I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 204 Long Zheng Appears

"It's a bit of a look. The young man just now is actually okay, but there is a bit of distance from the one you brought."

Seeing this, Mr. Wang introduced Lin Feng: "Let me introduce you, this is my friend and the elder of the Dragon Clan, Long Zheng!"

The crowd suddenly seemed to explode and started making noises.

"Holy shit, it's actually the old Long Zheng from the Dragon Clan!"

"It's so surprising, how could it be?"

"Oh my god, I never thought in my whole life that I would be able to meet a legend like Long Zheng!"

"I didn't expect that either! It's such a surprise!"

The reason why Long Zheng is so admired is not just because he is the elder of the Dragon Clan, but also because of his glorious deeds.

When Long Zheng was young, he led the Dragon clan to found the Long Group and became the number one group in China.

And he also led the Long Group to expand overseas and become one of the top five groups in the world.

This is not something anyone can do.

Although Long Zheng is old and retired now, his glorious deeds are still spread among the people.

Many people regard him as an idol.

Lin Feng had already guessed it, so he wasn't too surprised.

Lin Feng smiled slightly, stretched out his hand and shook hands with Long Zheng.

Long Zheng narrowed his eyes. Now that he has reached his status, there are few people who can sit on an equal footing with him and shake hands with him.

The boy in front of me actually dared to shake hands with him. He really treated himself as a person.

But even if Long Zheng thought so, he still extended his hand, because Lin Feng was indeed good enough for Long Zheng to take a high look at him!

"Hello, I am Lin Feng, the chairman and president of Lin Group. Nice to meet you!"

"Lin Feng?" Long Zheng was a little surprised. He had heard about Ling Feng for a long time. He heard that he was a young man with great talents. When he saw him today, he was indeed extraordinary.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect it to be you, I've heard about it for a long time!"

Mr. Wang looked at Long Zheng beside him, "How's it going? Isn't this guy good? This is my person, don't even think about poaching someone from me!"

Long Zheng nodded, "Not bad, not bad!"

"I won't poach people from you, but Mr. Lin, if you are interested in coming to work for me, I will ensure that you and your company will prosper."

Hearing this, Mr. Wang was so angry that his beard was blown to the sky.

"Long Zheng, you are so unjust!"

"Haha, just kidding!" Long Zheng patted Mr. Wang on the shoulder and continued: "Come on, I'll buy you a drink!"

Long Zheng raised his hand, and two young men with their heads lowered came over and put away Long Zheng's copper bowl.

Wang Lao looked at the copper bowl reluctantly.

"You kid, you just want to covet me. Let's see if I don't drink you down today!"

"Okay, let's go!"

Long Zheng and Mr. Wang left chatting and laughing, while Lin Feng followed behind without saying much.

Everyone looked at it, feeling envious.

"I'm so envious of Lin Feng. He got to know people like Long Zheng and Mr. Wang all at once. His future is bound to be limitless!"

"There's no limit to what I can do now. He has already moved the Lin family to the imperial capital!"

"Oh my god, what kind of business genius is this!"

On the other side, Ye Tian was walking on the road, his eyes full of anger and his mouth swearing.

"Damn Lin Feng, it's you again, you always ruin my good deeds!"

"I will never let you go!"

"Just wait for me!"

At this time, Ye Tian's eyes were burning with blazing flames.

Long Zheng took Mr. Wang and Lin Feng to a private restaurant.

"Hey, why haven't I been to this place before?" Mr. Wang exclaimed.

Long Zheng smiled mysteriously, "Of course you haven't been here before. This is my new discovery. I even invested in it. You can all come here to eat in the future!"

"Okay, the decoration looks good, let's go in!" Long Zheng and Wang Lao walked inside, and Lin Feng followed behind to observe the decoration of the private restaurant.

This private restaurant is called Meng Kong.

The name is a bit convoluted, but there’s really nothing to say about the decoration.

Six words can completely describe the decoration here, that is, low-key, luxurious and atmospheric.

Compared with the previous Zhenghua Hotel, it's like heaven and earth.

No, wasn't this Zhenghua Hotel founded by the Long family? He also used a word for Long Zheng as his name, which is very different from Long Zheng's taste.

Lin Feng couldn't help but wonder.

But the mystery was soon revealed.

After Long Zheng ordered the food, he turned to Mr. Wang and Lin Feng and said, "The food at this restaurant is really good. You will know after you take a look at it!"

“The food at other restaurants is incomparable to this one!”

Seeing this, Lin Feng took the opportunity to ask: "Mr. Long, there is something I don't understand."

"Is this restaurant even more delicious than the Eastern and Western dishes at your Zhenghua Restaurant?"

When Long Zheng heard Lin Feng's words, a look of disgust appeared on his face.

"Don't mention it, can you eat the food in the hotel? That's all for others to pretend to be."

Lin Feng was a little surprised when he heard Long Zheng's refreshing and refined words.

Although I had long known that Long Zheng had this kind of personality, I was still a little surprised when I heard it up close.

When Mr. Wang heard Long Zheng's words, he frowned, "Can't you be more careful about your image in front of this junior?"

"Okay, okay, I know!" Long Zheng said impatiently, and then he seemed to think of something and said: "But I heard that you and Lin Feng are friends. You and I are friends, so naturally Lin Feng and I are not If we are also friends, then we are not considered juniors, but equals!"

Although this was a joke, it made Lin Feng tense up and immediately stood up and said:

"Mr. Long, don't say that. Mr. Wang and I are indeed friends, but I respect him more, and the same goes for you!"

Long Zheng squinted his eyes and looked Lin Feng up and down.

Then he burst out laughing, "I was just kidding, you look nervous, sit down quickly, sit down quickly!"

Lin Feng then sat down and said, "Okay."

"Mr. Long, please rest assured. If you have anything you need my help with, just ask me and I will do my best to do it!"

"Okay! Brother Lin is really a cheerful person. Don't worry, you are both Mr. Wang's friend and mine. If someone dares to bully you, just tell me and I will help you deal with him!"

"Okay!" Lin Feng smiled slightly.

Seeing this, Mr. Wang next to him called the two of them to eat quickly.

After eating, Mr. Wang and Lin Feng said goodbye to Long Zheng and left on their own.

Lin Feng sat in Wang Lao's car and was thinking a lot.

It's been quiet in the car.

Mr. Wang suddenly spoke up, breaking the silence, "Lin Feng, although I didn't get any valuable treasure this time, it's not a loss since I introduced you to Long Zheng."

"I have withdrawn from this world. I can't help you with anything. You just follow Long Zheng. He will be able to help you when the time comes."

"The other thing is that you have to be careful about Shangguan Yi, do you understand?"

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