"Bang! Bang!"

Two gunshots were heard, and the two gangsters felt a burning sensation in their bodies, as if they had been hit hard by a huge boulder. They only felt a tightness in their chests, a fishy sweetness welling up, and the world was spinning. Save personnel.

Liu Yiyi, who was lying on the shoulders of the two gangsters, was also thrown out and hit the wall head-on. He barely opened his eyes. Lin Feng didn't care at all and hurriedly ran to Yang Xu and squatted down to check the injury.

Fortunately, Yang Xu was wearing a bulletproof vest, and the bullet did not cause much damage to his body. However, another bullet hit his arm. Although it missed, the blood still flowed out. Lin Feng cut himself He tore his clothes into strips, bandaged him, and helped him up.

At this time, Lin Feng got through the call number that Long Aotian gave to the person who answered them before. After a while, the young man in a suit who had answered them before came up the stairs.

When the young man in a suit saw Yang Xu covered in blood, he was a little dumbfounded. He stood there and was at a loss. Then he took out his mobile phone from the bottom of his pocket and wanted to call an ambulance.

Lin Feng walked to Liu Yiyi and saw that she was tied tightly, with transparent tape wrapped around her mouth, and she kept whimpering. Lin Feng went over, untied the rope from her body, and tore off the transparent tape around her mouth. She whispered thank you.

"You can't call an ambulance, I have gunshot wounds."

Yang Xu was still conscious and said this feebly.

"Then go to my house first, I know medical skills."

Lin Feng offered words of comfort and interrupted the young man in a suit who was preparing a big ambulance.

The young man in a suit in the car who finally helped him to the door said, "You drive, I don't know the roads." Then he helped Yang Xu to the car and made a phone call. Several unlicensed vans parked in front of the villa, and countless people got out. Wearing a white coat and rubber gloves, their movements were extremely agile. Lin Feng guessed that these were some of the people arranged by Long Aotian to handle the funeral affairs.

Lin Feng was driving so fast along the way that he had no choice but to press the accelerator into the gas tank. A cold and familiar touch touched his lower back. The guy in a suit said coldly: "Send me to the abandoned factory where Long Aotian is."

"Did you fire the gun outside?"

Lin Feng gripped the steering wheel tightly, his expression gloomy to the extreme.

"That's right"

The guy in the suit admitted readily.

"I have to save Yang Xu first. He has lost too much blood now and his life will be in danger if he is not saved."

After Lin Feng passed by, he saw Yang Xu's face was bloodless and unconscious. The other hand of the guy in a suit was on his waist. The strip of cloth that Lin Feng had simply bandaged his wound had been stained with blood. He was sitting at the end. Liu Yiyi's little face on the outside was also pale with fright, and she was trembling.

"There is no need to save him, you will all die anyway"

"Did Long Aotian ask you to kill me?"

“So what if it is, so what if it’s not?”

After Lin Feng said this, he parked the car in front of a small alley and calmly turned off the engine. The guy in the suit was stunned for a moment, then pressed the gun against Lin Feng's lower back: "Do you want to die?"

Lin Feng turned his head and smiled evilly, "No, you are the one who is going to die!" Then his other hand suddenly exerted force and firmly grasped the neck of the young man in the suit, while the other hand pointed at his face. Just a greeting, the young man in a suit who was grabbed by the neck looked ferocious and growled in a low voice: "Go to hell!" "Bang, bang, bang," a series of gunshots sounded like firecrackers, and Liu Yiyi on the far left was so frightened that she lost her voice. scream.

Lin Yun's right hand punch did not stop at all, until he hit the guy in the suit until his facial features were almost twisted together, and the sound of the skull breaking was particularly harsh.

Like dragging a dead dog, Lin Feng dragged the young man in a suit out of the car door and threw him on the ground. He kept stepping down with his other foot. Every time Lin Feng landed, there was a "clicking" sound of broken bones.

The guy in the suit didn't have a chance to react. Heart-rending pain shot through his body and he curled up into a ball.

The poor guy was like a wounded beast at this moment, wailing constantly, but as Lin Feng landed harder every time, soon he was lying on the ground and his wailing voice gradually became quieter, and the entire right side of his face collapsed. He lay on the ground moaning and groaning, his facial features blurred together and covered in blood.

A trembling hand grabbed Lin Feng's arm. It turned out to be Liu Yiyi, who had been sitting in the car, and said tremblingly: "We can't fight anymore, if we fight again, someone will really die!"

Lin Yun then remembered that Yang Xu was still in the car. He nodded slightly and touched the blood that spilled from the corner of his mouth. Although Lin Feng was wearing a bulletproof vest, the powerful impact of the bullet made him feel that his internal organs were all numb. It seemed that he had been moved. He had not noticed the surge of energy and blood just now, but now he felt that his whole body was falling apart.

Before getting in the car, Lin Feng shouted coldly at the unconscious young man in a suit huddled on the ground: "I'll spare your life this time. Next time you let me see you, I'll give you a ride myself!"

Liu Yiyi was also frightened by Lin Feng's murderous intent and shivered. He did not expect that this young man who looked so sunny and handsome could be so scary when he went crazy. If she hadn't suppressed her fear and came over to pull him, Lin Feng would not have tasted it. Don't dare to beat him to death.

Lin Feng got into the car and took a deep breath to calm down his furious mood. He started the car and ran wildly on the road. He stopped for a few minutes to buy two large bags of medicine and a pile of gauze from the drugstore.

After Lin Feng returned to his residence, he laid Yang Xu flat on the bed and touched his wrist. His pulse was still stable. He rummaged through the boxes at home and managed to find a fruit knife of a suitable size. He sterilized it and stuck it on Yang Xu's hand. Xu whispered in his ear: "Brother Yang, I really can't get anesthetic, please be patient."

Yang Xu nodded slightly and squeezed out a smile that was uglier than crying. Lin Yun found a clean towel and stuffed it into his mouth, muttering: "Then I'll start."


Yang Xu's body convulsed in pain, and he clutched the sheets with his other hand. The moment Lin Feng took out the scalpel, countless densely related information emerged in his mind. His eyes became extremely cold at this one, be careful. Yiyi was operating like a precision machine.

Lin Feng was nervous and sweating profusely. Seeing this, Lin Yiyi picked up a dry towel and carefully wiped the sweat on his forehead. Liu Yiyi looked at Lin Feng's operating techniques and was puzzled. She had studied medicine before. I have learned some relevant knowledge, but what Lin Feng showed was completely different from what was in the books.


Lin Feng took a deep breath, "ding" and threw the bloody bullet on the table. After all, the surgical environment is so harsh, many instruments were not purchased due to rush, and even the most basic sterile environment was not maintained. The failure to do so worried him greatly.

After picking out the bullet, Lin Yun began to sew up the wound. I don't know how long it took, but Lin Feng sat down on the ground, supported his waist and said, "Yang Xu, I saved your arm, you have to thank me!"

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