I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 304: Long Aotian must be eliminated

"Lin Feng, do you have anything to eat at home? I'm starving to death."

Lin Feng looked a little anxious when he saw Yang Xu wake up. He thought his wound had collapsed, so he hurried over to check, but he didn't expect to say this directly to him.

Lin Feng has never had any idea about food. He never cares about any aspects of things. Usually, he leaves it all to Shen Qingxue. What's more, he hasn't even lived alone for such a long time. When Yang Xu asked him, he opened the refrigerator. After rummaging around randomly, he found that his freezer was empty. Apart from a few packages of frozen dumplings, there was only one package of bread.

"Whether you want to eat bread or not."

Without waiting for Yang Xu's reply, he threw the bread over. Only then did he feel that his stomach was a little empty. The two of them had not eaten for almost a day for this operation, and Liu Yiyi obviously didn't have a good rest either, curling up on the sofa. Go to bed.

"Let's go, bring this person back first, we brothers will have a nice drink tonight."

Lin Feng snatched away the bread that Yang Xu was eating voraciously, found him a T-shirt of his own, and put it on him casually. While putting it on, he accidentally touched the injury on his arm, which immediately made him lose his temper. He grimaced in pain.

Lin Feng first carefully wiped everything in the house, stuffed the bloody sheets and other messy things into a black plastic bag, and then flushed the bloody bullet into the toilet, making sure to clean it up. He gently patted Liu Yiyi, who was curled up on the sofa and sleeping soundly, and drove to the factory where he went last time.

Before getting out of the car, the two of them still had a pistol on their waist. After all, Long Aotian was a despicable and shameless villain who could do all kinds of dirty things, so it was inevitable to be on guard against him.

"Yang Xu's arm started to hurt. He leaned on the car with his mouth tilted and smoked a cigarette before his expression improved. Lin Feng kept urging beside him. He couldn't wait to take Shen Qingxue home. Yang Xu finished smoking. Finally, he threw the cigarette butt on the ground, crushed it with his feet, and leaned in Lin Feng's ear: "Long Aotian, I must kill him. If he dares to kidnap my parents and threaten me once, he will threaten me again. twice. "

Lin Feng smiled, murderous intent emerged in his eyes, and nodded heavily: "I also want to tell you this tonight."

The ringing of the phone suddenly came to mind, and Lin Feng took out the phone and said, "Hello? After listening to what the person opposite said, Lin Feng narrowed his eyes slightly and his face darkened.

After hanging up the phone, he looked at Yang Xu and said, "Everything has been arranged. We can go there."

"We haven't returned these two assault rifles yet. Do you want to get one?"

Yang Xu guessed that the call must be from Long Aotian. Lin Feng shook his head and said: "The hostage in our hands is very important to him. He should not dare to play any tricks."

In the abandoned factory, Long Aotian, who was wearing a white suit, was sitting on a leather sofa with his legs crossed and smoking a cigar. Ye Tian was busy with him on the side, nodding and bending, and following a dog. Not much different.

Obviously Long Aotian has been waiting here for a long time. After seeing Lin Feng and Yang Xu come back intact, a strange light flashed in his eyes, which was more of disbelief.

Lin Feng noticed something strange about him and said calmly: "Next time you want to kill me, send someone with better skills. Don't worry, I have already destroyed that loser."

Long Aotian stood up from the sofa in a hurry. Ye Tian quickly handed over a glass ashtray. He put the cigar in it, clapped his hands and said, "Brother Lin is really good at joking. I am looking forward to the stars and the moon. I finally managed to get you here and I was still here worrying about your safety. How could I send someone to kill you? You have really wronged me."

"Stop crying like a cat and pretending to be compassionate. Give me my wife and Lin Xu's parents quickly."

Lin Yun sneered. Yang Xu stood expressionless on the side. He took out a pistol with his other hand and pressed it against the back of Liu Yiyi's head.

"I know, I know, don't worry, Brother Yang, why are you still pulling out a gun?"

Long Aotian clapped his hands, and a dozen young men in black walked out from behind. In front of him was the formal Lin Feng, who was thinking about Shen Qingxue. Behind him was a middle-aged man with an elegant face, wearing a pair of half-rimmed glasses. At first glance, He is a very knowledgeable person. Next to him is a middle-aged woman with good features. Her face is somewhat similar to Yang Xu. She must be Yang Xu's parents.

"Lin Feng!"

Shen Qingxue screamed when she saw Lin Feng, her eyes were red, and tears were about to burst out of her eyes. Lin Feng felt suffocated in his heart. He kept looking at Shen Qingxue and found that except for her look, which was a little haggard, everything else was the same as before.

On the other hand, the couple looked as usual, but here Yang Xu, a tall and thick man, had a choked voice: "Dad, Mom, you are suffering with me!"

"Okay, okay, you can go home and catch up on old times. Let's change people quickly."

Long Aotian waved his hand to interrupt impatiently, signaling for someone to let the three of them go.

Yang Xu also let go of Liu Yiyi's shoulder, patted her, and signaled her to walk to the opposite side, but the pistol in his other hand was still pointed at her head.

The hostages on both sides were slowly walking towards the opposite side. It was not until Shen Qingxue threw herself into Lin Feng's arms and burst into tears that Yang Xu slowly put down his pistol.

"Have you ever been wronged in any way, wife?"

Lin Feng comforted Shen Qingxue in his arms, and it wasn't until he saw her shaking her head that he let go of his hanging heart.

"In that case, let's meet up another day. Brother Lin, I'm leaving first!"

Long Aotian showed an unknown smile to Lin Feng, and then strode away with a group of people. He lowered his head and whispered to Ye Tian: "Find someone to kill them. They know too many things and can't keep them!" Tian nodded, a murderous intent flashing in his gloomy eyes.

"Brother Yang, let's get together another day. I have to go home first."

Lin Feng greeted Yang Xu's parents one by one, waved, walked to the car that had been parked for several days, and took Shen Qingxue on the way home.

"Honey, what do you want to eat tonight?"

Lin Feng turned to look at Shen Qingxue with a smile, feeling that all these days of hard work were worth it.

Suddenly, Lin Feng saw a Jinbei business car behind him in the rearview mirror, and it followed him all the way, always keeping a distance of one or two parking spaces.

"By the way, how do you know Yang Xu?"

In order not to cause Shen Qingxue unnecessary worry, he did not tell her about it and continued to chat with him with a playful smile.

"He, he, like me, also had his family kidnapped by Long Aotian, and he went on a mission with me."

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