Lin Feng's expression froze.

It seems that there is no need to hide it anymore.

"Not bad, what's wrong?"

Ye Tian sneered, "Lin Feng, you have ruined my good deeds time and time again. How did I offend you?"

After hearing Lin Feng's words, Ye Tian simply stopped pretending and revealed his true colors.

"Have I ruined your good deeds? How have I ruined your good deeds? This incident is obviously a coincidence. Besides, the Qi Group has evil intentions and deliberately raises the price. Who can be blamed for this?"

"I advise you to reflect on your own problems and not blame all your mistakes on others."

"Shut up, Lin Feng!" Ye Tian said angrily.

"If you say this again, you don't mean it!"

"Ever since I met you, you have ruined my good deeds every time. Every time when I was about to succeed, you pushed me into the abyss, and you said you didn't mean it!"

"Lin Feng, what are you doing?"

Lin Feng frowned. Ye Tian was obviously a lovable character in the original work, but why did he find this person more and more ugly since he met him?

"Ye Tian, ​​don't you think about what you did?"

"What do you mean by that?" Ye Tian didn't feel that he had done anything wrong.

Lin Feng sneered.

"Don't you know what you did?"

"You wantonly harmed other people's lives, interfered with other people's feelings, had unhealthy views, and behaved shamefully!"

"You clearly have special skills and talents. You are a rare genius!"

"But now you have done all the bad things. You should think carefully about how you wasted so many opportunities."

"Ye Tian, ​​you should reflect on yourself!"

After saying that, Lin Feng turned and left.

Ye Tian stood there, stunned.

He has never done anything wrong, why are others pointing the finger at him.

"I'm not wrong, I'm not wrong about anything."

"I did everything right!"

A trace of evil flashed in Ye Tian's eyes.

"Lin Feng, since you can't get along with me, I won't be polite."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully changing the plot and plundering the protagonist's destiny."

"The host gains 4,000 points of villain energy and robs the protagonist of 3,000 destiny points. The host's destiny value increases by 3,000."

"In addition, congratulations to the host for successfully activating the hatred value."

"Hate value? What do you mean?" Lin Feng asked in surprise.

"The hatred value is the protagonist's hatred for the host. The higher the hatred value, the easier it is for the host's destiny value to increase, and the villain's energy can also increase accordingly."

"Is that so? Are you kidding me?"

"If you don't need the host, I can also apply to the system headquarters for cancellation!"

"No no! I need it very much and I'm very grateful to the system!"

"However, I still have a question."

"Host, please speak."

"What is the current hatred value of the protagonist towards me?"

"20 points (maximum 100 points)."

"That's it. It seems Ye Tian still doesn't hate me enough. I have to work harder!"

Lin Feng silently cheered himself up and made up his mind to take care of Ye Tian.

After all, his happiness is based on Ye Tian's pain. The more painful Ye Tian is, the higher his hatred value, the higher his villain energy, the higher his destiny value, and the better he will be!

Thinking of this, Lin Feng suddenly felt very happy.

What's so great about the protagonist is that he can't defeat his own villain!

"Open the system panel."

Lin Feng now needs to take a good look at his various data in order to make better plans.

"The system panel is opening..."

"The system panel opened successfully!"

[The strongest anti-pretending system]

[Host: Lin Feng]

[Personal assets: 3 billion]

[Strength value: 500]

[Agility value: 150]

[Physique value: 110]

[Charm value: 116]

[Lucky value: 400]

[Hate value: 20 (maximum 100)]

[Note: The above values ​​are converted to 100 for ordinary people]

[Skills acquired]

[Superpower - Golden Vision: Can see through things and analyze their economic value]

[Medical skills: Medical skills are upgraded to intermediate level. 】

[Martial Arts Skills: Master primary martial arts skills and can learn various primary martial arts. Has learned god-level fighting skills. 】

[Guitar playing skills (gifted by the system)]

[Anti-intellectual halo]

[Villain Energy: 4000]

[Destiny value: 5000]

[Current novel trigger: Doctor 3: Across the World. After the completion reaches a certain value, there is a chance that other novel plots will be triggered]

Lin Feng carefully checked his various values, and then nodded with satisfaction.

After these days of hard work, various values ​​have increased.

It seems the efforts were not in vain.

But this is not enough, I need to continue to increase.

After all, the protagonist is still much more powerful than me.

"System, I want to upgrade my medical skills."

"Sorry, host, you don't have enough energy. You need 5,000 villain energy to upgrade your medical skills."

"Then I'll upgrade my martial arts skills."

"Sorry, host, you don't have enough energy. Upgrading martial arts skills requires 5,000 villain energy."


"With me, I can't upgrade these things!"

"Yes, host, you are right!"

Lin Feng resisted the urge to curse and said with a smile: "Forget it, I'll save more!"

"Isn't it just 1,000 points? If you go find the protagonist yourself, you can get it."

"How can you say that? What does it mean to find trouble with the protagonist? The protagonist is obviously looking for trouble with himself."

The system was speechless.

On the other side, Ye Tian was determined to take revenge on Lin Feng.

Ye Tian called Qi Tai and told Qi Tai about the incident. Qi Tai was also surprised.

"Is it actually Lin Feng from the Lin Group who is behind this?"

"Yes, that's right! Lin Feng has always had a grudge against me. He probably wants to take revenge on me."

"The Lin Group is nothing to be afraid of! Now you will represent the Qi Group to acquire the Shi Group's cancer drugs."

"Yes, Mr. Qi!"

The next day, Ye Tian brought Mr. Qi's people to the Shi Group.

"Hello, I am here to see you, Director Shi, on behalf of the Qi Group."

"Qi Group!"

The front desk was shocked and hurriedly called Shi Wen.

"Director Shi, people from the Qi Group are here, what do you think we should do?"

Si Wen was shocked, but he quickly calmed down. After all, he had expected it.

"Okay, bring the people up."

"Yes, Director Shi."

The front desk took Ye Tian and others to the top-floor office.

Shi Wen hurriedly greeted him.

"I wonder what the Qi Group's presence means?" Shi Wen asked with a smile.

Ye Tian took the lead and said: "We heard that you also held a press conference on the day we held a press conference, and the same drug was released."

"I don't know if you did it on purpose or unintentionally?"

Shi Wen was shocked and said hurriedly: "What are you saying? Of course I didn't mean it!"

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