I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 345: The atmosphere is a bit awkward

What's the point of attending other people's family banquets by yourself?

It can be seen that the relationship between Jiang Li and Jiang Teng is not very good. Jiang Li has been sitting on the chair without saying a word since he came in.

"Xiao Li, I heard that you have lost your job recently. Do you want to come to dad's place to work?"

Jiang Peng asked with a smile.

"If you don't go, who cares about coming to work in your crappy company?"

Jiang Li obviously didn't like his father, so he said this.

Seeing that his daughter didn't want to talk to him, Jiang Teng changed the direction and started chatting with Lin Feng.

"Lin Feng, right? I heard my daughter mention you. He said a lot of good things about you in front of me."

Jiang Teng said with a smile.

"Really? I'm really lucky, lucky."

Lin Feng responded with a smile.

"Don't talk nonsense, I didn't say it, you said it yourself."

Jiang Li muttered.

"Yes, dad is getting old, and you are no longer young. It's really time to find a boyfriend, right?"

As Jiang Teng spoke, he moved his eyes to Lin Feng, his eyes almost gleaming. He made Lin Feng tremble at the sight and responded with an awkward smile.

He looked for many candidates for his daughter. Unexpectedly, Jiang Lixin was so arrogant that he disliked everyone. But as a father, he became worried. Seeing that his daughter was already quite old, there was no one around to take care of her. He only has such a precious daughter, so it makes him anxious.

Since Lin Feng can be favored by his daughter, there must be something special about him. After all, he also knows that his daughter is picky. Thinking about it, he has reached the retirement age. It is time to find someone to manage the company and enjoy himself. Retired life.

But he still has to further judge what kind of character Lin Feng is. It doesn't matter whether he has money or not. The main thing is that his character must be good and he must be good to his daughter...

Lin Feng didn't know that in just such a short time, Jiang Teng had already thought about getting married, but he was really uncomfortable being stared at by Jiang Teng. The look in Jiang Teng's eyes now made Lin Feng wonder if he was not wearing any clothes. clothing.

"Uncle, I, I came in a hurry and didn't bring you a gift. Jiang Li bought you a lot of things. I'll get them for you!"

Lin Feng stood up and said with a smile, if Jiang Teng continued to look at him like this, Lin Feng would have a heart attack.

"No, Dad, Lin Feng and I bought it for you together. Look at her, she takes all the credit on me."

Jiang Li was finally willing to speak. When Jiang Teng heard his daughter taking the initiative to talk to him, the smile on Jiang Teng's face became even wider, and he nodded and said "hello" several times.

Lin Feng ran out of the room as if he was running away, thinking what the hell was going on. He absentmindedly ran to the car only to find that he didn't have the key. He was really depressed. Fortunately, Uncle Liu had a sharp eye and knew that he didn't have the key, so he followed him. .

On the other side, Jiang Teng was holding Jiang Li's hand and asking about Lin Feng. From his daughter, he learned that Lin Feng was very decent, had a sense of justice, and was responsible...

Lin Feng returned to the box carrying large and small bags. Just as he put the things in his hands on the ground and was about to sit down, Jiang Teng suddenly asked: "Xiao Feng, when are you two planning to get married?"

The words were so shocking that Lin Feng stood stunned on the spot as if he had been struck by lightning. He didn't know how to answer the words for a while.

Jiang Li's face turned red, and even the roots of his ears were red. He lowered his head shyly and said nothing.

"Get... get... get... get married?"

Lin Feng was so shocked that he couldn't even speak, and he even made several knotted sentences.

Jiang Teng thought that Lin Feng was showing too much excitement, so he smiled and joked: "Look, look, it's hard to say anything excited."

Then he burst into laughter, and Uncle Liu also laughed at the side.

Only Lin Feng and Jiang Li sat on their seats with their heads lowered and said nothing.

It's not like this. It's my first time here. No matter how fast things develop, I can't directly get to the point of talking about marriage. Isn't this a joke?

"No no no."

Lin Feng quickly refused.

The laughter stopped suddenly. Jiang Teng looked at Lin Feng in confusion and said coldly: "Are you unwilling? Or do you think my daughter is not worthy of you?"

Jiang Li also raised his head, waiting for Lin Feng's answer.

"I...I still have many shortcomings. I want to stay with Jiang Li for a little longer and let Jiang Li get to know me thoroughly before making any plans. I'm afraid she won't like me after a long time."

Lin Feng laughed awkwardly and made up a reason to explain.

"Haha, that's it. Look at me, I'm overly happy. What you said makes sense. It's a life-long event. It's a trivial matter, isn't it?"

When Jiang Teng heard this, the smile returned to his face, and his favorable impression of Lin Feng's magnanimity increased a bit more.

Jiang Li rubbed her skirt, secretly moved, and felt that she had seen the right person.

After chatting for a whole afternoon, it was obvious that everyone was very happy. Lin Feng was certainly very happy on his face, but his heart was full of mixed emotions. He couldn't tell what he was feeling.

"Uncle Jiang, there's really no need to bother, you can go back!"

Jiang Teng was so enthusiastic about Lin Feng that he personally came down to see Lin Feng to the garage.

Jiang Li walked very quickly, with Lin Feng and Jiang Teng following behind, chatting incessantly.

The two of them came out of the elevator and walked in the underground parking lot. They walked together towards the direction where Uncle Liu parked his car. After walking a few steps, Lin Feng suddenly felt as if he had been pricked by a needle. He was in danger!

This is a kind of foreknowledge of danger, just as wild animals can predict danger in advance.

Lin Feng's heart skipped a beat, his pupils shrank, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked around as if he was searching for something.

"Xiao Feng, what's wrong?"

Jiang Teng was still chatting happily with Lin Feng, but Lin Feng suddenly stopped talking and felt a little confused.


Lin Feng said lightly.

"What? Murderous intent? Has this kid read too many martial arts novels?"

Jiang Teng was stunned, not knowing what Lin Feng meant when he said this.

Why didn't I feel it? There was nothing.

"Xiao Feng, are you..."

Before Jiang Teng finished speaking, Lin Feng pulled him towards a


There was a loud noise, and a huge chandelier was smashed down on the spot, landing squarely on the place where the two of them were standing, shattering to pieces on the ground. If someone was hit by it, the consequences would be disastrous.

Jiang Teng's face turned pale and his heart was beating wildly. If Lin Feng hadn't pulled him out just now, with his old bones and old legs, he would have been chatting with Black and White Wuchang by now.

Jiang Teng looked at the chandelier on the ground, his eyes burning with anger.

Although the chandelier is made entirely of glass, if it hits a person, it will cause serious injuries even if it hits the person's head. If it hits the head, the party will probably be over... Thinking of this, Jiang Teng was afraid for a while.

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