I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 211: Drive away the troublemakers







Seeing that there were only thirty seconds left, everyone panicked.

"Are you leaving or not? This person really doesn't look like someone to be bullied!"

"If you don't leave, are you really going to get into trouble just to earn this little money?"

"Forget it, I'm leaving, I don't care!"

Soon one person left. As long as one person left, the others also left one after another. The leader inside shouted anxiously.

"What are you doing?"

"You all come back here, do you still want your salary?"

"Come back to me!"

Lin Feng slowly walked to the leader.

"So you are their leader!" Lin Feng had a "kind" smile on his face that made people sweat on their backs.

When the leader saw Lin Feng, he took two steps back uncontrollably.

"No, no, no, I'm not!"

The leader turned around and planned to leave, but Lin Feng did not intend to let him go so easily.

"Want to leave? No way!"

Lin Feng grabbed the head.

The leader struggled, trying to break free from Lin Feng's restraints.

However, he found that Lin Feng's strength was surprisingly strong. He almost broke his wrist and was unable to break free from Lin Feng's hand.

"Come with me!" Lin Feng dragged the leader into the group.

At this time, Lin Feng was a devil in the eyes of the boss.

"I tell you, you are illegally imprisoned. Do you believe it or not? I will sue you!"

"Sue me? Oh, do you believe that I will send you to the police station first?"

"Don't blame me for not reminding you, the fact that you organized a crowd to make trouble is enough to make you drink a pot!"

Lin Feng's words completely frightened the leader.

The leader had an ugly smile on his face and said flatteringly: "Director Lin, if you have something to say, please tell me. Don't just go to the bureau!"

"You also know that I am old and can't stand too much stimulation!"

"Really? Then follow me in!" Lin Feng dragged the leader into his office.

Inside the office.

A man stood shivering in the middle of the room, his head lowered, and his eyes occasionally glanced at the cold-faced man opposite.

"Tell me, who sent you here?" Lin Feng asked casually, turning over the things in his hands.

"No one!" The leader met Lin Feng's cold eyes and his tone gradually weakened.

"You all came here of your own volition, no one sent us here."

"Oh, really?" Lin Feng raised his eyes and looked at the leader, "Are you sure?"

After being asked this question by Lin Feng, the leader's attitude began to waver.

"Are you sure?"

"Are you sure? Give me a positive answer, otherwise I will throw you off the stairs today!" Lin Feng said angrily.

This sentence completely frightened the leader, who fell to his knees on the ground.

"Director Lin, I was wrong, I was really wrong, I really didn't mean it!"

"We just want to make a living. Others ordered us to go there. They paid us wages and hired us!"

Lin Feng nodded, "Well, tell me who hired you?"

"This..." The leader had a troubled expression on his face, "This can't be said. This is all confidential. Our professional requirements require that we cannot reveal the name of our employer."

"What about this?" Lin Feng took out a card and threw it in front of the boss.

The leader's eyes suddenly lit up when he saw the card in front of him.

"This, this, this..."

"There are 300,000 in it."

For Lin Feng, 300,000 is just a drop in the bucket, but for an ordinary person like the boss, it should be his income for several years.

The leader's mouth immediately split behind his ears.

"Thank you, Director Lin! Director Lin is so generous!" The leader hurriedly put the card away and put it in his arms.

"Can we talk now?"

The leader chuckled, "To be honest, we really don't know who it is. He contacted us via WeChat, sent us money, and paid the deposit. I can tell you the WeChat ID, but I really don't know who it is!" "

Lin Feng felt like he was being tricked.

However, he also knew that the leader did not tell any more lies. After all, smart people like Zhang Feng and Qi Tai would definitely not show up in person and send people to find the gunman.

"Okay, I'll add you on WeChat soon, and all the transaction records, trading accounts, chat records, etc. between the two of you will be given to my secretary."

"Okay, okay!"

The boss happily went out to hand over to Secretary Liu.

Lin Feng leaned on the boss's chair, letting his whole body sink in and frowning.

This matter is really difficult to deal with. Qi Tai and Zhang Feng are not terrible, but it is difficult to deal with them together.

Secretary Liu knocked on the door and came in.

"Mr. Lin, the WeChat account and trading account that the boss just gave us can't find anything."

"Well, okay." Lin Feng was not too surprised. He had already expected this result.

"Let's find a way first to remove the hot search on Weibo. For other things, let me think about how to deal with it."


Secretary Liu stepped back.

Lin Feng looked out the window.

Things are really difficult to deal with now.

Originally, there was disagreement within the company over the matter of moving the company headquarters, and now that something like this has happened, I'm afraid there will be another big fuss.

Lam Group's shares plummeted overnight.

Everyone in the company was also panicked, and the shareholders also decided to convene a shareholders' meeting to remove Lin Feng from his post.

Secretary Liu hurriedly told Lin Feng about this.

"Chairman, look, what should we do now?"

"Don't worry, I will support you no matter what!"

"Yeah, I know. Don't panic, tell them to hold a shareholders' meeting tomorrow morning." Lin Feng thought for a while and said.

Secretary Liu looked at Lin Feng in shock.

"Director Lin and the others are going to remove you from your post!"

"Don't be afraid, don't worry, no one else can take my things away, and you can't take them away!"

Lin Feng didn't take these scum in his eyes at all. For him, it was easy to deal with these small shareholders.

When Secretary Liu saw Lin Feng, he believed Lin Feng's words for some reason and suddenly became full of confidence.

"Okay, Director Lin, I will spread the news now."

Secretary Liu stepped on Hentiangao and turned to leave.

Lin Feng knew that he was indeed in a difficult time now. It would not be impossible to solve it by himself, but he was really too lazy to bother with it.

Why not give Long Zheng a try?

Lin Feng thought of this conjecture and immediately implemented it.

But the busy tone on the phone that followed made Lin Feng give up the idea.

This Long Zheng didn't answer his call. Sure enough, his words that day were just a few polite words.

Lin Feng was thinking about this and the phone beeped. Lin Feng picked up the phone and saw that it was Long Zheng calling.

Lin Feng hurriedly picked up the phone.

"Hey! Is it Lin Feng?"

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