I never expected that Lin Feng would be related to Shangguan Yi.

Qi Tai hurriedly called Ye Tian.

"Come back here quickly and don't do anything else!"

"And hurry up and release the people you have on hand, otherwise you will reap the consequences!"

"Director Qi, what's wrong?" Ye Tian asked in surprise.

"Why are you asking so many questions? Just do whatever I ask you to do!" After speaking, Qitai hung up the phone angrily.

Ever since Ye Tian came to him, he caused trouble to him every day and never made him feel comfortable.

It seems that he can't stay, otherwise he will be dragged down by him sooner or later.

Ye Tian hung up the phone and looked at the beauty beside him.

"Qingxue, now I can only let you go. Don't tell others that I kidnapped you."

Shen Qingxue stared and said nothing.

Ye Tian stroked Shen Qingxue's hair, then knocked her unconscious and placed her at the door of Shen's house.

As soon as Shen Ping came out of his house, he saw Shen Qingxue and was extremely surprised. Then he hurriedly called Lin Feng.

"Lin Feng, Qingxue is back!"

"what happened?"

"I heard the doorbell ringing, and when I went out to look, I saw Qingxue lying on the ground."

Lin Feng knew that this was all thanks to Shangguan Yi.

"Okay, I understand. You take good care of Qingxue. I'll leave and go see her."

After hanging up the phone, a lot of good news came one after another.

"Mr. Lin, Lin Qi has taken the initiative to plead guilty, saying that he personally accepted and received all the responsibility. He will bear all the responsibilities."

"Mr. Lin, the electric car explosion accident has also been investigated. Someone reported that this person rode back and modified it privately, so it exploded."

"Mr. Lin, another good news is that the person who posted on Weibo jumped out and said that she made it up herself. She doesn't know you at all and has never been in contact with you."

Lin Feng felt relieved after hearing this series of news.

"Yu Die, thank you very much."

"You're welcome! If anything happens to our group in the future, you have to help us!"

"Haha, this is natural!"

Qi Group Office.

"Ye Tian, ​​I can't keep you here anymore, please leave!" Qitai said in a deep voice.

"Director Qi, are you going to kill the donkey?" Ye Tian took a step forward.

"Otherwise? Ye Tian, ​​since you came to me, I haven't had anything to worry about. If you follow me again, I'm afraid my entire company will go bankrupt with you."

"Now Zhang's Group and Shi's Group have joined forces and have seized part of my market."

"You mean to blame me. Every step I take is done only if you agree with it! Besides, I have warned you about some of them before, but you don't care." Ye Tian and Qi Tai started to argue.

Qitai immediately became angry, "What do you mean by saying this? Are you going to blame me again?"

"Ye Tian, ​​don't blame me for not reminding you. Everything you have now is given to you by me. You can take back everything I gave you at any time!"

"Now get out of here, I don't want to see you again."

Ye Tian sneered, then opened his eyes wide and said angrily: "Since I expect you to be like this, then don't blame me for being rude, you will regret it one day in the future!"

After saying that, Ye Tian left angrily.

Qitai looked at Ye Tian's back and felt a bad feeling in his heart.

Here, Lin Feng was preparing to treat Yudie to dinner when the system suddenly prompted.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully plundering the protagonist. The destiny value is 10,000 points."

"The protagonist's destiny value is 70,000 points remaining, and the host's destiny value is 15,000 points."

Lin Feng was stunned. With this operation, he actually robbed Ye Tian's life value of 10,000 points!

This is so cool!

"Hate value increased to 35."

"The host successfully changed the plot and gained 5,000 plot points."

In the original work, Ye Tianhui and Qi Tai joined forces, but now Qi Tai has fallen out with Ye Tian, ​​so Lin Feng changed the plot.

"The host has 9,000 plot points remaining."

After Lin Feng and Yu Die finished eating, they sent Yu Die back, and he hurried back home, ready to use these plot points.

"System, upgrade martial arts skills."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully upgrading. I spent 5,000 plot points and upgraded my martial arts skills to the intermediate level.

"The host currently has 4,000 plot points remaining."

"You can't upgrade anything with 4,000 points. It's better to upgrade various attributes."

"Open the system panel."

"The system panel is opening..."

"The system panel opened successfully!"

[The strongest anti-pretending system]

[Host: Lin Feng]

[Personal assets: 3 billion]

[Strength value: 500]

[Agility value: 150]

[Physique value: 110]

[Charm value: 116]

[Lucky value: 400]

[Hate value: 35 (maximum 100)]

[Note: The above values ​​are converted to 100 for ordinary people]

[Skills acquired]

[Superpower - Golden Vision: Can see through things and analyze their economic value]

[Medical skills: Medical skills are upgraded to intermediate level. 】

[Martial Arts Skills: Master intermediate martial arts skills and can learn various intermediate martial arts. Has learned god-level fighting skills. 】

[Guitar playing skills (gifted by the system)]

[Anti-intellectual halo]

[Villain Energy: 4000]

[Destiny value: 15000]

[Current novel trigger: Doctor 3: Across the World. After the completion reaches a certain value, there is a chance that other novel plots will be triggered]

Lin Feng has already learned the god-level fighting skills, but he has only learned the basic part, and has not learned the intermediate or advanced god-level skills.

It seems that he still needs to practice more. If he can master the god-level fighting skills to the point of perfection, then it should be no problem to deal with Ye Tian.

"Open the training room."

After some hesitation, Lin Feng decided to go to the training room to train first.

"The training room is opening..."

"The host successfully entered the training room."

Lin Feng opened his eyes, and this time he was fighting NPC Ye Tian like last time.

It looks like another fierce battle.

By the time Lin Feng finished training, it was already late at night.

Lin Feng opened his eyes and knew that he had learned the intermediate stage of fighting skills.

But after this training, I felt a little worried.

If he meets Ye Tian, ​​and a fight comes, his martial arts skills will definitely not be enough.

Although I can't learn advanced martial arts by myself, I should still be able to learn the most basic escape martial arts.

"System, open the mall."

"The mall is opening..."

"The product the host wants has been automatically matched to the host."

Lin Feng took a closer look and it turned out that they were all escaping Qinggong.

However, there was an introduction to Qing Gong that caught his attention.

"Fei Que, this light skill does not require the support of internal strength. If you practice it to the point of perfection, you can go to the sky and the earth to avoid being chased by killers who are higher than yourself."

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