I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 311: Please call me the miracle doctor

Lin Feng put on his gloves and glanced at Father Yang, then said with a smile: "Believe me!"

The firm tone and strong self-confidence made everyone present stunned, wondering where this young and handsome guy got his confidence.

Only Lin Feng knew that the medical knowledge and muscle memory given to him by the system were unparalleled, and there were even many lost folk remedies, including the cardiac resuscitation surgery he was now preparing to use.

Everyone looked at him with eyes filled with puzzlement, doubts, and a little bit of expectation. Although no one believed that he could save a patient who all the experts in the hospital were at their wits' end and who would even be declared dead in the next step.

But hope, like a glimmer of light in the darkness, always makes people yearn for and yearn for it. Yang Xu was also pacing back and forth in the corridor outside the emergency room. He had no choice but to call Lin Feng over. With his years of training as a soldier, With his sixth sense, he vaguely felt that Lin Feng was very different.

Lin Feng took the scalpel handed over by the doctor, and his expression suddenly became extremely focused. There seemed to be nothing in his eyes, and his cold eyes were like a pool of stagnant water. Now there was nothing in his eyes, only the person who was about to lie in the hospital bed in front of him. Dying patient.

The clothes clinging to the skin were stained with plasma, exposing the wheat-colored skin. It was obvious that this was because the doctor had not arrived to perform the operation, and there was no fluctuation on the electrocardiograph. The patient's vital signs It is slowly weakening at a speed visible to the naked eye, and breathing is gradually about to stop.

Lin Feng took the scalpel and cut the skin at a tricky angle, avoiding the wound. Yang's father frowned, looking at Lin Feng's technique, he frowned and was very puzzled, because in his opinion, this was not the best. The opening position.

At this moment, Lin Feng's hand seemed to be integrated with the scalpel, as agile as a swimming silver snake. Everyone was holding their breath and watching Lin Feng's movements silently.

A flash of light flashed in Yang's father's eyes, and his frowning brows suddenly relaxed. His face was shocked, and his heart was even more horrified. He actually avoided the wound that was only a few millimeters away from his heart, and the peeling surface revealed Jingjing. The heart lies inside.

A layer of sweat broke out on everyone's face, and they didn't dare to breathe. They looked at Lin Feng in disbelief. They were also professional doctors, and they all knew that the knife that Lin Feng opened just now was very dangerous. None of them would dare to act so decisively.

Just when everyone was wondering why Lin Feng put down the scalpel, they suddenly saw Lin Feng stretching out his slender index finger, placing it on his heart in the eyes of everyone in disbelief, and placing his other hand on his above the pulse.

They seemed to see a golden thread, almost invisible to the naked eye, suddenly pouring into the patient's heart through Lin Feng's fingers. Then, Lin Feng's fingers on the patient's heart began to press rhythmically, gently Slow and even, frequency is stable.

In fact, the moment Lin Feng touched his heart with his finger, he aroused an extremely subtle stream of Qi in his Dantian. He didn't know whether this was a good thing or a bad thing. It was not his intention, but it happened after he performed the medical treatment. It was rising and falling in his Dantian, rushing out on its own.

Yang's father walked to the little nurse, patted her shoulder, waved back, indicating that he would be Lin Feng's assistant. He was now extremely curious about this young man's identity.

He didn't know why Lin Feng dared to use this finger to resuscitate the heart. You must know that the success rate of this is almost zero. People who have done this and succeeded will not be able to do it more than once in the world. It is not only difficult, but too much. It is dangerous. A little mishandling may make the patient's attack more severe. In other words, the patient will die faster.

The difficulty and danger can be imagined.

Lin Feng was concentrating, and all his energy was concentrated on one point. He was now like a highly precise mechanical watch, mechanically repeating this action.

At this moment, a miracle happened suddenly. His heart was lifeless, and it could even be said that it was lifeless. It trembled several times in an instant and continuously.

The doctors standing not far away had their eyes widened, and their hearts were even more disturbed.

No one expected that the way it was described in a book would allow them to see his success with their own eyes.

What's disappointing is that after trembling for a few times, his heart stopped responding. Lin Feng was extremely anxious at the moment. His back was wet with sweat, and cold sweat was pouring from his forehead. Father Yang on the side saw this and quickly took it. Wiping him clean with a handkerchief, he shook his head slightly and sighed.

At this moment, the heart began to tremble again, and this time it was stronger than before, and the trembling was even more violent.


The electrocardiograph rang. Everyone turned their heads suddenly and stared at the electrocardiograph. Everyone's hearts were beating violently at this moment.

"It's moving, it's moving!"

"Quick! Connect the CPR machine!"

"Brush brush brush"

The emergency room suddenly became busy, everyone had a clear division of labor and took action one after another.

"Scalpel, give me the scalpel quickly."

Lin Feng couldn't restrain his excitement, and Yang's father quickly handed him a scalpel.


Lin Feng exhaled heavily, took out the warhead, and then handed the scalpel to Yang's father: "The rest is up to you, uncle."

After Lin Feng went out, Yang Xu was the first to come over: "How is it! How is it!"

"It's okay now. He was rescued."

Lin Feng said with a relieved smile. Yang Xu punched Lin Feng's chest twice, grinning almost to the back of his head: "I knew you were special."

"Okay, okay, I'm still dealing with funeral arrangements now. I still have some things to do in my company, so I'll go back first!"

Father Yang grabbed Lin Feng's arm. He was now very interested in Lin Feng's identity. He had heard Yang Xu mention it a few times before and knew that he was the boss of Lin's company, but he did not expect that his medical skills were so good. good.

Father Yang smiled and patted Lin Feng on the shoulder and said, "What you did today really opened my eyes. I am Yang Zhenxing, a doctoral supervisor in surgery at the Medical College in City H."

"I know, I know, I heard Yang Xu mention you once."

Lin Feng responded with a smile.

He only heard Yang Xu say that his father was a doctor, but he didn't expect that he would turn out to be such a great person and be a doctoral supervisor at a famous medical school.

"You can come to my house more often when you have time. I happen to have some medical knowledge that I want to ask you for."

Yang Zhenxing said very excitedly.

"Uncle, my company still has something to do. I have to go back first. I will definitely visit you another day!"

Lin Feng waved his hand, turned around and strode out of the hospital.

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