I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 319: You are trash in my eyes

Ye Tian hurriedly walked to Long Aotian's office, took a look at the mess on the floor, and immediately became cautious.

"Mr. Long! Our internal staff has found out the relevant information!"

Long Aotian was sitting in the office, his expression was not very good, he took a deep breath of the cigar in his hand, and said in a deep voice: "Speak!"

Ye Tian walked to Long Aotian, lowered his head and said, "I heard from the brothers inside that a policeman named Yang Xu took the lead to investigate our nightclub."

When Long Aotian heard this, he sighed from his chair and widened his eyes: "Yang Xu! He is so bold, dares to take my idea?"

"However, there is one more thing..." Ye Tian paused and looked at Long Aotian.

Long Aotian waved his hand impatiently and urged: "Speak quickly!"

"This Lin Feng has been very close to the police station recently. I heard from people inside that this idea came from Lin Feng."


Long Aotian hammered the mahogany desk hard and said coldly: "This Lin Feng is also quite capable. The people I sent to deal with him were all disabled by him."

"Go to Fifth Grandpa and ask for a few people to bring guns. If you find Lin Feng, just shoot him. I will handle the rest."

"Okay, Mr. Long, I'll be there right away."

When Ye Tian walked out, he felt happy in his heart and sneered on his face.

"What? Are you sure it's Lin Feng? Do you know what to do?"

Not long after Ye Tian just left, Long Aotian received a call from Liu San.

"Yes, yes, I know how to do it!"

Liu San hung up the phone and whispered something to a subordinate next to him.

"Yes!" The subordinate had just walked out of the office, and before Liu San even sat down on the chair, he heard several shrill screams coming from outside, and a figure hit their desk directly.

Liu San's expression changed, and he looked down at his men lying on the ground whining. Then he realized something, quickly opened the drawer, and rummaged for something.

"Damn, I looked in the wrong place. I didn't expect Long Aotian wasn't here."

As soon as he finished speaking, two figures walked into the office, one after the other. They walked to the desk very naturally, brought two chairs over, and Lin Feng and Yang Xu sat down carelessly.

"I didn't expect that Long Aotian thinks highly of you and actually lets you take care of this big place."

Yang Xu picked up the cigarette on the table, lit one for himself, blew out his eyes, and said calmly.

"How dare you come here? I'm worried that I can't find you!"

Liu San's eyes were fixed on Lin Feng, and his hands were rummaging back and forth in the drawer.

"How can rubbish like you and Long Aotian stir up such big waves?"

Lin Feng sneered, crossed his legs, and sounded quite contemptuous.

"As far as I know, Long Aotian has sent someone to find you. Aren't you afraid that he will attack your wife again?"

Liu San's face was extremely ugly, and Lin Feng never looked down upon him from beginning to end, either calling him trash or a bedbug.

"You think everyone is like you, thinking on their toes?"

Yang Xu smiled calmly: "The police have already laid an ambush somewhere, and they have brought Long Aotian over. What do you think we want to do by making such a big fuss?"

"Hahahaha, okay, okay, then I'm afraid one of you two will have to stay today!"

Liu San suddenly laughed, then took out a pistol from the drawer, and pressed the black muzzle against Lin Feng's forehead.

Lin Feng was not as panicked as he thought. He remained calm and calm, without even raising his eyelids.

Instead, Yang Xu's expression changed drastically when he saw the pistol in Liu San's hand. He quickly touched his lower back with his right hand. Just as he was about to touch the pistol, Liu San shouted: "Don't move! If you dare to move again, I will shoot you immediately." kill him!"

Lin Feng still tilted his head and looked at Liu San with a confident look.

He could clearly feel that Liu San's hand holding the gun was trembling slightly. Obviously Liu San was also quite scared. Liu San was still somewhat famous in H City, and Lin Feng had also inquired about it privately.

Liu San has countless properties at his disposal, and has several wives in private, as well as a lot of daughters and sons. Such a person must be afraid of death.

An evil smile appeared at the corner of Lin Feng's lips, and Liu San's heart suddenly jumped. The hand holding the pistol trembled even more fiercely, and his forehead was covered with sweat. A kind of fear of death was like the stirred residue at the bottom of the lake, pouring in little by little. heart.

"Are you so willing to be a spearman for Long Aotian?"

Lin Feng smiled calmly and said.

Seeing that Liu San didn't speak, Lin Feng knew that he must have been shaken, so he continued: "As far as I know, you have been very prosperous over the years, and you have also done a lot of shady business in private, making a lot of money. Bo Man, I think you also know what it means if you shoot today!"

Lin Feng looked at Liu San with a smile. Liu San looked at Lin Feng's smile, and his heart beat faster. A strong life-and-death crisis rushed into his brain, making him shiver. "Stop farting, I'm going to shoot you to death today!"

Liu San's palms were covered with sticky sweat. He desperately wanted to steady his hand holding the gun, but he just couldn't control himself. The trigger seemed to be as heavy as a million pounds in his hand at this moment. He didn't dare at all. The courage to shoot.

And Yang Xu had already pulled out the gun and put it on his forehead. The breath of death was lingering around him. His children, wife, property, everything he owned, was like a movie playing in his mind. It flew by quickly.


Lin Feng touched the cigarette on the table, lit one for himself with a lighter, and forced himself to calm down. Anyone who is pointed at a gun and says he is not afraid is just fucking nonsense. He is now I was a little scared whether I should say it or not. If Liu San really couldn't think about it, his life would be left here.

But no matter how he looked at Liu San's trembling appearance, he was much more scared than himself. He was heartbroken, and simply raised a hand to grab the gun body, stared into Liu San's eyes, and said solemnly: "Do you dare? ?”

The beads of sweat on Liu San's forehead became more and more dense, sliding down his face and slowly flowing into his mouth. A slightly salty and astringent feeling came from his mouth. He swallowed hard, and his legs started to move. Tremble.

quiet! Dead silence!

The depressing feeling made people breathless. At this moment, Liu San pointed a gun at Lin Feng, and Yang Xu's pistol was pressed against Liu San's forehead. The coolness coming from the gun made it difficult for him to breathe. He opened his mouth wide. He was breathing heavily, and his whole chest was heaving violently.

At this time, there was a voice in his heart desperately reminding him.

Don't shoot!

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