I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 321: Jiang Li was kidnapped

"Who knows?" Yang Xu shook his head and continued: "I don't know what it means. I remember he said that your wife's name, her name, seemed to be Jiang Li."

Jiang Li... I c, how does he know his relationship with Jiang Li? No, no, he has nothing to do with Jiang Li. Lin Feng immediately rejected this idea in his heart.

But...how could he think of kidnapping Jiang Li? Lin Feng suddenly realized that he had not told anyone about what happened to her. No, he had told Liu Tianlong that night, Liu Tianlong... Lin Feng suddenly understood something.

"Then, should I hurry over and take a look?" Although Yang Xu was a little curious about who Lin Feng's wife appeared out of thin air, but as a policeman with a sense of responsibility, he was more worried about the safety of the hostages.

"You are talking nonsense, the other party said she is my wife, why don't we hurry over." Lin Feng was not too worried. Since this Ye Tian called, he must have wanted to use this matter to threaten him. It would not harm Jiang Li's personal safety. Otherwise, there would be no need to go to all the trouble of calling him to inform him.

"Brother Yang, if I accidentally kill him later, can you hold him down for me?" Lin Feng sat in the passenger seat and said to Yang Xu. Yang Xu had just started the car and was about to put it into gear. Lin Feng suddenly raised his head when he said this: "What do you want to do? Don't be impulsive! I'm a policeman."

After finishing speaking, he thought for a while and sighed: "Don't do stupid things. Even if I don't arrest you, there will definitely be other police officers who will cause trouble for you. We still have to respect the law and abide by the rules." citizen."

Lin Feng looked at Yang Xu's serious look and couldn't help but laugh: "You think I am as brainless as you!"

The two of them were driving very fast in the direction of Jiang Li's house. Yang Xu was driving while listening to other people's reports on the situation: "Don't come here yet. The two of us are carrying guns. If the situation is urgent, we will go on our own." Handle it, it will be bad if there are too many of you and the gangsters are angered!"

"Copy that! If the gangster makes his next move, he can shoot first." Li Bin's voice came from the intercom.

"Did you hear that? I created a chance for you!"

Yang Xu turned to Lin Feng and said.

Lin Bin and other police officers were guarding downstairs. When Lin Feng saw Li Bin, he quickly walked over and asked, "How's it going?"

"There is only one gangster upstairs. He asked you to come over by name, and threatened that if anyone dared to come forward, he would kill the woman directly."

Li Bin said with a frown.

"Did you offend someone?"

He had just rushed over after hearing the report, thinking that Lin Feng had offended someone again.

"No, those people are Long Aotian's lackeys, maybe they want to trade her for my life!"

Li Bin nodded and said nothing, thinking hard about countermeasures.

"How about I go up and have a look myself!"

Seeing that no one could think of any good solution, Lin Feng opened his mouth and said.

"No! It's too dangerous!"

Li Bin rejected it outright. It was already very difficult for the gangsters to take hostages. If something happened to Lin Feng again, he would really have to pack up and get out.

"It's not like you don't understand my skills. Don't worry, he can't hurt me. Besides, if you have trouble, people want to see me by name. We can't just waste time here!"

Li Bin also understood that the gangsters were obviously coming for Lin Feng. He hesitated for a while: "This is the only way. If anything happens, you can just shoot and I will handle the rest for you!"

"Okay!" After saying that, Lin Feng took the loaded pistol from Yang Xu and walked up the stairs toward Jiang Li's house.

Unexpectedly, the person who kidnapped Jiang Li actually knew Cun Tou, Liu San's subordinate who had troubled him last time.

"Don't say any more useless things. Mr. Long has ordered that you must die in front of me before I can let this woman go."

Cun Tou stared at Lin Feng with a fierce look on his face, and the dagger in his hand was placed on Jiang Li's neck.

Jiang Li's face was already pale and his delicate body was trembling. When he saw Lin Feng, tears burst out of his eyes and he began to sob softly.

"Quickly die in front of me, I don't want to waste time with you!"

Chun Tou licked his lips, with murderous intent clearly visible in his eyes. The knife on Jiang Li's neck tightened a little more, and a thin line of blood oozed out.

"Aren't you just after money? Tell me the number. I'll get it for you."

"Stop talking nonsense to me and hurry up."

Lin Feng was also sweating. It was obvious that this guy was different from Liu San. He was a naked bachelor. He was the kind of person who could feed one person and the whole family would not be hungry. He did not eat hard or soft things.

"Okay, okay, I promise you, I promise you, please loosen the knife in your hand first."

Seeing that Lin Feng really had no choice, he had annoyed the other party by talking too much, and the force of the knife in his hand became stronger. Now he could only stabilize the gangster's mood first.

"Don't come here!"

Cuntou saw Lin Feng move a few steps this way, and the hatred in his eyes became even stronger. He had suffered a lot at Lin Feng's hands, and he knew that Lin Feng's skills were extraordinary. If he was allowed to get close, he might be a threat. to myself.

"Don't get excited, am I looking for someone to take advantage of you?"

Lin Feng quickly took a few steps back.

"Just hit your head against the wall and die."

An Tou showed a cruel smile.

"It would be too ugly to die if you get hit. You are threatening my wife with it. I'm afraid she will be scared in the future."

Lin Feng's pistol was hidden on his lower back. Fortunately, his clothes were loose and it was not discovered.

"I c, I have to be dead and I still have to pay attention to what is not imagey. Okay, just think that I have done a good deed to fulfill you. Did you see a fruit knife on the table in the living room? Just use that to wipe your neck and commit suicide!" "

Cun Tou said with a sneer.

"Okay, okay, I'll go get it."

Lin Feng saw that there was indeed a fruit knife on the coffee table in the living room. After saying that, he walked over there, holding the knife directly towards him, for fear that he would play some trick.

"Then I'm here. Are you sure you can make sure she's okay?"

Lin Feng picked up the fruit knife and put it on his neck, and touched his lower back with his other hand.

"Leave me alone, run! Run! Run!"

At this moment, Jiang Li suddenly shouted like crazy and struggled violently.

"Damn, you stinky bitch, you have quite a strong personality. Are you reluctant to let your husband die? I will let you watch him die in front of you today."

Cun Tou didn't expect that Jiang Li would still dare to struggle. He was so angry that he pressed the knife firmly on her neck and pressed hard. He could clearly see that the blood on Jiang Li's neck was slowly flowing down.

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