How dare these people do this!

A look of anger flashed across Jiang Teng's face. They were so courageous that they even dared to attack him.

He knew it just because he didn't know which company he had discussed cooperation with before was retaliated by him after he repeatedly rejected it.

These people are so unscrupulous in what they do. They even dare to do this. It is simply lawless.

Liu Bo just drove out of the parking space and happened to see the scene happening here. Jiang Li naturally saw it too. He quickly ran out of the car and ran to the two of them, carefully inspecting them from head to toe. Fan.

Uncle Liu was obviously someone who had experienced big storms. He seemed relatively calm and walked over quickly: "Mr. Jiang, are you okay?"

"Hurry up and call the security guards to find out what's going on? Quickly, remove the surveillance and see who dares to be so bold. The underground passages are also sealed quickly, and no one is allowed in or out!"

Jiang Teng ordered with a gloomy face.

"No need, Mr. Jiang."

Lin Feng stepped forward and checked the chandelier hanging on the ground. All the screws fixed to the ceiling were unscrewed, and the wires in the middle were cut so thin with sharp tools that they almost fell off at the touch of a touch...

Jiang Teng had no doubts about Lin Feng's words. After all, he had just brought him back from hell.

Jiang Teng was slightly startled, and followed the direction of Lin Feng's finger to look at the wires of the chandelier. Sure enough, there was a section of the wire as thick as his little finger that was particularly smooth, and it was cut by a sharp weapon as soon as it was opened.

Jiang Teng's face instantly became extremely ugly: "But how did they determine the time, or control the fall? Could it be that the person they want to hurt is not us?"

"No, it must be us. I don't know if you noticed just now. This area is darker than other areas. The chandelier was not turned on just now. It was only when we walked to this area that the light came on. .”

"The section of wire that was about to be cut was not enough to maintain the current transmitted by the chandelier. It was fused as soon as it was opened, so the chandelier fell down..."

Lin Feng said: "Of course it's not entirely like this. This is just a guess on my part..."

Jiang Teng pondered for a long time. He thought that Lin Feng's reasoning was quite possible, and he thought more highly of Lin Feng.

If this is the case, there is no need to investigate anything. They are not stupid and must have been fully prepared. Even if they were to investigate now, they may not find anything. Maybe they have run away.

"Let's go home first!"

Jiang Teng took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, and walked into the car. Lin Feng and Jiang Li were also sitting in the back seat.

"Xiao Li, do you want to go home with me?"

Jiang Teng sat in the passenger seat, turned around and asked.

"No, I'm fine on my own."

Jiang Li replied.

"Then Xiaofeng, I will send you there."

Jiang Teng asked Lin Fengdao again.

"Me, it's the same no matter where I go, just drop me off at the intersection ahead."

Lin Feng said with a smile.

"No dad, just send him downstairs to my house. He parked the car there."

Jiang Li said.

"Okay, then I'll send you back."

Jiang Teng nodded and said to Lin Feng: "Before we get married, you are not allowed to do anything outrageous to my daughter! Otherwise, I will deal with you!"

Lin Feng smiled bitterly and said, "No, no, I won't touch a hair of your daughter."

"Dad, what are you talking about?"

Jiang Li also scolded.

"Okay, okay, I'll talk more."

Jiang Teng breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that nothing happened between his daughter and Lin Feng.

The car started slowly. Jiang Teng took out his mobile phone, dialed a number, and said in a deep voice: "Director Li, right? I'm Jiang Teng..."

"Hello, Mr. Jiang!" Li Bin, director of the H City Public Security Bureau, answered the phone. When he heard that it was Jiang Teng, his tone immediately became much gentler... Jiang Teng not only owns a large company in H City, but also in the province. There are still positions in the hall.

"Director Li, you should have received an alarm call from Old Liu just now. I hope you can help investigate!"

Jiang Teng is a little angry now. He was plotted against someone for no apparent reason. Who would he not be angry about?

"I just received a call and have already sent people to investigate. But no one was hurt. It's really hard to do anything. Could it be just an ordinary accident?"

Director Li said helplessly: "I checked the surveillance and saw a strange van, but the suspect was quite cunning, and the license plate number was fake. I haven't seen any useful clues yet..."

"Well, if you have any news, remember to tell me, please..."

Jiang Teng hung up the phone politely.

While he was talking, the car had already arrived downstairs at Jiang Li's house.

Lin Feng simply took out his car keys and started to leave. This made Jiang Li very angry and stopped Lin Feng.


Lin Feng was suddenly stopped by Jiang Li, and he was a little confused. This girl is really strange. I also went to the family dinner with you, why didn't you let me go?

"Are you going back?"

Jiang Li asked.

"Aren't you talking nonsense? If you don't go back, I will stay at your house."

Lin Feng rolled his eyes at Jiang Li, turned around and left.

Jiang Li was a little anxious now.

Is this Lin Feng a pig? Can't you understand what you mean by calling him? She is a girl after all, so she can't take the initiative in everything.

"I mean, you see it's already noon"

Jiang Li pointed to the sun in the sky.

"Oh, it's noon. Do you want to go home and take a nap? Go quickly."

Lin Feng said something and sat in the driver's seat.

"Get off here!"

Jiang Li shouted at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng was shouted out by Jiang Li and walked down very simply.

"Auntie, what's wrong with you?"

Lin Feng said with a wry smile.

"I said, it's noon."

Jiang Li said it word by word, with a bit of anger between his brows.

Lin Feng finally realized what he meant.

"Are we going to have lunch then?"

Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Otherwise? Do you really want me to go home and take a nap?"

Jiang Li's expression was a little unnatural. He turned his head and cursed in his mind, you pig, you are so stupid...

"Okay then, whatever you want to eat, I'll buy it for you."

Lin Feng scratched his head and showed a row of big white teeth at Jiang Li.

"I'm so cute"

Jiang Li felt like she was going crazy. Even though she was so well-educated, she could hardly bear to spit out the fragrance. What kind of beast was this Lin Feng who fell to the ground?

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became, and the angrier she became, the more confused she became. She simply stopped thinking about it and used all her strength to give Lin Feng a hard kick on the butt...

"Hey, don't fight, don't fight, I was wrong, I was wrong."

Jiang Li nibbled, bit and pinched Lin Feng...

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