I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 332: The Long Group collapses

In another office, Long Aotian's personal secretary was taking notes. Yang Xu took it and looked at it, shook his head and said, "They are all insignificant things."

"Didn't you find anything valuable?"

Lin Feng asked. He didn't believe that Long Aotian could handle things so cleanly when he left. He would definitely leave some clues.

"I heard from my men that when they came in, Long Aotian and his men were burning things, leaving only some company accounts and the like."

Yang Xu replied, paused and continued: "But I found a safe, and technicians are now cracking it. I just hope there is some important information in it. If not, we will never see Li Bin again when we go back."


Lin Feng sighed and found that there was a shiny bald man next to the secretary being interrogated. Lin Feng's mouth was about to reach behind his ears. When he saw the bald head, the corners of his mouth suddenly raised. A smile.

"Ah! Isn't this brother Liu San? We are rare visitors. I haven't seen you for a long time, and I happen to miss you a little. Look, why did you come to your door before I was in a hurry to visit you?"

To Liu San, this voice was almost the same as coming from the underworld. He had just stepped out of Lin Feng's shadow, but he didn't expect to see the face that gave him nightmares again. Just now he was thinking of saying something shameless. Liu San didn't dare to speak for a moment, his neck was stiff and he slowly turned his head, forcing himself to smile at Lin Feng.

"You...you..." Liu San pointed at Lin Feng tremblingly for a long time without saying a word. Nothing good happened to him every time he met him.

Jin Long glanced at Lin Feng with a strange expression. He didn't expect that they knew each other. This Liu San didn't have a good reputation. They looked familiar to each other.

"These people are illegally possessing firearms. Take them away."

Jin Long waited for a long time but saw no movement from Lin Feng, so he waved his hand and asked his men to take them down.

The few gangsters squatting on the ground were instantly frightened. They didn't expect that they had been following Long Aotian for so many years and had done so many bad things that were harmful to the world. They would finally receive retribution.

Lin Feng whispered a few words in Yang Xu's ear. Yang Xu was hesitant, but finally nodded and left with Jin Long and all his men.

"Tell me quickly, where are Long Aotian and Ye Tian?"

Lin Feng walked up to Liu San and kicked him. Several people looked at each other and no one said anything.

Before Long Aotian left, he asked them to stay behind and promised to give them a large sum of money afterwards and find a way to get them out. So they looked at each other with determination in their eyes, and no one wanted to speak.

"have to."

Lin Feng saw that no matter how hard he pressed today, there would be no results, so he rushed out of the door, reached out and pulled out Yang Xu's gun. Yang Xu just wanted to stop him, but when he saw him, he had already closed the door of the office with a "bang!" door.

"Hehe, didn't I say that I would personally let you watch the collapse of the Long Group? I thought I warned you last time that you would never work for the Long Group again. It seems that you really don't have a long memory."

Lin Feng smiled solemnly, put the gun on Liu San's head, and a cold red light flashed in his eyes.

"I really don't know. How could he tell us when he left in such a hurry?"

Although Liu San was scared to death, he still believed that Lin Feng did not dare to pull the trigger.

"Okay, what about you? Do you know Long Aotian's whereabouts?"

Lin Feng turned his gun, pointed at another gangster under Liu San and said coldly.

"I don't know, even the boss doesn't know. I'm afraid how could he know..."

The gangster swallowed and said tremblingly.


There was a gunshot, and Lin Feng pulled the trigger without any hesitation. The poor guy's head was instantly torn apart in front of everyone's eyes. Red blood and white brains sputtered out, making everyone around him look miserable.

These people have followed Liu San and committed countless crimes over the years and killed countless families. In Lin Feng's eyes, death for such people is not a pity.

"I'll ask you again, do you know where Long Aotian went?"

Liu San was dumbfounded upon hearing this, his heart was beating wildly, and his legs could not stop shaking. He had never been so close to death before, and now he no longer thought that Lin Feng did not dare to kill him.


The sound of a pistol being cocked.

"You really don't know?"

Lin Feng knelt down and looked at Liu San again.

"I know... I know... I will tell you everything I know..."

Liu San's whole body was trembling violently, and he nodded like he was pounding garlic.

"Okay, if that's the case, I'll keep you for now and say goodbye to your brothers quickly. After all, we'll never see you again."

Lin Feng stood up and glanced at the other people. Everyone who met Lin Feng's gaze would tremble subconsciously. Everyone's legs were shaking, and their hearts were extremely frightened.

"No, no, I'll tell you everything I know!"

Suddenly, a person crawled over and hugged Lin Feng's thigh, shouting loudly. Seeing this, everyone seemed to see hope and spoke one after another.

A smile appeared at the corner of Lin Feng's lips. He knew from the beginning that it was impossible for these people to know everything after following Long Aotian for such a long time. If they were not deterred, they would not be able to tell the truth honestly. he.

After all, they have followed Long Aotian for so many years, and they are aware of Long Aotian's methods, but under the threat of death, everyone will be afraid.

"If you tell lies, you know the consequences."

"No, no, we will definitely tell you everything we know."

"Yes, yes, I will truthfully tell you everything I have known over the years."

All the answers were rushed, as if Lin Feng was afraid that he would regret it.

Lin Feng opened the door and went out. Yang Xu and Jin Long's expressions were not very good. Lin Feng walked over and said, "If you kill a scumbag, if the investigation is done, you will never be investigated. Now you hurry up and interrogate. , they will definitely tell you everything they know.”

Jin Long stood at the door without saying a word. He seemed to be struggling with something in his heart. Lin Feng handed over his hands: "I know what you are struggling with. Li Bin must have said something to you before leaving. Don't worry, just do it." Things you want to do.”

"Recruited, they all recruited!"

Yang Xu ran over with excitement on his face and patted Lin Feng's shoulder to comfort him: "It's really thanks to you. We have finally eradicated this huge cancer in H City!"

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