I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 168 The villain has destiny

Although Lin Feng's destiny value is much higher than that of ordinary people, there is a light-year gap between him and the protagonist.

This is really heartbreaking.

But what is gratifying is that I also have destiny points.

In this way, it is very likely that he will be able to get a very high destiny point in the future. In this case, wouldn't he become the villain and counterattack and become the protagonist?

Moreover, in this way, if the destiny value is high, everything you do will go much more smoothly.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng couldn't help but feel happy, and even the corners of his mouth turned up.

Shi Chuan saw the corners of Lin Feng's mouth gradually rising in the rearview mirror, and felt a wave of terror in his heart.

This girl isn’t holding back any bad intentions in her heart to punish me, is she?

Thinking of this, Shi Chuan wanted to go home even more.

Lin Feng first brought Shi Chuan to the company. The main purpose was to familiarize Shi Chuan with the company first.

Others may be curious as to why Lin Feng agreed to Shi Wen's request to train Shi Chuan. Lin Feng certainly did not agree out of curiosity. He also had his own considerations in agreeing.

Although he was blessed by the system, he was only one person after all. If something happened to Shi Wen in the future, and Shi Chuan was of no use, then the whole mess would be on Lin Feng himself, and Lin Feng would naturally not be able to cope with it.

Ancient emperors still needed help from wise ministers, let alone him.

So if Lin Feng wants to train Shi Chuan, not to mention training him to be like his father, he has to make do no matter what!

"This is the Lin Group, let me show you around first!"

Lin Feng took Shi Chuan around. Many people greeted Lin Feng when they saw him, and Lin Feng nodded slightly.

Shi Chuan was very envious when he saw how respected Lin Feng was.

"Why are you so respected?" Shi Chuan couldn't help but ask.

Lin Feng said nonchalantly: "Of course it's because I'm great. If you also want to be respected, then learn from me."

When Shi Chuan heard this, his eyes immediately lit up.

"Is it really possible? Then what position will you arrange for me, and what will I mainly study?"

Lin Feng thought for a while, and then said: "You have just joined the company and are not familiar with the company's business. Then you should first follow Secretary Liu and be Secretary Liu's assistant to familiarize yourself with the company's business, etc. If you are interested, I will arrange a specific position for you."

"Ah! The secretary's assistant! I don't want it!" Shi Chuan immediately refused.

"How can I say that I am the son of the Shi family, how can I do such a low-level job!" Shi Chuan looked at Lin Feng and inquired: "Don't you have a grudge against what happened before, and are you thinking about how to punish me?"

Lin Feng frowned.

"If you think so, there's nothing I can do! If you don't want to do it, you can leave at any time! But don't blame me for not reminding you. Secretary Liu is my secretary. You can learn a lot from her."

"Your secretary!" Shi Chuan's eyes lit up when he heard this.

Secretary Liu is Lin Feng's secretary, so he is indirectly Lin Feng's assistant. If you put it this way, wouldn't he be able to learn from Lin Feng very quickly, and then return to his own company to deal with those who bullied him? Yet?

Thinking of this, Shi Chuan was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth.

Lin Feng couldn't help but feel a headache when he saw Shi Chuan's expression of smiling like a fool.

Can this thing be tuned?

Lin Feng looked up and saw Secretary Liu walking over, so he called Secretary Liu over.

"Secretary Liu, come here!"

Secretary Liu stepped on high heels and twisted her waist as she walked toward Lin Feng.

Shi Chuan next to him stared straight-up.

Although Shi Chuan has seen many beauties before, this was the first time he saw such beauties!

Shi Chuan couldn't tell which kind it was, but Shi Chuan knew that Secretary Liu's heart and soul was taken away with just one look.

"Mr. Lin, what's wrong?" Secretary Liu smiled.

Lin Feng turned to look at Shi Chuan, "Let me introduce you, this is Shi Chuan, the young master of the Shi Group."

"Director Shi asked him to come to our company to study, and I asked him to follow you. You teach him well. If he doesn't do well, he should do what he should do."

Secretary Liu nodded and then said to Shi Chuan: "Master Shi, I am Mr. Lin's secretary. You can call me Secretary Liu."

"Hello, I'm Shi Chuan!"

Shi Chuan hurriedly stretched out his hand to shake hands with Secretary Liu, but Secretary Liu did not raise his hand.

"Master Shi, if you have nothing else to do, come with me!"

Secretary Liu turned around and left, and Shi Chuan hurriedly followed.

Secretary Liu had no reason to be polite to Shi Chuan. After all, Shi Chuan's status was just an apprentice. Even if he was the young master of the Shi family, he was doing business and no one could blame him.

Shi Chuan didn't feel anything wrong with Secretary Liu's attitude, and even followed him without hesitation.

Lin Feng helplessly held his forehead, but then he thought about it, this might as well divert this guy's attention, and there would be someone in the company who could control him, so Lin Feng could rest assured.

Lin Feng was about to go home, but he didn't expect Shen Qingxue to call.

Lin Feng was surprised, thinking that something would happen to Shen Qingxue again, right?

"Hey! Qingxue?"

"Brother Lin, how are you doing lately?"

"I'm fine, what's wrong?" Lin Feng thought to himself what's wrong with Shen Qingxue. She seems fine, so why did she call herself?

"Then why haven't you contacted me for more than a month!" Shen Qingxue said with a little dissatisfaction in her tone.

Only then did Lin Feng realize that he had not contacted his little wife for more than a month.

"Ha! If you didn't tell me, I would have forgotten! No! Well, Qingxue, you also know that I am quite busy at work, and it is inevitable that I will ignore you sometimes. Please forgive me, okay?"

Lin Feng said softly.

Shen Qingxue gave a faint "hmm" and said obediently: "Brother Lin, I understand, I don't blame you, I know you are busy with work! I couldn't help you share the burden, and I feel guilty too!"

Seeing Shen Qingxue acting so well-behaved, Lin Feng couldn't help but feel a little distressed.

"Qingxue, I just happen to have nothing to do tonight. Let's go out to have a meal together. We will make an appointment at the Dehua Hotel."

"Okay!" Shen Qingxue happily agreed.

Half an hour later, Lin Feng arrived at the door of the hotel and saw Shen Qingxue in white walking towards him from a distance.

"Qingxue!" Lin Feng took two quick steps and walked to Shen Qingxue.

"Brother Lin!" Shen Qingxue said shyly.

Lin Feng looked at Shen Qingxue's pale red cheeks and knew that Shen Qingxue had deliberately dressed up before coming out.

"Let's go in and eat!" Lin Feng took Shen Qingxue's hand and walked into the restaurant.

When the waiter saw Lin Feng, he naturally recognized him and hurriedly stepped forward to lead Lin Feng and Shen Qingxue into the box.

But when passing by a private room, Lin Feng saw a familiar voice. Before he could take a closer look, the door of the private room had been closed. Lin Feng could only remember the room number silently.

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