Jin Long hesitated for a long time, sighed, shook his head and said, "Li Bin told me that no matter what you do, you have to wait until you get back. It's not appropriate."

"This is the first and last time. If this happens again, I will come and catch you personally!"

Jin Long took his hands off his lower back and let out a long sigh again. It could be seen that he was quite entangled in his heart. Although Lin Feng's approach was indeed simple and effective, it really touched his bottom line.

Finally, with the unremitting efforts of professionals, the safe was opened, and inside there was a whole pile of income accounts of Long Aotian's underground business. The amount was staggering. After adding up all the amounts, Lin The wind was almost dazzled by the zero detour behind.

After all the matters were dealt with, everyone went back home. When Li Bin heard that conclusive evidence had been found, his pale face finally gained some color.

"It's just a Long Group. It has suppressed you for such a long time. You are indeed a coward."

Lin Feng took a sip of tea, put the cup on the coffee table, and said to Li Bin with a smile.

After hearing this, Li Bin blushed, shook his head with a wry smile and said: "The Long Group has been rooted in H City for decades, and it has long been deeply rooted. What's more, after so many years of operation, the power behind them is also real. It's terrifying. The group of people we just investigated a few years ago were all murdered silently. What can we do? As soon as I start investigating, there are people above who keep putting pressure on me. I really have no choice."

Lin Feng lit a cigarette, walked to the window, looked at the sunset outside, and murmured to himself: "I just want to protect my family."

The air was silent for a long time, and Li Bin was the first to speak: "So what do you want to do with Long Aotian? Do you think he will attack your family again?"

When Lin Feng heard this, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he said in a deep voice: "If that's really the case, then he will disappear from this world. No matter who dares to hurt my relatives, he will have to pay the consequences." cost."

"Dong dong dong."

There was a knock on the door, and Li Bin shouted: "Come in."

Jin Long held a thick folder in his hand, walked to Li Bin, and whispered: "They have already confessed..."

Li Bin waved his hand, just say it directly, there is no need to hide it.

Jin Long glanced at Lin Feng and continued: "They have admitted and confessed that what they have known over the years is all the officials Long Aotian bribed, more than twenty."

"Aren't they just a bunch of boys? Can what they say be trusted?"

Yang Xu couldn't sit still at the side and raised his doubts.

"They are not younger brothers, they are the cronies of Long Aotian, especially Liu San. He is Long Aotian's confidant. He is just trying to cover Long Aotian before he has time to evacuate. He has fully explained what Long Aotian has said. I also recorded the crimes Nian committed and everything he saw with his own eyes, which can be used as evidence in the future."

"This is all your fault."

Li Bin took Jin Long's folder and handed it to Lin Feng.

"This is just something I should do. Keep it for yourself. It will definitely be of great use to you in the future."

Lin Feng didn't answer it. Li Bin handed it to him just to be polite to him. He was not so disrespectful. This was not something he could and should not take care of.

"I've finished all my matters. I guess Long Aotian won't dare to come back. In that case, I'll see you later."

Lin Feng came over, waved his hand very coolly, turned around and left.

After walking out of the door, Lin Feng stretched and secretly felt a little regretful. After Long Aotian was taken away from his old home, he might never come back again. He might be on the plane now because he had done so many unreasonable things. , it was a pity that I couldn't teach him a lesson myself.

In this case, Ye Tian's fate will probably not be that good. He was probably abandoned by Long Aotian a long time ago. Lin Feng thought of such a bunch of trivial matters inexplicably and shook his head. In the future, these things will not belong to him. If you are worried, you should think about how to properly run the company.

Seeing that it was still early and the sun had just set, Lin Feng thought for a while that he hadn't gone shopping with Shen Qingxue for a long time. Why not go shopping with her today? He started the car and rushed home eagerly.

After what happened last time, Lin Feng had already forgotten about Jiang Li. Jiang Li had not gone to work these days and had been watching dramas at home to pass the time. Whenever he had some free time, his mind would be filled with Lin Feng's figure. , lingering, she resisted not calling Lin Feng, who knew that Lin Feng just forgot that there was such a person like herself.

Lin Feng parked his car downstairs. As soon as he entered the house, he wanted to change his clothes as soon as possible. However, as soon as he entered the house, he saw Shen Qingxue watching TV at home. When he saw Lin Feng coming back, he was stunned.

"Lin Feng, where are your clothes? Lost them again?" Shen Qingxue was about to ask Lin Feng why he came back so early. When she saw his appearance, she felt a little confused: "What are you doing again? You have been busy these two days. what?"

"Hey, stop talking. I'll go change my clothes first."

As Lin Feng spoke, he strode towards his room. Fortunately, the villa area where Lin Feng lived had fewer people at night. Otherwise, anyone who saw a person walking around in big flower pants would probably be mistaken. Call the police thinking a gangster.

He didn't want to, but the smell of blood on his clothes and pants was too strong. As soon as he got off the car, he found a remote trash can and threw it away.

"That Long Aotian asked me to clean up, and he asked me to throw away his clothes..."

Lin Feng came in just after taking a shower.


The fruit plate in Shen Qingxue's hand fell directly to the ground, and then she pointed at Lin Feng with a shocked expression: "You... won't... won't give it to him..."

"How is that possible? Just by taking over his company, I'm afraid the Long Group will never exist again."

Lin Feng replied absentmindedly while changing his clothes.

Shen Qingxue looked at Lin Feng's back, a trace of doubt flashed in her eyes, and after thinking about it, she felt like something was wrong.

"Then where did Long Aotian go?"

Shen Qingxue felt that something was wrong and continued to dig into the details.

"I don't know. I didn't see him in his company today. I guess he's already on the plane now. I originally wanted to take this opportunity to punish him, but it's a pity that I don't have the chance."

Lin Feng explained simply, eliminating some unnecessary steps.

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