I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 203: His fame has grown

The old man raised his eyes and looked at Lin Feng, his cloudy eyes showing a bit of light.

"Why do you want to look at my stuff?"

"Look at the people around you, but they have never looked at me. Are you sure you want to see my things?"

The old man's words were a little confusing to Zhang Er, but Lin Feng didn't think much about it.

"Old man, I'm afraid this thing of yours is extraordinary. If you are willing to let me take a look, I will be able to feast my eyes on it!"

The old man laughed loudly, and then put both hands of the copper bowl into Lin Feng's hands.

Lin Feng took the copper bowl with both hands, and finally put it in his hands to observe it carefully.

Mr. Wang was watching with Lin Feng beside him, thinking that he could see something interesting from it.

But Mr. Wang couldn't see anything from it after looking at it for a long time.

"Lin Feng, what are you looking at here?"

Lin Feng shook his head, then nodded.

"To everyone, this thing may be just an ordinary copper bowl, and it is full of patina, but in my eyes it is different."

"What do you mean by this?" Mr. Wang asked puzzledly.

Next to him, Ye Tian saw Lin Feng pretending to be someone else and shouted impatiently: "Lin Feng, please stop being so mysterious here!"

"Do you think everything is done according to your ideas? Who are you!"

Ye Tian was so angry that he began to speak carelessly.

Everyone looked at Ye Tian with a bit of contempt.

"Who is this kid? He's yelling here!"

"Who knows who it is? I've never seen it!"

"I know, I know, he used to be with Director Qi and Director Zhang, but then they separated for some unknown reason!"

"Separated? I think he was abandoned! He doesn't look like a good guy, and he doesn't speak properly!"


The crowd burst into laughter.

After Ye Tian's old background was exposed, he couldn't survive here.

"Shut up, what do you know?"

"Can you see the preciousness of this jade? You can't even see this, so what qualifications do you have to judge me here!"

Ye Tian angrily scolded everyone!

When everyone saw Ye Tian's mad dog-like appearance, they became even more contemptuous.

"Oh my god! Why does this kid speak so harshly?"

"Security, get this person out quickly!"

"Security! Security!"

At this time, Lin Feng suddenly spoke up and rescued Ye Tian.

"Okay, everyone, stop talking!"

"Let me explain the origin of this copper bowl first. I believe everyone will be very interested."

"And Mr. Ye will definitely lose willingly."

When Ye Tian heard Lin Feng's words, he sneered, "Ha, I'm quite confident!"

"Then let me hear what stories you can make up!"

Ye Tiancai didn't believe what Lin Feng said. He thought Lin Feng was just trying to mess with him.

Everyone turned their attention to Lin Feng, expecting Lin Feng to tell some interesting stories.

Lin Feng puffed up his chest and said confidently: "From the words, it can be seen that the other one is a copper bowl from the Three Kingdoms period. I think everyone knows about the most famous people in the Three Kingdoms period."

"The shape of this bowl is like a flying sculpture, with delicate patterns. In fact, if you wipe off the patina, you can see that the bowl is very shiny, but the rust cannot be wiped off."

"In addition, everyone is looking at the extremely delicate patterns and the lifelike birds, insects and beasts depicted on them."

"You can't make this kind of bowl with ordinary craftsmanship."

"Except inside the palace."

"Let's take another look at which country this bowl is from. Look carefully at the bottom of the bowl. There is a small word "WEI" in the recessed part in the middle."

"It's obviously from the Wei Kingdom period. If my guess is correct, this bowl belongs to the Duke of Wei Kingdom, and maybe it was used by Cao Cao."

"This bowl is priceless!"

After Lin Feng finished speaking, he returned the bowl to the old man.

The old man had a look of satisfaction on his face.

"Well said!"

Lin Feng held up his hand and said, "Thank you!"

Several exclamations gradually erupted from the crowd.

"Oh my god, who is this? Why is he so powerful?"

"The eyes are vicious and extraordinary!"

"I remember he came with Mr. Wang!"

"He actually came with Mr. Wang, no wonder, no wonder!"

When Ye Tian saw this, an embarrassed look flashed across his face.

What Lin Feng said was indeed true. Just now, I blamed myself for my poor eyesight and did not see clearly. I actually embarrassed myself in front of Lin Feng again.

Now everyone turned their attention to Ye Tian, ​​wondering how this kid would deal with himself now.

Lin Feng looked at Ye Tian, ​​"Mr. Ye, do you have anything else to say now?"

Ye Tian glanced at the middle-aged man next to him, showing no intention of helping him out.

The crowd also started to boo.

"Get out of here! You dare to play with anything here!"

"How dare you hang around here without two brushes!"

"You can't speak, and you don't have any skills. Get out of here!"

Ye Tiantian became anxious, his face flushed, and he looked at the people around him angrily.

"Shut up, what do you know?"

"Do you think you are great? Let me tell you, if I, Ye Tiantian, succeed one day, I will definitely not let you go!"

"Don't bully young people into poverty!"

Ye Tian waved his hands and left angrily.

Everyone still pointed at Ye Tian.

Lin Feng squinted his eyes and looked at Ye Tian's back.

The protagonist speaks differently!

Mr. Wang stepped forward when he saw that everything was okay.

At this time, Mr. Wang walked in and saw a little bit of the secret, so Mr. Wang stepped forward and asked the old man, "Look at this bowl, how much do you want to sell it for? I can pay any amount."

The old man smiled slightly and said, "I won't sell this bowl, I will only exchange it for something. Isn't this the theme of this banquet?"

Mr. Wang had a troubled look on his face.

He also has a collection comparable to this treasure, but all his collections are his treasures, and he is absolutely reluctant to exchange them.

The old man saw Mr. Wang's embarrassment and said with a smile: "I know you, old guy, can't bear to part with it, so don't want my copper bowl!"

Everyone was shocked when they heard what the old man said.

Why does this old man speak so rudely?

Mr. Wang laughed loudly, "I thought you were pretending to be addicted, but I didn't expect it to be revealed in just a few words!"

Everyone was even more confused when they heard this, wondering what was going on?

Lin Feng was also confused.

After all, the plot has actually deviated from the original work, and many, many things have quietly changed.

However, Lin Feng suddenly remembered that in the original work, Mr. Wang took Ye Tian to a barter banquet. It was at that banquet that Ye Tian met the most mysterious family in the imperial capital and the most awesome family - Lao Long, the clan leader of the Dragon Clan. just.

Because the original work didn't explain it in detail, Lin Feng didn't know the details.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng looked at the old man with an unusual look.

Could it be that this old man is Long Zheng!

Long Zheng smiled and said: "I'm not saying that the young people you brought this time are really good."

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