I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 195 Learning Qing Gong

"Isn't this tailor-made for me?" Lin Feng said to himself happily.

"Buy Feique!" Lin Feng said this involuntarily before he had time to look at the price.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully purchasing and obtaining the Qinggong 'Flying Bird'."

"Host remaining villain energy: 0."

When Lin Feng heard this number, he was so frightened that he staggered and almost fell.

"What are you talking about! There is zero left! This light skill actually cost me 4,000 energy!"

"Yes, host! This system mall does not support returns."

"Haha!" Lin Feng no longer wanted to say anything more. Anyway, this is what happened, and besides, this martial arts is really good. I won't return it myself.

“Learn ‘Flying Bird’.”

"Learning 'Flying Bird'..."

Lin Feng felt a circle of golden patterns spinning in front of his eyes. Lin Feng looked carefully and found that each golden pattern was a small figure doing various actions.

Before Lin Feng had time to marvel, little golden figures poured into Lin Feng's eyebrows and swirled in Lin Feng's mind.

In just a short while, Lin Feng memorized the martial arts techniques, but he needed more practice if he wanted to be good at using them.

Lin Feng no longer had the energy to enter the training room, so he could only practice in an empty room at home.

Lin Feng stayed up all night. When a cock crow sounded, Lin Feng let out a long sigh of relief.

After a night of practice, he was able to use the flying sparrow so well that he really flew freely like a sparrow in the sky.

As for how well you have learned, you still need to practice it to know.

Lin Feng raised his hand and looked at the time. He knew it was time to go to work, so he packed up and went to work.

I have to say that although Lin Feng didn't sleep all night, he was still in good spirits.

Lin Feng was driving the car, humming to music and looking at the navigation system. Suddenly, Lin Feng found that there were traffic jams on several roads ahead.

Lin Feng frowned and thought about walking through the trail.

If you take the high road, you won't be late when you get to the company.

Although I am in charge, so I don’t have to be so strict with myself, but I am also a role model for everyone, so I still have to do what I want to do.

But Lin Feng didn't know that it was his decision that harmed him.

The path Lin Feng walked was bumpy and bumpy, and he suddenly felt regretful.

I was so crazy that I thought of walking on the trail.

No wonder no one uses the trail. Is it possible to drive on this road?

Just when Lin Feng was complaining, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him and blocked Lin Feng's way.

Lin Feng hurriedly braked, feeling grateful that he was wearing a seat belt, otherwise he would have flown out.

However, Lin Feng was still a little angry. Why did this man rush to the car without looking at the road?

But when Lin Feng saw the person clearly, he was shocked.

"Ye Tian, ​​why are you here?"

Ye Tian sneered, "Nothing, I was just passing by."

Lin Feng didn't believe there was such a coincidence in the world.

"Oh, that's it! If nothing happens, I'll leave first."

Ye Tian's eyes were fierce, "Who told you to leave? Lin Feng, if you are a man, come down here. I have something I want to talk to you about!"

Seeing Ye Tian like this, Lin Feng thought to himself, who is going down?

Do you look like a talker?

"I'm in a hurry to get to work now. If I have anything to do, can we talk about it after get off work?" Lin Feng said with a smile.

Ye Tian sneered, "Lin Feng, is that all you have the courage to do?"

"I advise you to come down, otherwise your car may not be insured in a while!"

Lin Feng squinted his eyes and saw the silver needle in Ye Tian's hand. He sighed and had to get out of the car.

"I'm down, tell me, what do you want to talk about?"

"Even if you are a man, what's the point of relying on women every day?"

When Lin Feng heard Ye Tian's words, he began to think, I remember you were the one who was eating soft rice in the original book, how come you dare to say that I am eating soft rice now?

Oh, by the way, I almost forgot that I took over Ye Tian's soft job.

"I don't quite understand what you mean by this. I have never relied on a woman!"

"I, Lin Feng, always rely on myself!" Lin Feng said confidently.

Ye Tian couldn't help but sneer when he heard Lin Feng's words.

"You didn't rely on women, so what happened to Shangguan Yudie?"

Ye Tian thought that his words could stop Lin Feng's mouth.

But he didn't know that Lin Feng was so shameless that no one could match him.

"I don't know this. She came to me on her own initiative. I'm not familiar with her. I just saved her life and helped her find a family."

Lin Feng felt that he was telling the truth.

But these words sounded different to Ye Tian.

"Shut up, you are so shameless!"

"It's okay to rely on a woman, but you're still here to break up with her. Are you worthy of her?" Ye Tian angrily accused Lin Feng.

Lin Feng was a little confused.

"Doesn't this have something to do with you? Do you have anything else to do? If nothing happens, I'll leave. I'm still in a hurry to get to work!"

Lin Feng didn't want to tangle with the person in front of him anymore.

In fact, the most important thing is that Lin Feng really can't beat Ye Tian, ​​otherwise he would have rushed up and beat him up.

Although I have learned Qinggong Feique, it is for escaping, not for fighting.

"Want to leave? Dreaming!" A trace of evil flashed in Ye Tian's eyes.

Then Ye Tian teleported to Lin Feng, raised his fist and hit Lin Feng.

Lin Feng hurriedly used his god-level fighting skills to block it.

Ye Tian was unprepared and was immediately shocked and took two steps back.

A trace of surprise flashed in Ye Tian's eyes.

He didn't expect Lin Feng to know martial arts.

"Haha, I really underestimated you, but I just used three points of my power. Now, I'll show you my true strength!"

Ye Tian raised his fist and rushed towards Lin Feng again. This punch exerted eight points of Ye Tian's internal strength.

This was also calculated by Ye Tian. At most, Lin Feng would be crippled and not killed.

Lin Feng felt a strong internal force coming toward him, his expression tightened, and he immediately felt the urge to run away.

But the man's dignity forced him to stop where he was.

It's impossible to run, but it's possible to survive!

Lin Feng immediately used Qinggong Flying Bird and missed Ye Tian's fist.

Ye Tian was shocked. He didn't expect Lin Feng to dodge his attack so easily.

"How can it be?"

Lin Feng also didn't expect Fei Que's martial arts to be so powerful.

I thought I couldn't escape, but I didn't expect that I actually escaped!

Ye Tian stopped and looked at Lin Feng warily.

He originally thought that Lin Feng only knew a little self-defense, but he didn't expect that he could have such powerful martial arts.

"It seems that I underestimated you!" Ye Tiandao.


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