I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 322: It’s over, I fell in love with him

Lin Feng had already touched the handle of the pistol, but the two men were moving too violently. If they shot rashly, they would probably hurt Jiang Li. Lin Feng did not dare to take risks. He was afraid of making a mistake.

"Don't be impulsive. Aren't you going to kill me? How can you deal with your boss like this?"

Lin Feng immediately shouted to stop him.

"Hmph, stop playing tricks with me. I came here today with no intention of going back alive. Whether I kill you or this little girl, the difference to me is the same."

Cun Tou curled his lips and said disdainfully.

"Fuck, okay, then you stab her to death today! You also know my methods. You don't have to run after killing her. I will make you unable to survive or die in my hands."

Lin Feng threw the fruit knife in his hand to the ground, pointed at him and said: "I don't believe you don't have any brothers and sisters, father and mother. Anyway, I work in the police station. It's not difficult to get your information." , if you don’t believe it, try it..."

Cun Tou didn't expect Lin Feng to suddenly become ruthless. He was a little dazed for a moment, and tightened the knife in his hand: "Do you believe it or not, I killed her!"

"Come, kill her!"

He simply sat down on the sofa, put the pistol on his waist directly on the table, crossed his legs carelessly, picked up an apple from the table and started to chew it, and said with unclear words: "Hurry, I I’m in a hurry, I’ll use this pistol to break your legs later, have fun with you, and then go find your brothers and sisters.”

"How dare you!"

Cun Tou roared as if someone had touched his weak spot.

"I dare you to figure it out for yourself."

Lin Feng picked up the pistol and pointed it at Cun Tou's leg while chewing on the apple: "You have to think clearly. At most, you are hurting someone intentionally. If you go in and squat for three to five years, you can still fulfill your filial piety in front of your parents. If If you kill her, the nature will change."

Lin Feng hesitated when he saw that it was working, and continued to threaten: "I know what Long Aotian must have promised you before. If you let her go, as long as Long Aotian promised you, I will give you double, I Do what you say, if you don’t believe it I will give you a letter now.”

Cun Tou remained silent, and the knife in his hand began to shake slightly. Lin Feng continued to be tempting: "Are you willing to be a knife wielder for others? Even if you really kill her, what will change? She will still live outside as usual. You have to spend a lot of time, you are just a knife in someone's hand, and it is disposable, just throw it away after use."

"Why don't you give me your parents' card number, and I'll transfer a sum of money to them in front of you. You can lose the amount as you like. You can do it. I don't think you have a wife or children. You're just working so hard for your parents, right? .”

Lin Feng continued to induce.

"Then... okay... as you said, you transfer some money to them first, and I will go down and surrender immediately."

Cun Tou nodded and removed the knife from Jiang Li's neck.

"Okay! It's a deal!"

Lin Feng was so happy that he jumped up from the sofa, took out his mobile phone, clicked a few times, and handed it to him.

"No, I think you lose."

Cun Tou shook his head.

"Okay, just read it."

Then Lin Feng showed Cun Tou the information about the successful transfer, and Cun Tou dropped the knife in his hand. The police who had been waiting outside for a long time rushed in and pushed him to the ground, but everyone saw him smiling.


When he was pushed out of the door, he turned his head with difficulty and gave Lin Feng a smile that was uglier than crying.

At this moment, after Jiang Li reacted, he threw himself on Lin Feng and burst into tears: "It scared me to death... It scared me to death..."

Jiang Li hugged Lin Feng tightly, tears streaming down his face. He no longer had the strength and stubbornness he had just before, and started crying happily.

Behind him, Yang Xu was still worried about Lin Feng's safety. He just rushed up and saw this scene, and muttered: "You have a fucking wife, but you still have a little girl from Huo Huo, and I'm still a bachelor..." People are more irritating than others." Yang Xu saw that his concern was obviously unnecessary, turned around and left angrily, and before leaving, he did not forget the good habits he had developed before, and closed the door...

"Ha...it's okay...it's okay" Lin Feng hurriedly coaxed her, thinking to himself, it's over. He originally planned to keep a distance from her, but in this case...things still developed in the direction he least expected. .

"Ahem..." Lin Feng really couldn't bear it anymore. He had a wife anyway, so why was he being held by someone else? Although he said it felt really good...but he really couldn't explain it in his heart...Doing this was... It's not that there's something not so good...

"Cough cough cough..." Seeing that Jiang Li was unmoved, Lin Feng cleared his throat and coughed a few times. Only then did Jiang Li realize that he was buried in Lin Feng's arms, and his face suddenly turned red. One piece, even more embarrassed to raise his head.

"Where's Lin Feng? Why didn't you see him coming out with you? Is he injured?"

Li Bin saw that after Yang Xu went up, Lin Feng did not follow him down, so he stepped forward and asked.

"That boy is being held by a beautiful woman right now. Let's not worry about it and go back quickly."

"Fuck, this kid..."

After Jiang Li calmed down a little, he let go of his hand with some embarrassment.

This is just an instinctive reaction. Lin Feng saved him from the knife just now, so he subconsciously hugged Lin Feng without thinking too much. However, in Lin Feng's arms, it was really... It feels so safe.

"I'm sorry, Lin Feng, I was just too scared..."

Jiang Li casually touched the tears on his face, smiled apologetically at Lin Feng, and suddenly felt a throbbing in his heart.

"Um, it's okay, it's okay. Do you have any trauma medicine at home? The wound on your neck..."

Lin Feng smiled and thought to himself that he quickly found an excuse to leave. Staying there was not an option.

"There should be one, I'll go look for it."

After saying that, Jiang Li rummaged through the boxes and cabinets at home to find it.

"Haha, I don't think you use it very much. How about I go downstairs and buy it for you?"

After saying that, Lin Feng jumped out and ran out. He couldn't stand it. This atmosphere was really wrong.

"Are you leaving?"

When Jiang Li heard this, his body stiffened and he looked at Lin Feng pitifully.

"This...am I not buying you medicine?"

Lin Feng was stunned for a moment. What was that look in her face just now? Was it coquettish? Who can bear this?

"Oh, I found the medicine, please help me apply it."

After saying that, Jiang Li couldn't help but put the medicine bottle and cotton swab into his hand and raised his head.

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