On that day, Shi Chuan spent a lot of money to treat many leaders to dinner, gathered the leaders together, and went to the most upscale restaurant to eat.

Shi Chuan made an excuse on the surface that he wanted to thank everyone for supporting him and hoped that everyone would take care of him in the future. In fact, it was mainly because after dinner, Shi Chuan would speak ill of Lin Feng with every leader, and also praise each other. He is more suitable to be the helmsman of the Lin family than Lin Feng.

Now all Shi Chuan needs to do is observe who is unusual and report it to Lin Feng when the time comes.

Of course, it didn't go well at the beginning. Shi Chuan was scolded by several people. It wasn't until he got to Lin Feng's uncle that Shi Chuan realized something was wrong.

Lin Feng's uncle Lin Qi worked with Lin Jianfei in the company for many years. Lin Jianfei believed in him, and so did Lin Feng.

Shi Chuan pulled Lin Qi aside and said to Lin Qi: "Mr. Lin, I want to toast you!"

"You're welcome!" Lin Qi's tone was indifferent and distant.

"Haha! Mr. Lin, you are really talented! I think you are much more suitable for managing a company than that piece of shit like Lin Feng!" Shi Chuan said, half drunk and half awake.

With this look, Shi Chuan just felt like he was talking nonsense.

Lin Qi naturally didn't feel wary when he saw Shi Chuan drunk and unconscious.

"Excellent!" Lin Qi said.

When Shi Chuan heard what Lin Qi said, his mind suddenly brightened.

But for the sake of acting, I still pretended to be half drunk and half awake.

"Mr. Lin, don't be humble, I'm telling the truth! If you don't believe me, ask others if they think so!"

Lynch said nothing.

After a long time, Lin Qi said calmly: "You drank too much!"

"Did I drink too much? I didn't drink too much!" Shi Chuan waved his hand, then turned around and went to drink with others!

After drinking, Shi Chuan deliberately said hello to Lin Qi.

"Mr. Lin, good-bye, I will definitely pay you a visit when I have the chance! Burp!" After Shi Chuan finished speaking, he even burped in a cooperative manner.

Lin Qi smiled slightly and didn't say much.

But Shi Chuan didn't know that Shi Chuan's greeting made Lin Qi wary.

Lin Qi was a little curious whether Shi Chuan was pretending to be crazy or doing it deliberately.

After the banquet ended, Shi Chuan hurriedly called Lin Feng when he returned home.

"Hey, Mr. Lin!"

"Well, what did you find out?"

"There's something wrong with your uncle Lin Qi's reaction!" Shi Chuan said cautiously.

"Something's wrong? What's wrong?" Lin Feng asked.

Shi Chuan told Lin Feng one by one about his conversation with Lin Qi.

Lin Feng nodded.

There was something really wrong with Lin Qi, but how could he prove that there was something wrong with him?

Forget it, wait until tomorrow to test him and find out!

"Well done, I will praise you to Uncle Shi."


After hanging up the phone, Shi Chuan was already in ecstasy.

If Lin Feng praises himself to his father, he will definitely be praised by his father, and it will definitely be much easier to get pocket money then!

The next day.

Lin Feng came to the office, where Secretary Liu was waiting for him.

"Secretary Liu, it's so early."

Secretary Liu nodded.

"After my investigation yesterday, Mr. Lin, I found that many people in the company have had contact with Director Qi, but the one who has had the most contact is your uncle Lin Qi."

"Although the Qi Group is indeed very powerful, we have no business relationship with the Qi Group. Why would Lynch want to contact him?"

Secretary Liu shook his head, "I don't know, but I heard others say that they often get together to drink."

Lin Feng nodded, "That's right! I understand."

"You notify us and start a high-level meeting. All senior leaders in the company must be present."


Half an hour later, Lin Feng walked into the conference room.

The originally chattering conference room fell silent instantly.

"Hello everyone, long time no see!" Lin Feng greeted with a smile.

Everyone also responded: "Hello, Mr. Lin!"

"I haven't seen you for so long. Mr. Lin is in good spirits!"

"Mr. Lin is young and has great potential!"

"Everyone, stop being polite and get to the point!" Lin Feng interrupted the unnecessary pleasantries.

There was a moment of embarrassment on everyone's faces.

Lin Feng continued: "Maybe you don't know what happened specifically, but I can briefly tell you."

"The relationship between our group and the Shi Group has been good recently. When the Shi Group encountered some difficulties, the Qi Group pointed its finger at us and wanted to deal with us."

"But to be precise, deal with me, because once I go down, someone will come up!"

"I, Lin Feng, to be honest, what I hate most is betrayal. Anyone who betrays me will not end well!"

Lin Feng's sharp eyes looked around the conference room, and finally fixed his gaze on Lin Qi.

Lin Qi noticed Lin Feng's gaze and felt very uncomfortable.

"What have you been watching me for?"

"It's nothing, I just suddenly remembered you, uncle. You have been working with my dad for many years. My dad also trusts and values ​​you very much. I believe you will never betray my father."

"To be honest, I believe you too!"

Lin Qi smiled slightly and said, "Thank you!"

"But do you know? People's hearts can change. Even if some people were loyal before, they will be blinded by interests and betray the people who trust them the most!"

Lin Feng suddenly changed his tone and his words became sharp.

The meaning of the words is naturally self-evident.

Lin Qi immediately became angry and stood up suddenly, "Lin Feng, what do you mean by this?"

"What I said is very clear, don't you understand?"

Lin Feng looked at Lin Qi calmly.

"Lin Feng, don't go too far! Even your father wouldn't dare to talk to me like that!"

Lynch said angrily.

Lin Feng smiled nonchalantly, "But you have to know that the person in power now is me, Lin Feng, not my father!"

"Uncle, don't blame me for not reminding you. If you have second thoughts, then I will definitely not show mercy to you!"

"Lin Feng, you are so arrogant!" Lin Qi snorted coldly, turned around and left.

Lin Feng did not stop Lin Qi from leaving.

Lin Feng turned to look at everyone.

"Don't blame me for not reminding you."

"For those of you who are friends with Lin Qi, I advise you to cut off your relationship as soon as possible, otherwise I won't have to implicate you when I deal with him in the end!"

After saying that, Lin Feng interrupted the meeting and left the conference room.

Everyone was talking a lot.

"What's going on with Lynch?"

"Who knows? Oh, by the way, I remember that Zheng He from the finance department has a very good relationship with him, right?"

The speaker turned to look at Zheng He, "Zheng He, am I right?"

Zheng He's face darkened, "That's right, what time is it now? Don't drag me into it!"

"Tsk, you look like you're not happy anymore. I was just kidding you!"

"You have to be moderate when joking, just shut your mouth!"

Zheng He turned and left.

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