I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 167: Eliminating Cancer

Shi Wen took a step forward and said, "Wang Xiang, do you want me to make those dirty things you did public?"

"As a friend, I advise you to accept it as soon as you can, and don't have to explain everything so clearly!"

Wang Xiang's face became increasingly ugly.

He knew that Shi Wen had no face left for him now. His only current choice was to agree to the choice given by Shi Wen. Of course, he could also choose not to agree, but in this way, the person in prison would only It's him!

Wang Xiang couldn't make a decision for a long time.

Even though he had made a decision in his heart, he could not express it with his mouth.

After all, how could Wang Xiang be willing to give up so many years of hard work.

Seeing that Wang Xiang was silent, Shi Wen sneered, "Since Director Wang is like this, I won't be polite!"

"Shi Chuan, call the police!"

As soon as Shi Wen finished speaking, Wang Xiang hurriedly said: "Okay! I agree, and I am willing to sell my shares at a low price!"

Upon hearing this, Shi Wen immediately said: "Shi Chuan, did you hear what your Uncle Wang said? Hurry up and ask the secretary to draw up a contract and send it over!"

Si Wen pulled Wang Xiang to sit down and said affectionately: "Brother Wang, to be honest, we brothers have lived and died together for so many years, and I am really reluctant to let you go suddenly!"

"There are 100 million in this card, just consider it as my compensation to you!"

Shi Wen handed a debit card to Wang Xiang.

Wang Xiang's face turned dark. Shi Wen's meaning was very clear, that is, he would use 100 million to buy out all the feelings between the two. This kind of insult would have been absolutely unacceptable to Wang Xiang in the past.

But now, Wang Xiang seems to have no choice.

"Okay! Thank you, Dong Shi, for your concern." Wang Xiang said these words almost through gritted teeth.

All he could do now was knock out his teeth and swallow it in his stomach, it was useless to say anything.

Soon the share transfer contract was brought over. Shi Wen saw that there was no problem and asked Wang Xiang to sign it.

It wasn't until Wang Xiang left that everyone woke up.

Wang Xiang was kicked out of the company in full view of everyone!

How terrible!

At this time, those who agreed with Wang Xiang to bully Shi Chuan only felt scared in their hearts, fearing that Shi Wen would come to settle the score with them.

Lin Feng watched from the side and couldn't help but give Shi Wen a thumbs up in his heart.

This trick was very effective in killing the chicken and warning the monkey. It not only eliminated the cancer in the company, but also served as a warning to everyone.

"I am very sad to see Wang Xiang leave. I hope that everyone will not be like him, trying every possible means to leave the company and not want to stay in the company for a moment longer!"

"Since you are all members of our Shi Group, you should concentrate on working for the Shi Group and don't think about intrigues all day long, otherwise you will just shoot yourself in the foot, and the gain will outweigh the loss!"

When everyone heard Shi Wen's words, a layer of cold sweat broke out on their foreheads.

When Wang Xiang left, Shi Wen completely ignored him, as if he had nothing to do with him.

"Okay, if there's nothing else to do, let's break up the meeting first!"

Everyone left in an orderly manner.

Shi Chuan also wanted to leave, but was left behind by Shi Wen.

"Xiaochuan, come, sit down, let me talk to you!" Shi Chuan said with a smile.

When Shi Chuan and Lin Feng saw it, they only felt that the smile was eerie and chilling.

"Ha! Dad! What's wrong? I still have some work to do!" Shi Chuan laughed.

Si Wen sneered, "The work is not finished yet?"

"How dare you say that! If I don't come here, I'm afraid this company will belong to someone else! You brat, I usually ask you to follow me to get a good education and manage the company, but you are so good, you only know how to go out and pick up girls!"

"Look at what you have done to the company now..."

...Ten thousand words are omitted here...

Half an hour later, Shi Wen took a sip of water, and the sermon was truly over. Shi Chuan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Breathe quietly, it's so noisy!" Si Wen said impatiently.

Now Shi Chuan finally knew that breathing was wrong.

"Okay! Stop wilting here and leave with nephew Lin in a moment!"

When Shi Chuan heard this, he was instantly dumbfounded.

"Dad! What do you mean by this?"

Si Wen hit Shi Chuan on the head hard with the document, "Are you a pig-head? Why can't you understand what I say?"

"Dad! I really don't understand!" Shi Chuan felt aggrieved.

Lin Feng looked at Shi Wen sympathetically and thought, how could such a business talent with extraordinary temperament and quick thinking give birth to such a waste?

Si Wen resisted the urge to beat up Shi Chuan and said patiently: "From today on, you will go to work for the Lin Group, follow Nephew Lin, and study hard. When Nephew Lin says you are qualified after you have learned something, you can give it to me." Come back!"

Shi Chuan was stunned when he heard this.

"Dad! What do you mean? You asked me to be Lin Feng's subordinate!" Shi Chuan looked at Shi Wen in disbelief.

Si Wen nodded, "Not bad!"

Shi Wen turned to look at Lin Feng, "I'm really wronging you, nephew. I'm here to trouble you so much to help me manage Xiaochuan. I'll beat you or scold you as long as you can breathe!"

Lin Feng smiled slightly, "Okay, Uncle Shi, don't worry!"

Shi Chuan was stunned when he heard this, and then retorted strongly: "No! I don't agree! I don't want it!"

Si Wen glared at Shi Chuan fiercely and yelled angrily: "You have no right to speak here, shut up!"

Seeing his father's terrifying eyes, Shi Chuan obediently lowered his head.

"Okay! Come with me!"

Lin Feng held back his smile and took Shi Chuan away just like Ti Liu Ji Zai.

Shi Chuan looked at Shi Wen reluctantly.

Seeing his son's hopeless appearance, Si Wen couldn't help but sigh.

How embarrassing for me!

To give birth to such a thing, there must be a genetic mutation!

When Lin Feng took Shi Chuan back to Yanjing City, Shi Chuan was depressed and silent all the way.

Lin Feng also enjoyed his leisure time.

The system's voice suddenly sounded in Lin Feng's mind.


"Congratulations to the host for successfully opening the destiny value!"

"Congratulations to the host for gaining 1,000 destiny points."


Lin Feng was stunned. He didn't expect that he would also activate the destiny value.

"System, are you right?" Lin Feng asked in disbelief.

"Reporting to the host, the system error probability is 0.001%. From this point of view, the system did not make an error. This was triggered randomly by the host."

The system answered Lin Feng very seriously.

Seeing this, Lin Feng continued to ask: "Then what is my destiny value now?"

"Host's destiny value: 4200 (ordinary person's destiny value is 2000)."

"What is the destiny value of the protagonist?" Lin Feng knew that the protagonist must have more destiny than him, but he just wanted to see the difference in destiny values ​​between him and the protagonist.

"Protagonist's destiny: 83800 points."

"Okay! Stop talking!"

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