I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 190 Targeting the Villain Lin Feng

"As long as Lin Feng falls, the cooperation between them will naturally end on bad terms. Then all you have to do is reap the benefits!"

Qitai lowered his head and thought deeply.

It was obvious that he had been convinced by Ye Tian.

"Okay, I'll do as you say, but if something goes wrong again, you'll know it!"

"Please rest assured, I will definitely handle this matter!"

Ye Tian turned around and left with a proud smile on his lips.

Lin Feng, let me see how you escape this time!

Lin Feng sat in the office, thinking a lot.

Ye Tian, ​​I'm afraid he will be here soon.

The war between him and the protagonist is about to begin!

The next day.

Ye Tian brought a group of men in black suits to the Lin Group.

"Hello, we are looking for Mr. Lin!"

Seeing this scene at the front desk, he couldn't help but take two steps back.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Ye Tian from the Qi Group. I'm here to talk to Mr. Lin about some business."

"Okay, please wait a moment, I will go and inform Mr. Lin."

Lin Feng, who was calculating when Ye Tian would come to his door, knew that Ye Tian was here when he saw the call from the front desk.

Before the receptionist had time to speak, Lin Feng said: "Bring the people here!"

"Ah! Okay! Mr. Lin! But..." The front desk looked at a group of men in black suits behind Ye Tian, ​​lowered his head and said to Lin Feng: "He has brought a lot of people, and he looks very powerful."

"Oh! Really? It's okay, bring them all!" Lin Feng said nonchalantly.

"Okay! Mr. Lin, do you need me to call a few security guards to follow you?"

"No need! Just a few trash fish!"

"Okay! Mr. Lin!"

The receptionist didn't know why, but he felt particularly at ease when he heard Mr. Lin speak.

After hanging up the phone, the front desk took the person to Lin Feng's office and left.

Lin Feng and Ye Tian looked at each other with sparks in their eyes.

"Mr. Ye, long time no see!"

"Mr. Lin, long time no see!"

"Mr. Ye, please sit down!"

Lin Feng laughed.

Ye Tian shook his head, "No need, I came here just to declare war with you!"

When Lin Feng heard Ye Tian's words, he felt so childish.

Declare war? Declaring war? Are you going to star in the TV series "Let's Watch the Meteor Shower"?

"Okay! I accept it!" Lin Feng said calmly.

Ye Tian looked at Lin Feng in shock, "You didn't even ask me what the declaration of war was about, and you actually agreed?"

"No need!" Lin Feng didn't even look at Ye Tiandao.


Seeing Lin Feng being so arrogant, Ye Tian was almost furious.

"You are looking down on me! Lin Feng, I tell you, I will make you regret it! Anyone who looks down on me will not end well!"

"If you have nothing else to do, just leave!" Lin Feng said lightly.

He really didn't want to talk nonsense with Ye Tian.

Ye Tian sneered, "Your father is not here now, and you are just a general manager. Do you think you can control the Lin Group well?"

"Lin Feng! I advise you to see the reality clearly as soon as possible, otherwise you will regret it!"

After speaking, Ye Tian turned and left.

However, Ye Tian's last words caught Lin Feng's attention.

What do Ye Tian's words mean? Is it possible that there is a mole in the company?

Thinking of this, Lin Feng felt a chill down his back.

Lin Feng hates it the most, and hates other people's back-biting!

In the real world, he has been betrayed by the person he trusts most, and now, he doesn't want to be betrayed again!

"Secretary Liu, come in!"

Lin Feng called Secretary Liu.

Secretary Liu noticed that Lin Feng's tone was wrong and quickly came to Lin Feng's office.

"Mr. Lin, what do you want from me?"

"Investigate who in the company is close to Ye Tian or the Qi Group, as soon as possible!"


After Secretary Liu came out, Shi Chuan hurriedly greeted him.

"Sister Liu, why did Mr. Lin call you over?"

Secretary Liu said in a cold tone, "It's none of your business, just do your part!"

After speaking, Secretary Liu turned and left.

Shi Chuan was a little depressed.

Although he is a waste, he knows that something happened to the Shi Group recently, and he also knows that Lin Feng is helping the Shi Group, but every time he calls his father to ask, his father keeps silent and only tells him to stay away from it.

When Shi Chuan thought of this, anger suddenly surged into his heart.

Everyone tells them to be less involved. Why don’t they have the right to know?

Furious, Shi Chuan rushed into Lin Feng's office.

Lin Feng just raised his eyes and glanced at Shi Chuan, and Shi Chuan was immediately frightened.

"Hello, Mr. Lin!"

"What are you doing here?" Lin Feng was annoyed when he saw people.

Shi Chuan smiled and said, "Mr. Lin, I just want to ask how my dad's company is going? What did those people come to see you for just now?"

Lin Feng frowned, "I won't be able to tell for a while, you can ask your father yourself!"

Shi Chuan was dissatisfied, but after Lin Feng's training, Shi Chuan already knew what fear was.

Just when Shi Chuan was about to leave, Lin Feng's eyes lit up and he suddenly stopped Shi Chuan.

"Shi Chuan, stop!"

"Mr. Lin, what's wrong?" Shi Chuan always had a bad feeling when he heard Lin Feng calling his name.

"I remember that you had a good relationship with everyone in the company!" Lin Feng knew that Shi Chuan was extra generous and got along with everyone in the company, just like a social butterfly.

Speaking of this, Shi Chuan instantly became excited.

"Yes! Mr. Lin, it's not for you to brag. Once I, Shi Chuan, take action, there will be no one I can't make friends with!"

"Okay! Stop talking so much, I'll give you a task!"

Shi Chuan looked at Lin Feng in surprise, wondering, what else could he, a loser, do for Lin Feng?

"Shi Chuan, if this thing is done, it will be good for your company. You have to know that Lin and Shi are now like brothers, relying on each other and neither one can be missing!"

Shi Chuan's expression became serious, "I know!"

Although he is a bit useless, he is Shi Wen's son after all, so he still understands everything.

Lin Feng walked to Shi Chuan, leaned over and said in Shi Chuan's ear:

"you give me……"

After finishing speaking, Lin Feng stood up and looked at Shi Chuan.

Shi Chuan looked at Lin Feng with big eyes and a look of disbelief on his face.

"Do you really want to do this?"

Lin Feng nodded, "Well, I believe you, you can do it!"

An ugly smile appeared on Shi Chuan's face, "Will the expenses be reimbursed?"

Lin Feng asked back, "Do you need to be reimbursed for doing things for your dad?"

Shi Chuan pouted and walked out of the office timidly.

Lin Feng felt much better, "I saved another amount of money!"

On the other side, in a black office, Ye Tian was talking to a person in the shadows.

"Don't worry, as soon as Lin Feng falls, the Lin family will be yours!"

"Why should I trust you?"

Ye Tian smiled slightly, "I am the person sent by Qi Tai. I can take care of Lin Jianfei who is thousands of miles away. I can help you become the helmsman of the Lin family!"

"Okay! I believe you!"

The man in the darkness slowly walked out, and Ye Tian and the man looked at each other and smiled.

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