"How can I, a small Shi Group, dare to go against the Qi Group?"

"I dare not be the best, but I am still somewhat self-aware!" Ye Tian sneered.

Then Ye Tian looked at Shi Wen, "Since it was not intentional, then I am here today on behalf of the Qi Group to purchase specific cancer drugs."

Shi Wen looked at Ye Tian in confusion.

"Sorry, I don't quite understand what you mean."

"That's what it means literally. Director Qi hopes that this medicine will only be available in the Qi Group and not appear in other places."

"Now you can understand it!"

Si Wen had a cold face.

"Is it too much for your company to do this?"

"Our small company accidentally bumped into you and bumped into you, but there is no need to kill them all like this!"

Ye Tian spread his hands and said, "It's useless for you to tell me. This is what Director Qi means."

"Then what if I don't want to?" Shi Wen asked.

Ye Tian looked at Shi Wen contemptuously, "If you don't want to, then it all depends on Dong Qi. If Dong Qi wants you to die, you won't survive!"

"You should be wiser and sell what you have to sell. We won't treat you badly. Director Qi offered 2 billion to buy the medicine in your hands."

Ye Tian thought that what he had said had reached this point, and Shi Wen would never reject him no matter what.

However, the reality is always the opposite of what he thought.

Shi Wen looked at Ye Tian firmly, "You are right. Compared with the Qi Group, our Shi Group is as different as an ant and an elephant, but ants can still shake the building, so don't underestimate us."

Seeing this, Ye Tian knew Shi Wen's determination, "Then you mean to insist on not selling, right?"

Si Wen nodded, "Please come back! I don't think there is any need to continue talking today."

Ye Tian sneered, "You will regret it."

Afterwards, Ye Tian led everyone away.

Just when I was going downstairs, I bumped into Lin Feng, who was bringing someone with him.

Lin Feng saw Ye Tian and greeted Ye Tian happily.

"Hi! Mr. Ye, long time no see!"

Ye Tianqiang smiled and said, "Mr. Lin, long time no see."

"Mr. Ye is also looking for Director Shi?"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Ye Tian's face darkened.

When Lin Feng saw Ye Tian's look like this, he knew that Ye Tian was depressed in Shi Wen, and he immediately felt much better.

"If there's nothing wrong, I'll leave first!"

Ye Tian took the people and left.

Lin Feng came up with a plan and shouted behind Ye Tian: "Mr. Ye, the special medicine you gave me last time is really useful. Thank you!"

Ye Tian looked panicked, and then noticed that Qitai's people looked at him with a bit of surprise, so Ye Tian hurriedly explained.

"Don't listen to his nonsense. He and I have never dealt with each other. He deliberately messed with me."

Several people looked at Ye Tian, ​​then walked away without saying anything.

This doesn't mean they won't snitch. That night Qi Tai called Ye Tian into his office.

Ye Tian had an ugly smile on his face, "Director Qi, I wonder why you came to me?"

Director Qi sneered, "Don't you know what's going on?"

As he spoke, Qitai threw a pile of information at Ye Tian.

"Damn it, I've been so kind to you, you should repay me with this!"

"How dare you betray me!"

"I never thought that the person who betrayed me would be you!"

"Ye Tian, ​​I think you don't want to live anymore!"

Ye Tian ignored the pain on his body and hurriedly explained: "Dr. Qi, listen to my explanation, this is not the case!"

"Explain? Okay! I'll listen to your explanation!" Qitai gritted his teeth.

Then the people around Qitai stepped forward and suppressed Ye Tian.

"Chop off his fingers and let him explain!"

Ye Tian was very panicked, he didn't want to lose his finger!

"Director Qi, you can't do this to me! Listen to my explanation!"

"I'm going to do this to you? What can you do to me! In my eyes, you are just trash, trash that can be thrown away!"

Qi Tai looked at Ye Tian with contempt, as if he had never taken Ye Tian seriously.

"Chop off his fingers!"

The two bodyguards held Ye Tian down, took out a knife, and tried to chop off Ye Tian's fingers.

Seeing this, Ye Tian was completely panicked.

Then Ye Tian worked hard together to lift the two people on him away, and then walked towards Qitai step by step, exuding the aura of a strong man.

If Lin Feng were present, he would definitely scream in surprise.

This might be the first time he saw the protagonist's aura in Ye Tian.

For the first time, fear arose in Qitai's heart.

"Ye Tian, ​​what do you want to do? I'm warning you, if you dare to hurt me, the Qi family will definitely not let you go!"

Ye Tian curled his lips when he heard Qi Tai's words.

"You think too much, I won't touch you."

"Director Qi, you have seen my strength. I don't need to betray you to get other things. I am wholehearted and loyal to you. Why do you doubt me like this?"

Ye Tian continued to approach Director Qi, "Director Qi, do you believe me now?"

Qi Tai looked at Ye Tian with squinted eyes.

Now he seems to have nothing to disbelieve in Ye Tian. After all, what Ye Tian said is the truth.

"I believe you, Ye Tian!"

"From today on, if I have something to eat, you will have something to eat!"

"The two of us are brothers!"

With such a talent, Qitai knew that he could no longer lose it!

Seeing this, Ye Tian relaxed and smiled.

"Qi Dong is still interesting!"

"From now on, I, Ye Tian, ​​will definitely help Qi Group become the strongest company in the world!"

"Okay! Okay!" Qi Tai looked at Ye Tian with satisfaction.

Lin Feng was dating Shen Qingxue, and the system's voice suddenly sounded in Lin Feng's mind.


"Warning, warning, the protagonist's destiny value is restored to 300, the protagonist's destiny value is restored to 300."

"What! What did you say?" Lin Feng stood up from his seat immediately, startling Shen Qingxue across from him.

"Brother Lin, what's wrong with you?"

Lin Feng realized that he had lost his composure and said hurriedly: "It's okay. I suddenly remembered something just now. It's okay now."

"Keep eating, this shrimp is your favorite."

Lin Feng gave Shen Qingxue some vegetables.

"Okay, thank you, Brother Lin!" Shen Qingxue smiled sweetly, without questioning Lin Feng's words at all.

Lin Feng hurriedly talked to the system in his mind.

"System, what do you mean?"

"What on earth is going on? Why has the protagonist's destiny rebounded?"

"This is because the protagonist has received some opportunities, so the destiny value will be restored."

"I got some opportunities again, my God, the protagonist is different!"

Lin Feng couldn't help but complain.

The system encouraged: "Host, keep up the good work and don't let down your guard!"

Lin Feng resisted the urge to scold his mother, smiled slightly, and said nothing more.

"Qingxue, after dinner, I will take you back. I still have something to deal with."

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