddenly, Mr. Wang saw a familiar figure riding a green electric bicycle.

Mr. Wang couldn't help laughing.

He knew that this kid didn't dare to let him go.

"What are you doing riding a green bike? You're not afraid of making people laugh!"

Lin Feng didn't care much and locked up the car seriously.

"I'm trying out the company's new product. Besides, don't you think the color is very environmentally friendly?"

As soon as Lin Feng finished speaking, a very conspicuous blue Lamborghini drove in and knocked Lin Feng's electric car aside.

There were curses coming from inside the car.

"Damn it! Whose crappy electric car is parked here? It scratched my car!"

Lin Feng and Mr. Wang motioned for them to come over.

"Hurry up and deal with it, the auction is about to start!"

"Okay, Mr. Wang!"

Lin Feng walked to the car and knocked on the window.

"Sir, you hit my electric car!"

The car window rolled down, and a young man in his twenties appeared in front of Lin Feng.

"You still have the nerve to say that! This is a parking space. Why are you parking your electric car here? It's scratching my car!"

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