I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 302: The action begins

When Yang Xu opened the black travel bag, Lin Feng was a little confused. There were two Type 95 assault rifles and two Type 92 pistols. Under the travel bag were two sets of stacked body armor and dozens of rounds of ammunition.

After checking the weapons, Yang Xu said: "AK47 is no longer available. If you want it, I'm afraid you have to go to the museum."

Seeing Lin Feng looking at the guns curiously, Yang Xu asked, "Can you shoot?"

Lin Feng nodded: "You haven't eaten pork, haven't you seen pigs running?"

Yang Xu started the car and glanced at Lin Feng meaningfully: "In case of a firefight, don't leave my side."

Lin Feng felt warm in his heart, pondered for a moment, and nodded.

Yang Xu fiercely turned the steering wheel and released the accelerator. The engine roared to start. The tires rubbed against the ground and a puff of black smoke rose up. The smell of burning tires lingered in the car through the windows.

The car started in such a hurry that Yang Xu's hand was still reaching into his trouser pocket to take out a cigarette. Lin Feng held down his hand: "Brother, let's drive well first."

Yang Xu touched his head and had to give up.

Lin Feng tightly grasped the door handle of the car door with one hand. The speed on the dashboard slowly increased, and soon it reached a speed of 90 miles.

"Damn it, can you drive?"

"You are driving like this in a hurry to die!"

Yang Xu was even more violent. He turned the steering wheel and saw a car overtaking him. He just passed between the two cars, causing the two cars to almost collide. The two drivers behind yelled and cursed. Before they could finish their curses, all they could see was the car in front of them. The car's taillights are gone.

The nearly one-hour journey from the suburbs to the city was shortened by Yang Xu by half. Then he made a beautiful flick of the brakes and the car stopped steadily in a parking space not far from the villa.

Lin Feng felt a little dizzy when he got out of the car. Yang Xu went up and patted him on the shoulder: "How about it, let's get excited!"

Lin Feng circled towards his chest: "The speed of the car is 200 miles. If you pass tonight, you will cry tomorrow!"

Yang Xu no longer had the playful smile of the past: "Come here a little early, and you can get more familiar with the terrain, otherwise you won't know where to run for a while."

The two people put on body armor and walked inside. This scene made Lin Feng feel as if he had seen a gun battle in a movie before.

Lin Feng followed Yang Xu, and first walked around the entire villa as if nothing had happened, making sure that he had a clear grasp of the terrain outside, and then opened the door of the villa.

Different from the previous villa, this villa did not have an electronic lock installed, and there was not even a surveillance camera visible outside the door, which made both of them feel a little surprised.

As soon as they walked into the yard, the three people patrolling inside were obviously taken aback. They shouted loudly: "Who let you in, get out!" As he said this, he touched his lower back with his other hand.

Suddenly I saw the obvious bulges on the lower backs of these three people: "Brother, isn't this the barbecue you ordered? Look, the address is written here!"

Lin Feng responded, and the other party paused, "That's weird, who ordered the barbecue? Just wait, I'll go in and ask."

"Hey, buddy, I still have a few orders that I haven't finished delivering. Why don't you take them first? I have to continue sending off other orders!"

The three people on the opposite side were hesitant. Lin Feng and Yang Xu walked over politely and walked up to the three people. The man who was about to receive the package suddenly shouted: "No, their clothes are wrong!"

But it was too late. The two men's skills were extremely strong. In almost the blink of an eye, they had already rushed in front of them. Before they could draw their guns, Lin Feng dodged and kicked. In less than three seconds, all three of them were already lying on the ground. On the ground.


Yang Xu felt regretful. Before he could take action, he saw a shadow in front of him, followed by the sound of cracking bones and screams. Looking over, he saw three people already lying on the bed half dead.


"Who the hell shot that!"

Yang Xu cursed and looked at Lin Feng angrily, and Lin Feng also gave him the same look.


Lin Feng was the first to react, and the two of them immediately hid behind a rockery in the yard.

The inside of the villa was in chaos.

"Ya San, one of you's fucking gun went off!"

No one responded.

"Ya San, didn't you hear what my mother asked you?"

Still no one answered.

"No, let's go out and take a look!"

More than a dozen people in the villa all rushed into the yard with a roar, all holding Type 92 pistols, and even the last two people held two submachine guns.

Lin Yun immediately felt his scalp go numb. How terrifying was this mastermind behind the scenes? He could even get a blaster.

At this time, Yang Xu's face was livid, and he was full of murderous intent: "It seems that we can't do it without exchanging fire."

Then he fired two shots without hesitation, and the two people fell to the ground. The circle of people instantly turned into a mess and fled in a hurry.

The two at the end holding assault rifles were quite unusual. They seemed to be soldiers. They immediately rolled behind a bunker and fired two shots at the rockery where they were hiding.

Yang Xu's attack was extremely decisive and sharp, without any hesitation. The two men were knocked to the ground by him before they had time to dodge.

"I didn't shoot at their fatal parts. The ambulance should be able to save them later."

Yang Xu saw his worry and said softly.

After all, Lin Feng had never seen such a scene before, and his heart was beating like a drum, as if it was about to jump out of his body.

"It's solved, it doesn't matter."

After a series of gunshots, there was deathly silence in the air, and the faint smell of blood lingered on the tip of Lin Feng's nose.

"Let's go, let's save people and get out of here! The longer we stay, the worse it will be for us."

Yang Xu took the lead and rushed over. There were many people lying on the ground, wailing continuously.

Lin Feng frowned and followed Yang Xu into the messy villa, but found nothing.

"Go to the second floor!"

As soon as they turned the corner of the building, they saw two young men carrying an unconscious girl downstairs. .

Those two people carrying it on their shoulders must undoubtedly be the so-called Liu Yiyi.

When they saw Yang Xuyi, their expressions changed and they ran up without any hesitation.

"Don't hurt that girl!"

Lin Feng subconsciously raised the pistol in his hand, but was stopped by Yang Xu, and the two men chased him up at high speed.

"Don't move!"

Yang Xu chased after him, raised his gun and shouted.


The two people did not stop. One of the kidnappers did not hesitate. He took out the pistol on his back and pulled the trigger directly.

I saw two bright red blood flowers blooming on Yang Xu's chest, blooming in the air without any warning.

After hearing the gunshot, Lin Feng roared: "Why didn't you shoot!" He raised the pistol without hesitation, kicked the ground hard with both feet, and leaned half of his body out of the corner of the building. Bang bang bang bang... there was a burst of gunfire.

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