I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 222: Feng Shui Bureau Passive

"No, but the company has been acting strange recently. People often get hurt accidentally."

"They are all minor injuries, but some are more serious and include fractures."

"Anyway, the company is very strange. There have been reports recently..." Secretary Liu did not continue.

When Lin Feng saw this, he asked: "What is coming?"

Secretary Liu gritted his teeth before continuing: "It is rumored that it is because our company has done something bad, so it has been haunted and haunted by ghosts."

Seeing this, Lin Feng shouted angrily: "That's nonsense! Who told me this? Cut off my tongue!"

Secretary Liu was stunned.

Lin Feng realized that he had lost his composure and said: "Whoever spreads this rumor will have half a month's salary deducted from his salary and a warning."

"If you don't like staying in the company, just leave. I don't believe any company can accommodate so many employees!"

Secretary Liu saw that Lin Feng was angry now, so he resigned.

"Director Lin, if nothing happens, I'll go down first."

"Wait, don't leave." Lin Feng stretched out his hand and massaged his temples.

"If you shouldn't leave, it's better not to leave. You can take this opportunity to fire some employees in the company who are just waiting to die. The other thing is to investigate carefully and find out who is the one who took advantage of the situation."

"Yes." Secretary Liu left the office.

Lin Feng leaned back on the leather boss chair and said to himself:

"Let's not talk about the previous things, why is this employee always getting injured?"

After saying this, Lin Feng suddenly remembered that he had always encountered some bad things in the past few days.

For example, when I came to the company this morning, my foot slipped and I almost fell. Fortunately, I am agile.

Also, when washing hands, the water becomes hot for no reason.

When I go to the toilet, the toilet will not work for some reason.

What’s even more strange is that the disposable chopsticks used when eating can actually prick your hands.

Also, when I was leaving yesterday, the belt of my car was pierced.

This series of things gave Lin Feng a bad feeling.

"Is it possible that there is really a little devil at work?"

Lin Feng felt even worse when he thought about this possibility.

No, I don't believe it.

I didn’t do anything wrong. Even if there were ghosts in the world, they wouldn’t be able to find me.

There must be someone behind it.

This pervert must be caught himself!

So Lin Feng disguised himself and went around the company to see who was responsible.

There was nothing gained after walking around for a while, but Lin Feng noticed that the swaying of things around the company seemed different from before.

I clearly remember that I was specially sent to find a Feng Shui master to set up the Feng Shui for the company.

Who moved this thing?

Lin Feng activated his Feng Shui skills to check.

This feng shui has been changed by others, no wonder so many things happened in the company.

First, someone placed a fan behind the company, which meant fanning money.

Secondly, the flower pots and water basins that were originally placed around have been moved, and the meaning of moving them is completely different.

It was originally about collecting money, but now it's all about giving money away.

The most important thing is that so many things happened to the company, and everyone's luck was affected to a certain extent.

It has an inevitable relationship with this Feng Shui.

Lin Feng quickly used Feng Shui techniques to return everything to its place.

But who is so vicious, changing the company's feng shui, and making everyone's luck worse.

In this way, more people will be accidentally injured.

Speaking of which, Lin Feng felt that the most unlucky thing he did when he was a child was throwing three pots in a row.

The newly purchased pot was broken within two days of use, and the next time I bought it, it was broken again.

Thinking about it now, it was really unlucky. If I had known a little Feng Shui at that time, I wouldn't have thrown so many pots.

At this moment, Lin Feng noticed a figure flashing next to him.


Lin Feng turned around hurriedly, but could not see anything, only the leaves rustling there.

There was someone just now, who was there?

Lin Feng held his breath, stepped lightly, and gradually walked in the direction where the person was just now.

Suddenly a cat jumped out.

Lin Feng hurriedly looked around the corner and found no one there.

"What's going on? Could it be that I was dazzled just now?" Lin Feng shook his head, and then decided to go back to the company first.

The moment Lin Feng left, a figure walked out of the corner.

"I didn't expect to be discovered so soon!"

When Lin Feng arrived at the company door, he did not choose to go in. But he was a little hesitant to go out and check first to see who was trying to pry into his corner.

At this moment, a sharp voice sounded in Lin Feng's ears.

"Hey, who is this?"

Lin Feng looked back and saw a familiar figure.

"Who are you?" But although Lin Feng looked familiar, he couldn't remember who this person was.

The man was very angry when he saw Lin Feng not remembering who he was.

"You actually forgot me? Lin Feng, we were good buddies before. Now that we are rich, have you forgotten me?"

Lin Feng suddenly understood.

"It's you?! Suminda!"

If Su Mingda didn't appear in front of him again, he would have forgotten about this kid long ago.

This Su Mingda tried to trick him before, but he let him go, and now he dared to come to her door.

Su Mingda looked up and down at Lin Feng.

"I thought you were really prosperous, but I didn't expect you to be a gatekeeper for the Lin Group now."

Lin Feng looked at his security outfit and knew that Su Mingda must have misunderstood.

"No, you misunderstood, I just..."

Lin Feng wanted to explain, but Su Mingda didn't listen at all.

"Okay, don't explain, I understand everything!"

"The Lin Group has developed to such an extent, but you are not in power, right? You are just a puppet who was pushed out."

"It's okay. As a brother, how could I laugh at you? Just admit it!" Su Mingda patted Lin Feng's shoulder hard.

Lin Feng chuckled and was too lazy to explain to Su Mingda.

But Su Mingda didn't intend to let Lin Feng go so easily.

Lin Feng had tricked him so badly before, how could he just let him go?

"Lin Feng, although you are just a puppet, you must have a lot of money in your hands. Your brothers have been cheated so badly in the past few times. Why don't you make up for it this time?"

As soon as Su Mingda finished speaking, several brothers walked out from behind.

"To be honest, we originally came to the Imperial Capital to have fun, but we didn't expect to encounter you cleaning behind the company and then guarding the front."

"All the brothers put together, I think I have to help you no matter what."

"Really, Lin Feng?" Su Mingda hugged Lin Feng's shoulders hard, not giving Lin Feng a chance to escape.

"Then what do you want?" Lin Feng raised his eyes and looked at Su Mingda, and then at the men with malicious intentions next to him.

Su Mingda stretched out his hand and rubbed it, "You caused me a lot of money last time. Why don't you bring something to compensate your brother and me this time?"

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