I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 221 Assassination and Negotiation

Then, Zhang Feng suddenly pulled out a knife and rushed towards Lin Feng.

Secretary Liu saw it with sharp eyes and wanted to rush forward to block Lin Feng's knife. Unexpectedly, Lin Feng pushed Secretary Liu away and then grabbed Zhang Feng's wrist with one hand.

"Want to kill me?"

Zhang Feng's eyes were fierce, "Lin Feng, you forced me to a desperate situation, I'm going to kill you and pay for my Zhang Group's life!"

"Kill me? You are worthy of it!" Lin Feng sneered and put force on his hand. There was a click and the blade fell to the ground.

And Zhang Feng's wrist has been disabled.

Zhang Feng covered his wrist and shouted in pain.

"It hurts so much! Ah!"

Lin Feng lowered his head and looked at Zhang Feng who was lying on the ground, "Zhang Feng, you are responsible for all this now. I am giving you a chance. If you continue to be ungrateful, I will send you to the police station and let you You will regret it for the rest of your life!"

Zhang Feng lowered his head and said nothing, huge tears rolling out of his eyes.

At this time, he already regretted his original decision.

This decision was enough to make him regret it for the rest of his life.

The next day.

Lin Feng led his people to acquire the Zhang Group.

From then on, the Lin Group and the Shangguan Group were the third largest group in the imperial capital.

Shangguan Yi knew Lin Feng's actions and his eyes were sinister.

This Lin Feng is really powerful, he actually forced the Zhang Group into such a desperate situation, bought it out, and won over a wave of people's hearts.

Shangguan Yudie happily said to Shangguan Yi: "I didn't expect that Lin Feng is quite powerful, but it's a pity that he is already married."

"I made his wedding suit for him!" Shangguan Yudie sighed regretfully.

Shangguan Yi looked up at Shangguan Yudie, "Yes, what a pity!"

"This guy Lin Feng has an unlimited future. If we can marry him, then our Shangguan Group is expected to become the top conglomerate in the world."

Shangguan Yi's ambition has become obvious.

However, Shangguan Yudie thought Shangguan Yi was just joking and didn't pay much attention.

"Oh, who made me act too late? What a pity, what a pity!" Shangguan Yudie shook her head regretfully.

"Okay, dad, I'm going to go play with Shen Qingxue!" Shangguan Yudie left happily like a light butterfly.

Shangguan Yi looked at Shangguan Yudie's back, showing some kindness in his eyes.

Then thinking of Lin Feng's development, his eyes suddenly became hard.

If Lin Feng continues to develop, it will become a serious problem sooner or later!

Just then the secretary walked in.

"Director Yi, President Qi of the Qi Group is here and wants to discuss something important with you."

"You have something important to discuss with me?"

Shangguan Yi was a little surprised. He had no business dealings with the Qi Group. Why did Qi Tai come to him?

"Invite him in first."


In the distance, Shangguan Yi heard rapid footsteps.

"Yidong!" Qitai came in, looking very excited.

"Director Qi, what are you doing? So excited!" Shangguan Yi stepped forward to talk to him.

Qitai was in tears at this time.

"Yidong, you must help me!"

"Director Qi, what's going on? Tell me, don't be so excited." Shangguan Yi thought that Qi Tai came to him at this time, maybe he had something to do with Lin Feng.

Qi Tai controlled his emotions, and then said slowly: "Yidong, you don't know, Lin Feng has already acquired the Zhang Group, and his next step will definitely be to attack our Qi Group."

Shangguan Yi was surprised, "What do you mean?"

Qi Tai let out a long sigh, sat on the sofa nearby, and then said slowly: "Dong Yi, you don't know that when Lin Feng came to the imperial capital, Zhang Feng and I went to target him together in order to drive him out of the imperial capital. , I didn’t expect it to fail in the end.”

"After the failure, we thought that at most we could ask him to seize some market."

"I didn't expect that Lin Feng would directly push the Zhang Group into a desperate situation and even acquire the Zhang Group."

"He will definitely come to our Qi Group next."

"What do you think we should do about this?!"

Now Qitai is worried and scared.

Shangguan Yi fell into deep thought.

Lin Feng is gaining momentum now, and he might do something. If he doesn't help Qi Tai, Lin Feng might be his next target.

But if he helps Qi Tai openly, he is clearly going against Lin Feng, and then Lin Feng will have to come and deal with him.

This is how to do?

Now Shangguan Yi is also in a dilemma.

He had installed micro cameras and monitors in Lin Feng's company before, but he didn't expect them to be removed by Lin Feng. Lin Feng must have noticed it, but he was concerned about Shangguan Yudie, so he didn't expose himself.

Now, if I really fall out with Lin Feng on the surface, I think both sides will suffer.

"Let me think about it first."

Shangguan Yi frowned and didn't say a word all morning. He took a sip of water.

Qi Tai was also restless on the side.

It wasn't until around 1 p.m. that Shangguan Yi moved his body.

"This matter..." Shangguan Yi's voice has become hoarse.

After Shangguan Yi noticed it, he took a sip of water before continuing: "Things have reached this point now. As one of the five major families in our imperial capital, I, Shangguan Yi, will definitely help you."

"But I can't help you next year."

Qi Tai was surprised when he heard Shangguan Yi's words, "Dong Yi. What do you mean by that?"

Shangguan Yi said slowly: "Because my daughter has a good relationship with Lin Feng, if I help you openly, it will make everyone look bad. You also know that my daughter has just come back, and I don't want to make her sad." .”

In fact, this was just Shangguan Yi's excuse. What he was really afraid of was that if he failed, Lin Feng's next target would turn to him.

Qi Tai naturally understood, but in order to take Shangguan Yi's face into consideration, he pretended not to know.

"Dong Yi, I understand. If you can choose to help me, I will naturally be grateful!"

"This is not only helping you, but also helping myself!"

"Next let's talk in detail about how to proceed."

Shangguan Yi has a faint smile on his face

"Okay!" Qitai said hurriedly.

After that, the two started talking for several hours.

It wasn't until evening that Qitai came out of Shangguan Group.

When he went in, Qi Tai's face was full of sadness. When he came out, Qi Tai's face could be said to be glowing.

Lin Feng had just been peacefully here for a few days when Secretary Liu told Lin Feng some bad news.

"Director Lin, a large number of orders from our company have been taken away in the past few days."

"In addition, there are still many talents who have lost their jobs and resigned voluntarily."

"There are also some unimportant things, that is, there are some rumors and smear posts on Weibo, but the response is not big, and everyone doesn't take it anymore."

"Have you found out who pried it off?" Lin Feng knew that someone was here to mess with him again.

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