I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 212 Long Zheng comes forward

Mr. Long's vigorous and powerful voice came from the phone.

"Yes, Mr. Long!"

"Lin Feng, why are you calling me? Are you encountering any difficulties?" Long Zheng asked with concern.

When Lin Feng heard this, his nose felt sore.

This father-like concern made me a little touched.

"Yes, I have encountered some difficulties. You may not be online, so you don't know what happened. Now the Internet is full of people bullying me."

"Of course these are not important. The main reason is that the Qi family and the Zhang family have joined forces to deal with me. I am a little overwhelmed. I hope Mr. Long can help me. I will definitely retaliate."

Elder Long narrowed his eyes when he heard Lin Feng's words.

In fact, he had heard about Lin Feng's matter for a long time, but he thought it had nothing to do with him. But now that Lin Feng came to him for help, he must have really no choice.

But he felt that with Lin Feng's talent, it was impossible to be restrained by Zhang Feng and Qi Taina so easily.

"I'm afraid you didn't come to me because you were afraid of trouble!" Long Zheng exposed Lin Feng's true face with just one sentence.

Lin Feng chuckled, "I was discovered by you!"

"Mr. Long, just give them a warning for me. You don't need to do anything else!"

Mr. Long laughed loudly, "Haha! Then how are you going to repay me?"

"I will definitely deliver a rare treasure to your house, and I guarantee that you will be satisfied!"

"In that case, don't worry, I will definitely help you!"

"Haha, thank you for your hard work, Long Lao!"

After hanging up the phone, Long Zheng called Qi Tai.

At this time, Qi Taizheng and Zhang Feng proudly discussed the next plan.

"This Lin Feng must be at a loss now. He is probably lying somewhere crying!"

"After all, he is a child, how can he fight with the two of us?"

"I heard that they seem to be convening a shareholders' meeting to remove Lin Feng from his post. If the Lin Group removes Lin Feng from his post, I'm afraid it will have no future!"

The two laughed in unison.

Zhang Pengfei heard this from the side and said proudly: "I see how Lin Feng is still so arrogant in front of me!"

"When this period of time passes, I will find someone to kill him!"

Zhang Pengfei's eyes were filled with vicious light.

"When he is down and out, he won't be able to come to us for charity like a dog. Son, please don't be angry anymore. You don't know and this kind of rubbish!"

"Yes, he will be trash from now on, and he will no longer be the superior Director Lin! Let's see how he can be arrogant with us in the future!" Qi Tai said loudly.

Everyone laughed in unison.

In their eyes, this battle was already their victory.

Just then a cell phone ring interrupted such a beautiful atmosphere.

Qi Tai knew that this was the ringtone of his cell phone and complained about his bad mood. Then he picked up the phone and looked at it. Unexpectedly, it was Long Zheng calling!

Qitai looked at the two of them, "It's Mr. Long who's calling!"

Zhang Feng looked serious, "Hurry up and see what he says!"

They didn't think it was okay for Long Zheng to call them at this time.

"Hey, Mr. Long, why did you call me? Do you have something to tell me?" Qitai's attitude was extremely respectful.

"Haha, Xiao Qi!" If someone dared to call Qi Tai "Xiao Qi", Qi Tai would definitely be anxious with that person, but if it was Mr. Long, Qi Tai would feel that this was a form of respect.

"Hey, Mr. Long!"

"Xiao Qi, what's wrong with you and Xiao Zhang? Why do you want to jointly denounce Lin Feng of the Lin Group?" Mr. Long asked kindly.

Qitai's expression tightened, and he knew that it would definitely be up to Mr. Long to call him at this time.

"Hey, Mr. Long, why bother you with this kind of thing? It's just a little friction!"

"That's it! Since it's just a small friction, let's end it here. After all, Lin Feng and I are half friends. You shouldn't embarrass my friend!" Mr. Long's words scared Qi Tai. of cold sweat.

What the hell, Lin Feng is actually friends with Long Tou!

In this imperial city, Mr. Long is the only one who can be considered as a friend, but Mr. Wang is probably the only one.

What kind of thing is this Lin Feng? A little brat can actually be friends with Mr. Long!

But these words have already come out of the old mouth, can it still be false?

"Okay, Mr. Long, I understand!"

"Don't worry, I will handle this matter properly and I will never embarrass your friend."

When Zhang Pengfei saw this, his expression changed drastically, and he spoke to stop it.

"Why? This Lin Feng..."

Before Zhang Pengfei could finish his words, Zhang Feng slapped him with a big mouth.

"Shut up, is this the time for you to speak?!" Zhang Feng lowered his voice and roared angrily.

Zhang Pengfei covered his face and looked at Zhang Feng in disbelief.

"Hey, what's the sound over there?" Mr. Wang asked when he heard something moving on the phone.

Qi Tai hurriedly explained: "It's okay, it's just that a servant fell down, and he really doesn't know how to do things!"

"Oh, is that so? That requires more training!"

"Haha, okay, Mr. Long!"

"Okay, if you have nothing else to do, just hang up!" Elder Long hung up the phone on his own initiative.

Qitai looked at the phone in his hand, dazed.

Zhang Feng noticed that something was wrong with Qi Tai's face, so he stepped forward and asked cautiously: "Old Qi, what's wrong?"

Qi Tai turned to look at Zhang Feng, "Mr. Long has already spoken, what else can I do, I can only let Lin Feng go!"

As soon as these words came out, the air fell into a deathly silence.

After a long time, Zhang Feng came to his senses and then slowly said: "How could Lin Feng be related to Mr. Long?"

Qitai sighed, "Isn't it easy to say this?"

"The relationship between Lin Feng and Mr. Wang is good, and Mr. Wang and Mr. Long have a good relationship. If Lin Feng keeps hanging out with Mr. Wang, he will naturally get to know Mr. Long."

Zhang Feng hesitated, "But I have a good relationship with Mr. Wang. I have been with him for a long time, but he has never brought me to see Mr. Long!"

Qi Tai took a deep breath, "Who knows what kind of magic this Lin Feng used? He actually made everyone look down upon him!"

"Alas~" Zhang Feng sighed.

Zhang Pengfei was a little angry after being slapped just now. Now that he knew about this, his anger only increased.

"Is it possible to let Lin Feng off so easily?"

"I'm not willing to do it. If you don't continue to do it, then I will do it myself. In short, I want to get rid of Lin Feng!" Zhang Pengfei had completely lost his mind at this time, and his heart was filled with hatred for Lin Feng.

Seeing this, Zhang Feng stepped forward to persuade him: "Son, please bear with me for a while. In ancient times, Gou Jian still knew how to lie down on the firewood and taste courage. Can you please bear with it?"

"I can't bear it! Why should I bear it?! I am the eldest young master of the Zhang family, why should I bear with him?"

Zhang Pengfei has been pampered since he was a child. When has he ever suffered such injustice?

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