As soon as Lin Feng raised his legs, the girl hugged him from behind and blew gently into his ear. Goosebumps suddenly appeared all over Lin Feng's body, and then she put him back on the bed again.

"You are not allowed to leave, hehehe..."

After saying that, Lin Feng pushed his arms into her arms.

Lin Feng kept reminding himself, you can't, absolutely can't, you can't be sorry to Shen Qingxue.

What Lin Feng never expected was that the girl actually pushed him onto the bed, sat directly on his waist, pushed him down, held his head, and kissed his lips. , Lin Feng's heart skipped a beat, it's over, he met a female gangster...

A sweet and sour taste, mixed with a hint of alcohol, lingered on the tip of Lin Feng's tongue, and under the influence of alcohol, he had already thrown Shen Qingxue out of the sky, stretched out his thick and powerful arms and said, "Wow!" With one sound he tore his skirt off.

Early the next morning, Lin Yun opened his eyes, rubbed his aching head, looked around, saw a blush on the sheets, his face turned pale, and murmured to himself: "It's over, it's over, I've gotten into big trouble... …”

Lin Feng looked sour, filled with guilt, and secretly cursed himself for being nothing. He picked up his cell phone and found that it still had no battery at all. He looked around, finally found his pants, put them on secretly, and was hesitating to take them. Don't run away,

The girl came out of the room and sat on the bed with an expressionless face. When she sat down, she seemed to be in pain somewhere. She frowned and looked at Lin Feng unusually calmly.


Lin Feng opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say or how to explain it. Could he just tell people that I sent you back just to borrow a charger from you? Go to someone else's house to borrow it?

After being silent for a long time, Lin Feng took a deep breath and said cautiously: "I really didn't mean it, why don't you beat me up to vent your anger?"

The girl's eyes were wandering, and she didn't know what she was thinking. She said calmly: "It's not entirely your fault. There was something wrong with the wine I drank last night."

Lin Yun noticed something was wrong last night. After all, who was the first... to take such initiative?

"My name is Jiang Li. It's enough for you to remember my name. Although I drank so much wine last night, I am still conscious. I am an adult. I just know what I did.

Jiang Li spoke very calmly. Although this was the case, it made Lin Feng feel even more guilty.

The air fell into dead silence again. Lin Yun put on his clothes silently and thought for a while: "Can I leave you a phone number? If anything happens in the future..."

Jiang Li did not respond to him, and sat there, still silent.

Seeing this, Lin Feng picked up Jiang Li's cell phone on the bedside. Seeing that she didn't respond, he unlocked it according to his impression last night, saved his phone number and name to her on the phone, and then quietly put it back, silently leave.

After Lin Feng left, Jiang Li stared at Lin Feng's name on the phone in a daze for a long time, then lay on the bed and cried loudly.

After Lin Feng went out, he first took a taxi back to the place where he ate yesterday, found his parking place, and then drove back to his home.

Along the way, Lin Feng had countless ideas running through his mind, but he rejected them one by one. How should he talk to Shen Qingxue about this, or should he keep silent about it.

"Dong dong dong"

Lin Feng knocked on the door for a long time. Shen Qingxue opened the door for him and said with a smile: "You are back! Don't drink so much next time."

I originally thought that I would definitely be scolded when I returned home, but I didn't expect that nothing would happen after I came back, which made Lin Feng a little confused.

"The rice I heated for you is still in the pot. I have something to do today, so I have to leave first. Tell me earlier if you don't come home for dinner next time."

After saying that, Shen Qingxue kissed Lin Feng gently like a dragonfly touching water, smiled, and went out.

When Lin Feng saw that it was already past seven in the morning, he ate a few bites of food, turned on his cell phone, and felt very uncomfortable when he looked at the dozens of calls Shen Qingxue made to him.

There was another unread message. Lin Feng opened it and saw that it was from Yang Xu: "Your wife called me and asked me where you were. I told her that you were drunk at my house. Did you go and do it?"

After thinking about it, Lin Yun finally sent him a message back: "It was urgent, so I was delayed all night."

Not long after he replied to the message, Yang Xu called, his voice a little anxious: "Are you free now?" "Yes" "A comrade of mine is injured and is in the hospital now. The doctor said he can't save him. Come and take a look quickly!"

It can be heard that Yang Xu is very anxious now, but why is he looking for him? Although Lin Feng is full of doubts, he still presses the navigation button first.

As soon as he entered the hospital, he saw Yang Xu pacing back and forth at the door of the emergency room. At this time, Lin Feng also rushed over: "What's going on?"

Yang Xu frowned and sighed: "This policeman was in the same army before. Today when he was arresting gangsters, he was shot in the chest. He is about to die. I remembered that you have some medical skills, and I want to treat you." come and see."

Yang Xu didn't know why the first person that came to mind was Lin Feng. He always felt that no matter what he did, Lin Feng was always very reliable, which made him feel at ease.

Just after he finished speaking, a middle-aged man with glasses came out. He turned out to be Yang Xu's father. When he saw Lin Feng, he nodded and said, "It's really too close to my heart. I've tried my best." .”

Hearing that the police officers sitting outside all stood up from their chairs with tears in their eyes, they were all colleagues, and the man who entered was shot in front of their eyes, everyone felt very heavy.

One of the older ones sighed with a very serious expression: "In this case, we must send him back to his hometown with the highest courtesy." When the others heard this, their eyes turned red, and some even burst into tears.

Without any delay, Lin Feng pushed open the door of the emergency room and rushed in. Yang's father was startled and stretched out his hand to stop him. Everyone else also looked at him with puzzled looks.

"Don't pull it out, let me try it!"

Lin Feng stopped a doctor who was about to remove the blood bag. All the doctors who were performing operations were also frightened. Those who were preparing to pack their things also stopped what they were doing, not knowing why.

"Let me take over this operation."

Lin Feng raised his hand and touched it. He found that such a man still had an almost undetectable pulse. Father Yang walked in and said, "Let him try it. He has performed surgery on my son before."

Several doctors handed him sterile gloves and stood there

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