As long as Lin Feng is not with Shen Qingxue, he will find a group of people to deal with it and let him be so arrogant in front of him today.

"Go on, go on. If something happens, I'll take care of it for you."

Xu Lele snorted coldly and agreed with the spirited guy's approach.

After hearing what Xu Lele said, he instantly felt confident. He immediately took out his mobile phone and made a call. After saying a few words, his expression changed: "Brother Gou, are you telling the truth? This car is really a Secret file? What? Don’t check it? Really? "

The spirited young man hung up the phone and didn't react for a long time, his expression was extremely ugly.

"What's wrong? You're putting on a bad face, as if someone in your family has died?"

Xu Lele asked with a puzzled expression.

"It says that this license plate number cannot be checked. No, they don't dare to check it. It's a super important person's car."

The spirited guy responded.

Xu Lele's face didn't look much better after hearing what the spirited young man said. The car turned out to be a secret file, and his identity was similar to his father's. It was very common among some government officials or people with status, and ordinary people were not allowed to investigate.

But what about the secret files? The person I am looking for is not the owner of the car, but his bodyguard. I must teach him a lesson. As a father, he can stir up any big troubles. Even if his father can't control it, there are still grandfather……

Thinking of this, Xu Lele felt at ease and said to the young man: "Then don't worry about the license plate or not. We won't check her. You can find a way to check the identity of the bodyguard to see who he is and who he belongs to." That company..."

Lin Feng seems to be very capable. He must be a high-ranking figure even in the bodyguard company. It will be easier to investigate.

"No problem, I should be able to handle this."

When the spirited boy heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief. If he was really asked to check the owner of the car, he probably wouldn't have the power. Even if he mobilized his family's connections, it would be very difficult to do it. The most important thing is, why should the family care about this matter? He couldn't afford to offend such a person.

"Hey, I just took a picture of him with my phone. I'll mobilize my connections and find someone to investigate."

The spirited young man smiled and turned around to leave.

"What, you actually photographed him?" Xu Lele was stunned for a moment, and then his face lit up. He was grinding his teeth at Lin Fengqi, and was worried that he had nowhere to start...

Lin Feng didn't pay attention to those little kids at all, and he didn't even know that they were busy investigating him. If they really wanted to know, they could ask him face to face. It's not like he couldn't tell.

"Husband, you are so handsome today."

Shen Qingxue turned her head and glanced at Lin Feng, with a smile that couldn't be concealed on her face.

"Yeah, I think I'm pretty handsome too."

Lin Feng smiled shamelessly and stretched his hand to Shen Qingxue's thigh.

"Hmph! Rogue."

Shen Qingxue rolled her eyes at him and slapped his hand hard. Unexpectedly, Lin Feng immediately pulled out his hand to avoid it, and hit her thigh hard. It hurt so much that she couldn't hold the other steering wheel firmly and the car swayed. After a few moments, Lin Feng became honest and no longer dared to fool around.

After returning home, Lin Feng couldn't wait to hug Shen Qingxue.

"Don't worry, don't worry, I have to take a shower first, one day at a time."

Shen Qingxue cursed and walked into the bathroom.

"Okay, okay, go and wash it quickly."

Lin Feng wholeheartedly agreed, sat on the sofa, and waited for about three minutes, thinking that Shen Qingxue should have finished taking off her clothes, and ran to the bathroom while taking off her clothes.

"You, you, what are you doing? Get out."

Shen Qingxue shouted, covering her chest tightly.

"Okay, okay."

Lin Feng promised well with his words, but he was very honest with his body.

In the middle of the night, Lin Feng was sleeping hazily, but he heard his cell phone ringing non-stop.

"Who is it? If there is something, we can't talk about it until dawn?"

Lin Feng was obviously not happy to be woken up from his sweet dream, and his tone was raised a bit, and he said angrily.

"woo woo woo woo……"

There was no word from the other side, just a burst of crying.

Lin Feng quickly felt a little nervous. Hearing a woman crying at three o'clock in the morning was really creepy.

Because the phone was picked up directly, Lin Feng just put the phone to his ear and did not notice who called him. He suddenly became angry.

"You are fucking sick. You called me in the middle of the night to scare me."

Lin Feng shouted, because he was afraid of affecting Shen Qingxue's sleep, Lin Feng lowered his voice and shouted.


The voice on the phone was short and shushing, with occasional sobs, and sounded quite sad.

"Jiang Li, don't cry. What's wrong? Did something happen?"

When Lin Feng heard that it was Jiang Li's voice, he was a little surprised, got up and walked to the bathroom.

"Who is calling in the middle of the night?"

Shen Qingxue was woken up and asked with half-open eyes.

"It's okay, salesman, I'm going to use the restroom."

Lin Feng prevaricated because he covered the microphone with one hand, so Shen Qingxue's voice was not heard on the other side.

"Why... why haven't you come to see me for so long... I... I thought you were dead..."

Jiang Li was still crying over there.

Damn, how are you talking? If I don’t come to see you, I will die. I’ll be damned.

"No, no, I've been busy with a lot of things in the company these past two days. I've been so busy all day long that I haven't even thought about it yet."

Lin Feng scratched his head and explained.

Should I make it clear to her now and make a clean break? Jiang Li has such a stubborn personality, will it be difficult to think about it? Lin Feng gave up the idea and decided to comfort her first.

" you...hate me...ah?"

Jiang Li stopped crying, but his voice was still twitching violently, with a thick nasal sound. It sounded like he had been crying for a long time.

"I don't hate you, I don't hate you. How could I hate you? I want to see you every day."

As soon as Lin Feng finished speaking, he realized that he had said the wrong thing, and secretly cursed himself for speaking out of his mind.


Jiang Li said with a sigh.

"Really, really, it's because I've been too busy these two days. I originally planned to go over and spend some time with you after these two days."

Lin Feng gritted his teeth and continued to lie.


Jiang Li confirmed again.

"In the past two days... I don't know why... I have been thinking about you every day... but I resisted... not to call you... Why don't you know... give me a reply bastard..."

Jiang Li twitched and shouted.

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