I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 323: Can you stay with me?

Because Jiang Li was at home alone, he was dressed more casually, wearing only a loose pajamas. Lin Feng was nearly half a head taller than her. Looking down from his angle, he could vaguely see two Wipe your hair up for an attractive white complexion.

Lin Feng secretly cursed that he had a problem with his thinking. He quickly turned his attention to Jiang Li's neck and gently applied medicine to her with a cotton swab. Fortunately, the wound was not too serious. After a brief treatment, he quickly turned his head to the side.

"Do you know... why they wanted to kidnap me?" Jiang Li didn't understand. He had always been very popular in the company. Today, he was kidnapped for no reason. If Lin Feng hadn't appeared in time, he might have been kidnapped today. It's going to be much worse than bad.

"Ye..." Lin Feng just wanted to open his mouth. After thinking about it, how could Jiang Li be threatened if it wasn't because of himself? He lowered his head and said to Jiang Li, "I'm sorry...it's all because of me."

Jiang Li could roughly guess what happened today, but what she didn't understand was why the other party threatened Lin Feng with her, and her relationship with him was not...a real couple. His relationship with Lin Feng How did he know? She now had a rough judgment in her mind, but she was not very sure.

Lin Feng smiled bitterly and shook his head: "These things are indeed all caused by me. Don't worry, no one will dare to threaten you again."

"But..." Jiang Li wanted to say more, but when he met Lin Feng's clear and firm eyes, he swallowed the rest of his words involuntarily and nodded.

"Don't worry, I will make the person behind your kidnapping pay the corresponding price."

Whether it was Long Aotian or Ye Tian, ​​they wanted to attack the people around him again. After this incident passed, he had to find a way to completely disappear them from the earth.

Jiang Li thought about the inexplicable grievance and fear in his heart, lowered his head and started to cry...

"Jiang...Jiang Li, what's wrong with you?" Lin Feng was suddenly startled. He didn't know why Jiang Li started crying just because he said it. He didn't say it well just now.

"It's okay... I just suddenly felt so scared... I'm afraid they will come to trouble me again... This time it's because you came and thought in time... What if next time." Jiang Li's voice was choked and he said intermittently. arrive.

After all, she is just a weak little girl, and what she experienced today had a considerable psychological impact on her.

After hearing what Jiang Li said, Lin Feng couldn't help but feel a little guilty. This incident was caused by him. If he hadn't interacted with her at that time, she wouldn't have endured what happened today.

"Don't be afraid. How about we move out of here this afternoon? Let's find another place."

Lin Feng walked over, comforted softly, patted Jiang Li's shoulder, and wanted to hug her over, but felt something was wrong again, so he stretched out his hand and put it down again.

Just as she was hesitating, Jiang Li took the initiative to lean over and lay on Lin Feng's generous chest. She unconsciously regarded Lin Feng as someone she could rely on and started sobbing...

Uh... Lin Feng really couldn't refuse this time. He put his arms around Jiang Li's shoulders, patted her back gently, and let her cry in his arms.

Lin Feng sighed, this time he really couldn't get away...

He took out his cell phone and called the company, saying a few words and not talking.

"Then shall we move out this afternoon?" Lin Feng said to Jiang Li after her mood stabilized.

Jiang Li was stunned, raised her head, and glanced out the window. It was getting late, and it must be too late today. She shook her head and thought for a while: "No, I have to sell this house first before I can change it." Let’s build another house...I don’t have that much money..."

"I'll just help you..." Lin Feng was about to speak, but saw Jiang Li looking at him seriously. It was obvious that she was a very strong girl. Lin Feng was afraid of hurting his self-esteem, so he did not continue talking and stopped. After a while he said: "Okay then."

"By the way, I want to pay you back how much money you gave to that gangster today."

Jiang Li stretched out her hand to grab Lin Feng's cell phone. No matter how Lin Feng tried to persuade her, she would not give in at all and her stance was extremely firm. Seeing that Lin Feng was stubborn, he made a serious face and spoke in a deep voice.

"Today's incident happened because of me. If you insist on giving me the money, we will not contact you again in the future."

Jiang Li was startled. He didn't expect Lin Feng to be so serious suddenly. He didn't dare to look directly into his eyes. He lowered his head and muttered softly: "Okay then."

Unknowingly, Jiang Li's heart got a little closer to Lin Feng.

"I think it's time for me to go back. If you need anything, just call me. Remember to lock the door at home. Strangers shouldn't open the door in the future..."

Lin Feng glanced at the time and saw that it was past nine o'clock. He couldn't stay any longer. He got up and first cleaned up the mess in Jiang Li's house, picked up the garbage, and prepared to go out.

"I'm leaving……"

Lin Feng saw that Jiang Li kept her head down and said nothing, thinking that she had not recovered from the shock, so he planned to leave her alone for a while.

"Can you stay here tonight...accompany me...I'm afraid..."

Jiang Li hesitated and spoke embarrassedly. She did not expect that she would actually try to persuade Lin Feng to stay. As a girl, she felt very ashamed to say such words.

"Stay?" Lin Feng was stunned, thinking he heard wrongly. "It's not good... I'd better go..." Lin Feng didn't dare to stay here. Who knows what would happen if a man and a woman were alone in the same room. Besides, he had been going home very late these days. Who knew Shen Qingxue Do you suspect anything? If she doesn't come back tonight, she will definitely not let her go.

"You..." Jiang Li didn't expect that Lin Feng would reject him so simply. He wanted to ask him to leave quickly, but he suddenly felt reluctant in his heart. He curled up into a ball and buried his head in his knees without saying a word.

Lin Feng couldn't bear it, so he left her alone here. If Ye Tian was still haunted and sent someone over, it might be too late for him to rush over. He hesitated for a long time and said: "Then I'll go down and buy a meal... ...Come back again?”


Jiang Li expressed his gratitude softly, and at the same time he was moved, but also felt a little bit like his plot had succeeded.

When Lin Feng went downstairs, he was in a mess and dialed Shen Qingxue's phone anxiously.

"Honey... I may not go home tonight..."

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