I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 343, Jiang Li’s family banquet

"Okay, okay, I understand. Don't be angry. I will go over to accompany you tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Do you think that's okay?"

Lin Feng spoke to comfort him.

"Then you keep your word..."

Jiang Li said aggrievedly.

He mustered up the courage to call Lin Feng today. He originally planned to clarify the matter. If he really didn't like himself, he would never pester him in the future. Unexpectedly, his attitude of admitting his mistake was considered sincere, and she also I'm sorry to continue talking.

"By the way, there is a family dinner at home tomorrow, and I want to take you with me..."

Jiang Li said this out of nowhere.

"Seder? Why are you taking me to the party at your house? I won't go."

Lin Feng was shocked, he couldn't go here. If he went, what would happen to him? Jiang Li took him home to meet his parents? This does not mean that he admits that he is her boyfriend, and he cannot go there even if he is killed.

"No way... I have other things to do at the company tomorrow..."

Lin Feng explained, constantly thinking about some excuse to find an excuse.

"No! If you don't come over tomorrow, just wait until you come to my house to collect the body!"

Jiang Li's attitude was extremely determined and he hung up the phone after speaking.

She had just hung up the phone and she was so popular. Is it useless to find a man? Do you still have to wait until you confess your love to him?

Lin Feng squatted on the ground and sighed helplessly, what the hell is this? He can't go tomorrow at all, just put it aside for a day, and then find a reason to fool him later, but he is still really afraid that this Jiang Lijian will go astray. If he really did something shocking, I thought about it and made it clear to her after tomorrow.

Well, that's it.

After thinking about it, Lin Feng lay on the bed and quickly fell into a dream.

"Zero zero zero zero..."

A series of phone tones woke Lin Feng from his dream, and he drowsily picked up the phone.

"What did I tell you yesterday? Have you packed it up? Come here as soon as you pack it up. Otherwise, give me your address and I will pick you up..."

Jiang Li spoke a lot at the top of his lungs.

Lin Feng woke up immediately, got up from the bed, and quickly looked in the direction of Shen Qingxue. Shen Qingxue had disappeared a long time ago. The clothes he wore yesterday were casually thrown on the bed, and he didn't know what he was busy with.

"Wife? Where have you been?"

Lin Feng dialed Shen Qingxue's phone in surprise.

"My bestie is coming from out of town today and wants me to go out with her. I won't care about you for now. Just go out and buy something to eat for breakfast."

A woman's laughter came from Shen Qingxue's side: "Okay, okay, I won't tell you anymore. I may go back a little later tonight, so I'll hang up."

"My best friend, why do you think your best friend has to go out so early?"

Lin Feng touched his head and looked up at the clock on the wall. It was almost eight o'clock.

Yesterday I went shopping a little late, and I chatted with Jiang Li on the phone for a long time in the middle of the night, so I overslept.

"Damn, it's so late."

Lin Feng quickly got up from the bed, secretly feeling lucky that he didn't have to explain so much to Shen Qingxue. He called Secretary Liu of the company to inform him, washed his face, and put on the sports shoes he just bought yesterday. Take it and drive to the downstairs of Jiang Li's house.

"I'm here. I'm just downstairs. Just come down after you've finished packing. I'll wait for you downstairs."

Lin Feng parked the car and stood downstairs from Jiang Li. He called her and stood waiting downstairs.

"Okay, okay, I'm going down now."

Jiang Li didn't let Lin Feng go upstairs anymore. She was at home today and had no intention of cleaning up, so the house was in a mess, clothes and other things were thrown all over the floor, and she had no choice but to let Lin Feng come up.

Not long after Lin Feng stood downstairs, he saw a black Mercedes-Benz slowly approaching and parked in front of him.

"In comparison, you are the Mr. Lin that the lady mentioned, right?"

The window of the car was lowered, and a half-century-old head poked out, smiling and saying hello to Lin Feng.

"Uncle, are you talking to me?"

Lin Feng looked around for a few times, but saw no one else except himself.

"Yes, the lady said that she will bring a friend named Lin to the family dinner today. It should be you."

The old man smiled and nodded.

"Oh oh oh, that's it. Who are you?"

Lin Feng asked.

"I am the housekeeper of the Jiang family."

the old man replied.

housekeeper? Lin Feng was a little confused. Where did this butler appear from? Is Jiang Li's family background so unusual? Why have I never heard her mention it?

"Miss doesn't like to rely on her family. She has always been self-reliant."

The housekeeper noticed Lin Feng's question and explained with a smile.

So that's it. If you can't tell, Jiang Li is hiding quite deeply.

"Just call me Uncle Liu."

Uncle Liu looked up and down Lin Feng's casual clothes and said, "Mr. Lin, don't you change into something more formal?"

"Me? Why should I change to something more formal?"

Lin Feng was stunned. Isn't the family dinner just about going home and having a meal together?

"Mr. Lin, you may not know that Mr. Jiang holds a family dinner every month, and Miss Jiang Li has to go home at least once every month. Today, Miss Jiang specifically asked me to take you home to attend. Family dinner”

Uncle Liu explained.

"Family dinner?"

Lin Feng had never participated in this kind of thing, and he didn't know that Jiang Li's family still had such a habit. It seemed that his family's family fortune was not small.

"I don't know, I look good in what I wear."

Lin Feng smiled. He quickly realized that something was wrong and wanted to find an excuse: "Well, I suddenly remembered that my company has some urgent matters to deal with, so I won't go to your family's family banquet."

Lin Feng raised his legs and prepared to run away.

"Where are you going?"

Jiang Li didn't know when he stood behind Lin Feng, grabbed his ear, and twisted it hard a few times. Lin Feng immediately cried out in pain and begged for mercy: "If you don't go anywhere, I won't go anywhere, I plan to give it to you." Mom and dad buy some gifts.”

When Jiang Li heard this, his pretty face turned red. It seemed that Lin Feng still cared about him. He let go of his hand and said coldly: "No, I've prepared everything for you and it's all in the trunk. "

Opening the car door, he raised his legs and kicked him in, then sat in himself.

Jiang Li was dressed quite beautifully today, looking like a lady, but her eye circles were a little red, which seemed to be because she cried yesterday.

Uncle Liu looked at the two people's intimate movements and was convinced that this man was the young lady's boyfriend. Without saying anything more, he started the car and drove slowly out.

"Looking at your appearance, your family is quite well off."

Seeing that Jiang Li was ignoring him, Lin Feng spoke to him.

"Hmph, I don't rely on them. They don't care about my business."

Jiang Li snorted coldly and turned his head to the side, indicating that he didn't want to talk to him.

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