"Really! Let me handle it myself? As long as I can get them away? That's fine, give me a police uniform first and lend me your police badge."

After changing clothes, Yang Xu followed Lin Feng and walked out.

"Is it really okay? The two of us have caused quite a lot of trouble this time!"

In the corridor, Yang Xu followed Lin Feng with a worried look on his face. He didn't know what other tricks he had. Yesterday, just because he listened to him, he was arrested. Many prominent people in the city were arrested, including the secretary-general of the municipal party committee.

"Okay, believe me, we will work together in a while, and we have already reached this point, so what are you afraid of?"

Lin Feng smiled very calmly, and Yang Xu suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Hello, I am the personal lawyer of the Secretary-General of the Municipal Party Committee and I need to meet with the client."

"Hello, I am the lawyer hired by so-and-so. I have a question..."


Almost the moment Lin Feng went out, everyone saw the epaulettes on his shoulders. All reporters and lawyers swarmed in, surrounding Lin Feng.

Lin Feng just wanted to pull out his gun, but was held down by Yang Xu, who tilted his head and shouted in a low voice: "You're crazy, there are reporters inside!"

"Hey hey hey, I'm sorry, I've watched too many TV series, and I get excited when I see this kind of chaotic scene, and I always want to shoot twice."

Lin Feng rubbed his head in embarrassment. He had done a lot of fake shows in the past two days, and he actually got himself into it.


There was a loud noise, and a chair was instantly smashed to pieces, with sawdust shattering on the ground. It can be seen how terrifying the strength of the person who threw the chair was.

The chaotic scene suddenly became quiet, and the sound stopped suddenly. Everyone was panicked and looked at the instigator of this matter, Lin Feng, who had a cold face.

"Everyone, everyone, this place is the criminal police team, not your fucking vegetable market. You can shout how you want. You don't want me to be your lawyer and you dare to talk endlessly."

Lin Feng looked around, then spoke solemnly, tilted his head and said to the confused Yang Xu: "Hurry up and unload the reporters' video recorders. No matter what video it is, you will watch them delete it with your own eyes."

"Okay, that's what happened. Our police station can't arrest people for no reason. When the investigation is clear, you can do whatever you like. Okay, okay, go back quickly!"

Lin Feng waved his hand impatiently. Apparently no one took his words seriously. They all stood there and looked at him provocatively.

"Everyone needs to leave within three minutes. If not, I will count you as obstructing official business. Yang Xu, time the clock!"

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes slightly and said coldly. A cold air burst out from his body, which made people feel chills on their backs. Yang Xu was also surprised by Lin Feng's aura and murderous aura. From the bottom of his heart, he once again believed that Lin Feng was definitely It was the person who had moved down from the special operations force. He nodded subconsciously and looked at the watch on his left hand, which was still bandaged.

"One minute and thirty seconds, one minute and twenty seconds...twenty seconds..."

When had these lawyers ever seen such an arrogant police officer? A young man in a suit with shiny hair stood up, pointed at Lin Feng and said with a serious face: "Please be polite, we have the right to see the client."

Everyone still didn't move, and the clay figure was still angry. What's more, Yang Xu, who came down from the battlefield, shouted angrily: "What a fucking nonsense. You dare to come to the criminal police team to cause trouble, do you really think that there is no one in us?" ? Come on, arrest me!"

The criminal policemen who had gathered in a circle had long been noisy by the chattering lawyers. As soon as Yang Xu gave the order, all the criminal policemen immediately surrounded them and started arresting people.

"You are the police, and you must be reasonable when arresting people. You..."

A young lawyer was obviously young and energetic. Seeing that they were really going to arrest someone, he was very unconvinced and wanted to reason with them. However, before he was halfway through speaking, he saw the criminal policeman in front of him taking out an electric baton from behind his back. The lawyer swallowed the second half of his sentence alive and closed his mouth knowingly.

These lawyers also realized the seriousness of the matter, and could see that the attitude of these policemen was definitely not joking. If they stayed like this, they might really be arrested.

If they had been taken to the police station without seeing them at that time, the joke would have been huge, and they would no longer need to be lawyers, and there would really be no place for their faces in the future.

People scattered away, not wanting to stay in this place for a moment longer. What a fucking client, what the fuck I am a lawyer, they are of no use at all, and their face cannot be used as food, so they have given up on it a long time ago, and rushed outside. , in less than two minutes, the courtyard was empty.

At this time, the people inside also came out, and the police chief patted Lin Feng on the shoulder and said: "You still have a way, you did a really good job, and it brought me one step closer to packing up and getting out."

At this time, Lin Feng suddenly had a bold idea in his mind and whispered to him in his ear.

"Is that okay? Forget it, you've already caused so much trouble, go ahead."

Yang Xu chuckled and said, "This Lin Feng is so dishonest. How could he not take me with him for such an interesting thing?"

After saying that, he followed with a smile.

"It's easy to get into trouble if you follow me, so you have to think carefully."

Lin Feng teased after getting in the car.

"Look what you said, hurry up and leave. It's so interesting."

Yang Xu smiled and didn't care.

This Lin Feng is really courageous. Long Aotian has already known through internal connections that Lin Feng is responsible. Now he is looking for a group of people and is worried that he can't find Lin Feng.

"This Long Aotian is not just powerful, his network of relationships is really intricate."

Speaking of this, a trace of anger flashed in Yang Xu's eyes, and he said: "Four people in our bureau even died. They disappeared mysteriously when they were released. When they were discovered, they had already been killed, and When they go on missions, they always ride in a police car."

"Are there no clues?"

Lin Feng turned around and asked Yang Xu.

Yang Xu shook his head and said: "This is the strangest thing. All the relevant clues disappeared overnight three days later. No matter how much I check, there is no clue."

"So, I suspect that it was our insiders who did it, and there is also a mastermind with a high position behind the scenes who suppressed this matter!"

Lin Feng's eyes flashed with a biting chill, "You city worms, I want to see how long you can continue to struggle."

After saying that, accompanied by the roar of the engine, he went straight to an abandoned factory.

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