I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 320: What are you pointing at if you don’t have the guts?

Lin Feng's smile became brighter and brighter. He slowly raised the gun in front of Liu San.

"What are you pointing at if you don't have the guts?"

Lin Feng's smile gradually disappeared, he narrowed his eyes slightly, and placed the other one unscrupulously on Liu San's bald head.


A gunshot sounded like thunder in the daytime.

Liu San collapsed directly on the ground, his eyes were dull, his chest was rising and falling, and he was panting desperately.

"I gave you a chance, but you really can't get on the stage."

That shot was Lin Feng who pulled the trigger for him. The flying bullet was firmly embedded in the pure white wall, looking so abrupt and dazzling.

"This is my last warning to you. Next time you dare to mess with me, I will kill you myself!"

Lin Feng squatted down, his eyes full of murderous intent, and Liu San nodded desperately involuntarily.

Seeing that there was no need to stay any longer, Lin Feng patted the still dazed Yang Xu, turned around and walked out the door.

"The reason why I won't kill you today is to be a witness and let you witness with your own eyes how the Long Group disappeared in H City!"

It wasn't until Lin Feng left for a long time that Liu San slowly got up from the ground, looked at his hand holding the pistol, and felt a sense of powerlessness in his body, leaning against the wall like a puddle of mud.

On the other side, Ye Tian was standing in an alley not far from Lin Feng's house with six or seven people in black. The six or seven people following Ye Tian were wearing uniform suits and thick sunglasses on their faces. , everyone put their hands on the lower back of their suits and stared in the direction of Lin Feng's house.

"Fuck, so many police officers!"

Ye Tian cursed and kicked the fire hydrant.

Obviously, Lin Feng had already predicted their return. The police were searching along the street and would find them soon.

"Forget it, forget it, withdraw."

Ye Tianxin took a deep look at Lin Feng's residence unwillingly, hesitated for a while, showed a bloodthirsty smile, and drove away in the other direction with a group of men in black.

He has a good relationship with Liu Tianlong of the Liu Group. The two have a similar odor and often go to various places together. When they were drinking together yesterday, he suddenly mentioned that Lin Feng had called him in the middle of the night.

This aroused Ye Tian's curiosity. Lin Feng said that this person was quite decent in everything he did. He naturally knew how Liu Tianlong got into business. As far as he knew, Liu Tianlong had wanted to cooperate with the Lin Group several times, but Lin Feng Feng didn't look down on people like him at all, and refused to accept hard or soft advice from him. After doing this several times, Liu Tianlong had no choice but to give up.

"Brother Liu, why did Lin Feng call you suddenly? As far as I know, don't you two have a normal relationship?"

Ye Tian filled a glass of wine for Liu Tianlong and asked with a smile.

"This..." Liu Tianlong waved his hand, signaling for the people next to him to go down first. He took a sip of wine and said, "Yes, I was having a lot of fun yesterday. Don't tell me that the girl I found yesterday is really good at work..."

Ye Tianyi saw that Liu Tianlong was going too far, and was about to interrupt, but seeing how excited he was talking and his face flushed, he had to hold back and listen to what he had to say.

"Brother, I will introduce her to you another day, and you can try it too. Let me tell you..."

Liu Tianlong said to Ye Tian with a lewd smile.

"Okay, okay, I will definitely give it a try if I have the chance. Brother, you haven't told Lin Feng why he is calling you like that."

Ye Tian smiled and continued to ask.

Liu Tianlong nodded and said: "Actually, it's nothing serious, just a plea."


Ye Tian was stunned. Although Liu Tianlong was doing well in H City, Lin Feng probably wouldn't need him to do things. After all, everyone Lin Feng knew was of high status, and no one was better than him.

"I was also wondering at the time who was worthy of interceding with me." Liu Tianlong raised his head and continued with a bad smile: "It's a female executive of our company, her name is Jiang Li!"

"That's it?"

Ye Tian was a little disappointed, thinking he was some big shot.

A lustful smile appeared on Liu Tianlong's lips: "This Jiang Li is really good-looking. Last time I asked her out for a drink and I added something to her wine. It's a pity that she accidentally let her slip away... …I didn’t expect that I would be close to Lin Feng now.”

Ye Tianyi smiled: "Brother Liu, you are so stupid. They just gave you a phone call. They might be Lin Feng's relatives or something, but why have you changed your mind now?"

Liu Tianlong smiled slightly: "It was almost one o'clock in the evening when Lin Feng called me. This Jiang Li was next to Lin Feng. After Lin Feng told me, he was afraid that she wouldn't believe it and asked me to talk to her. Said."

"No, isn't this Lin Feng married?"

Liu Tianlong laughed and said, "Aren't all men like this? Am I not married too?"

Ye Tian chuckled and leaned into Liu Tianlong's ear: "Brother Liu, do you have Jiang Li's home address? Send it to me."

Jiang Li was completely unaware of the danger coming. At this moment, she was lying leisurely on the sofa and was completely moved by the infatuation of the male protagonist in the idol drama.

"Bang bang bang!"

Jiang Li was concentrating on the content on the TV. Seeing that the hands of the male and female protagonists were about to be held together, there was a sudden knock on the door.


Jiang Li asked very reluctantly.

"Hello, the takeaway you brought has arrived."

"I didn't order takeout?"

"A man named Mr. Lin ordered it for you."

Mr. Lin? Jiang Li didn't know why the first person he thought of was Lin Feng. He felt an inexplicable throbbing in his heart. He opened the door and then felt his eyes go dark...

Lin Feng had just gotten out of the car to say goodbye to Yang Xu and was about to return to the company, but he saw Yang Xu running over in a panic: "It's not good! It's not good! Something big has happened!"

Lin Feng was stunned and looked up at Yang Xu in confusion, wondering what the big event he was talking about was going on.

"I just received a call. The person on the other side of the phone asked for you by name. He said his name was Ye Tian, ​​and he also said that he has your wife."

Yang Xu said.

"My wife? Isn't my wife protected by you? She can still be robbed by others."

Lin Feng's first thought was of Shen Qingxue. When he thought that his wife could be robbed under such police protection, he became furious on the spot. He rushed over and grabbed Yang Xu's collar and shouted: "That's what you fucking do. I protect it.”

"No, no, I just called to confirm that your wife is fine. The police have been checking around your home and haven't seen any homes approaching your home."

Yang Xu hurriedly explained to Lin Feng.

"It's okay? It's okay. Why are you trying to scare me?" Lin Feng was stunned and didn't react for a while.

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