Seeing this, Zhang Feng continued to persuade: "Dad knows that he has struck hard just now, so don't be angry with dad anymore. Besides, we will have plenty of opportunities to deal with Lin Feng in the future. Don't worry about it for a while!"

Zhang Pengfei looked at Zhang Feng coldly, "If we weren't related by blood, I would have returned the slap you gave me just now!"

"Zhang Feng, let me tell you, since you don't want to help me, then I will find a way on my own. From now on, the worst we can do is cut off our blood relationship!"

Hearing this, Zhang Feng almost spit out a mouthful of old blood in anger.

"You rebellious son, do you want to piss me off to death?"

Zhang Pengfei did not answer Zhang Feng's words, but expressed his attitude with practical actions.

"Goodbye!" Zhang Pengfei turned around decisively and left the Zhang family.

"You traitor, stop here!" Zhang Feng shouted angrily.

Zhang Pengfei turned a deaf ear.

Qi Tai advised from the side: "Lao Zhang, the child is still young, don't worry about it like a child!"

"He's not young anymore, he's already over 20! He's becoming more ignorant every day, and it's almost driving me to death!"

"Alas!" Qitai sighed, what could he do?

Lin Feng sent people to clarify these rumors and also issued a lawyer's letter warning.

The next day.

The shareholders' meeting continued as usual, and Lin Feng was naturally the protagonist of this shareholders' meeting.

"Today, I convened this shareholders' meeting according to everyone's ideas. I wonder what the purpose is?"

Lin Feng looked at everyone.

Everyone was whispering to each other, but all the topics they talked about were related to Lin Feng.

"How can Lin Feng still be so energetic today? Does he really not know what our so-called purpose is?"

"Who knows, maybe there is something wrong with my brain!"

"Does Lin Feng have any countermeasures for this?"

"What countermeasures can be taken? He has offended so many people and still insists on going his own way. He has to move the Li Group to the imperial capital, otherwise he will not be attacked by the Qi family and the Zhang family."

"Well said!"

An older shareholder looked up at Lin Feng.

"Director Lin, I believe you have heard what everyone just said. Although you have a lot of shares, you have made irreparable mistakes now, so we jointly revoked your positions as chairman and president. I wonder if you have any objections?"

This shareholder is Lynch.

Lin Qi's previous attempt to join forces with Zhang Feng to deal with Lin Feng failed. Although Lin Feng finally exposed him and exposed his own evidence, he is still a shareholder of the company, so he still has a certain say in the company.

Lin Feng sneered, "Uncle Qi, I didn't expect you to dare to talk about me here. If I hadn't let you go, do you think you could still sit in this conference room and talk to me face to face?"

When Lin Qi heard Lin Feng's words, his face suddenly turned red.

"What do you mean by this? Lin Feng, do you think it's uncle that I'm sorry for you?" Lin Qi still wanted to slap him down.

But Lin Feng didn't like this.

"You are not sorry for me, you are sorry for my father's trust in you!"

"Uncle Qi, let me tell you, now I am trying to save your face. If you don't repent, then I will make all the scandalous things you have done public. Then we will see who is the uglier!"

"You..." Lin Qi said for a long time and you couldn't explain why.

Lin Feng sneered, "Uncle Qi, if you're fine, just sit down first! Don't tire yourself out by standing all the time."

Lin Qi felt uncomfortable hearing this sarcasm, which was similar to concern.

"Hmph, you can do whatever you want, just pretend you don't have me as your uncle!"

Lin Qi scolded angrily, threw down a few words, and turned around to leave.

Lin Feng sat in his seat, unmoved.

Lin Qi walked to the door, thinking that Lin Feng would come and stop him, but he didn't expect that he wouldn't even look at him. At this time, Lin Qi was in a dilemma whether he was going out or not.

"Shi Chuan, didn't you see that the chairman can't open the door? Why don't you help him open the door quickly?"

"Yes!" Shi Chuan took small steps and helped Lin Qi open the door of the conference room.

Lin Qi's face was extremely ugly at this time, "Lin Feng, you will regret it!"

Lynch raised his feet

Leave the meeting room.

When Shi Chuan saw Lin Qi leaving, he closed the conference room door.

But Shi Chuan didn't pay attention and accidentally closed the door loudly.

Lin Qi, who was walking in front, only heard a "bang" sound behind him. Lin Qi looked back and saw that the door was closed, and his face was tens of thousands of times uglier than before.

This Lin Feng is so abominable, this is a humiliation to himself!

Lynch gritted his teeth and glared at the conference room, then turned and left.

But even if Lin Qi left, everyone was still dissatisfied with Lin Feng, because what happened in the past few days had indeed harmed the company's interests.

"Director Lin, the company has suffered huge losses because of you. The stock price has dropped by 20%. How do you think this account should be calculated?"

"Director Lin, although you are young, I think you should still listen to the opinions of the old man. After all, the old man has eaten more salt than you have walked!"

"Quiet, let me speak!" Lin Feng turned his gaze to everyone.

Everyone turned their attention to Lin Feng.

"Everyone, please watch the news this morning!"

Lin Feng picked up the remote control and turned on the multimedia in the conference room. After Lin Feng's operation, a piece of news was projected onto it.

This piece of news was clearly the apology made by Qi Tai and Zhang Feng for accusing Lin Feng that day, saying that it was all a misunderstanding and that Lin Feng was a very good entrepreneur.

Everyone was shocked and looked at Lin Feng in disbelief.

"How is that possible? The two families have come together to apologize to you!"

"Isn't this video an edited video?"

"Not necessarily. Can't we find out if we pick up the phone and check it?"

Everyone felt very concerned when they heard this and hurriedly took out their mobile phones to check.

You won’t know if you don’t check, but you’ll be shocked if you check.

Many people spread rumors that a rich woman was protecting Lin Feng, but many also said that Mr. Long personally called Lin Feng.

As for authenticity, it is difficult to tell.

"In short, I have solved the matter. This is just a small episode for us. The group's shares will be restored soon and all losses will be compensated."

"I hope everyone will stop making trouble about this matter in the future."

"Do you have anything else to do?" Lin Feng scanned the crowd with a pair of sharp eagle eyes.

Everyone was frightened by Lin Feng's eyes and froze, then shook their heads unconsciously.

"If there is nothing else, today's meeting will be dismissed! But I want to tell you one thing here. This company belongs to me, Lin Feng, and it will always belong to me, Lin Feng. No one should have any evil thoughts, otherwise Don’t blame me for being ruthless!”

When everyone heard this, they all held their breath.

"The meeting is over!" Lin Feng turned and left.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

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