I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 349: Don’t mess with anyone

"Hey, I can't explain this matter in a few words. Anyway, you must not mess with him. Please apologize quickly. This person is not simple and we cannot mess with him." Gou Sheng said with a wry smile.

"Apologise? I'm just going to apologize to such a young boy? That's not okay. I don't believe he can beat so many of you on his own. You hurry up and clean him up, and vent your anger on me. I'm afraid Damn it!" Gou Dehai is a well-known figure in H City, how can he apologize to such a young man? This is really damaging to his face. If word gets out, where will he put his face in the future? How will he see anyone in the future?

"Dad, I really can't do it. If you have to trouble him, just find someone else. Anyway, I don't dare. I've just started to get started recently. I don't want to die." Gou Sheng saw that no matter how hard he tried to persuade his father, there was no result. , simply stopped trying to persuade him, and waved his hand, indicating that he had no control over it. It was not like he was not present when he was planning to teach Lin Feng a lesson last time. Lin Feng’s skills were really terrifying and had already frightened him psychologically. He I can't even think of going against Lin Feng.

"You're a piece of shit that can't be held up by mud. You've totally disgraced me!" Gou Dehai snorted coldly and continued to curse: "Your younger brother is better than you, how could I raise such a person like you?" Thing, ask your brother to deal with this brat next time."

"..." Gou Sheng lowered his head and squatted on the ground without saying a word. No matter how Gou Dehai scolded him, he remained unmoved. He really didn't dare to fight with Lin Feng. That kid couldn't even shoot. Who knows who he was if he could get it out, so he pretended not to hear what Gou Dehai said.

"Trash!" Gou was furious.

Lin Feng was wondering on the sidelines. Didn't he agree that he would find someone to teach him a lesson? Why did he start a quarrel somewhere? Lin Feng said impatiently: "Hey, what are you doing? Don't waste time, fight or not, come here quickly."

"You boy!"

Gou Dehai's bad temper was about to become unbearable. Just when he was about to give him a try, the sound of a police car suddenly sounded.

The sound of a police car was heard not far away. A police car sped over and stopped nearby, flashing its lights.

Yang Xu got out of the car and took a long look first to make sure that everyone present was alive and well. He couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. He rushed here non-stop all the way, just to prevent Lin Feng from getting him into trouble, so he was watching. Lin Feng stood in front of the car relatively calmly, without causing any trouble.

"Go back to the police station!"

Yang Xu was driving quickly and slowly along the way. He was watching TV at home late at night. When he was suddenly called out to sort out these messy things, he was naturally very angry. He pointed at a group of people and said.

Gou Dehai was planning to call another group of people over, but he didn't expect a policeman to suddenly come halfway. He thought to himself that he didn't call the police, so he couldn't help but frowned. He was really nosy.

"I said, little comrade, we can solve our own problems. You can go and do other things. I also have a friend in the traffic police team. Just ask him to come over and solve the problem. You go and do it quickly!"

Gou Dehai waved his hand. In his opinion, Yang Xu was just a passing policeman who happened to encounter such a traffic accident and didn't pay much attention to him.

"Stop talking nonsense, are you leaving?"

Yang Xu didn't listen to this at all, and didn't pay attention to what this Gou Hai was saying to him. He waved his hand impatiently and asked directly.

"Okay, okay, just wait until I call."

Seeing that the communication was fruitless and there was no sign of ink, Gou Dehai directly took out the phone and dialed a number: "Hey, Brother Wang, it's me, it's me, Gou Dehai? I collided with someone on the road. I was about to go private, but I didn't expect a policeman to come over halfway and want to take care of this matter. Can you tell me... Yes, yes, yes, then you tell him, I will give him the phone number, okay, okay .”

After finishing speaking, Gou Dehai handed over the phone and said to Yang Xu in a nonchalant manner: "Please answer the phone and tell me something."

When Yang Xu heard this, he became happy on the spot and took the phone with great interest: "Hello, I'm Yang Xu, who are you?"

"Yang...Captain Yang?" The other party was just about to speak. When he heard that the person who answered the phone was Yang Xu, he was immediately startled. Yang Xu's name in the criminal police team is so famous that everyone knows it. , who dares to go against him.

Just saying that I am a traffic policeman cannot take care of the affairs of other criminal policemen. Even a famous criminal policeman like Yang Xu has been dispatched to this matter. It may be a big matter. If not, it may be a criminal case. I thought Here, he was afraid that he would have to draw a clear line with Gou Hai in the future.

Traffic policeman Wang Ge said quickly: "It's okay, it's okay. I'm sorry, Captain Yang, I've delayed your handling of the case. If you continue, you can continue, and I won't disturb you in handling the case..."

Yang Xu handed the phone back to Gou Dehai with a half-smile. Gou Dehai was not close to Yang Xu and didn't hear what the two people were saying on the phone. He just heard Yang Xu say, "I'm Yang Xu." ..." So he thought the matter had been settled. He took the call and just wanted to thank Brother Wang for a few words. Unexpectedly, the other party had already hung up the phone.

Gou Dehai didn't think about other aspects. He just felt that Brother Wang was really efficient in doing things and would still keep in touch with him in the future. He said, "Brother Wang, I've finished telling you. You can leave now, little comrade. We can handle it ourselves." , no need to trouble you."

"Dad, dad, dad..." When Gou Shan saw that the person was Yang Xu, he hurried over to pull him over. Gou Dehai didn't know Yang Xu, but he did. He had been on the road for so many years, Yang Xu. If you don't know someone, it's really a waste of time. Seeing his father preaching like a normal person, his face suddenly turned pale with fright.

"What do you want to do? Just talk about it and don't touch me." Gou Dihai was still angry with his son and glared at him with some dissatisfaction: "What are you talking about?"

"Dad, this man is not a traffic policeman, he is the captain of the criminal police. Take it easy..." Gou Sheng whispered into Gou Hai's ear.

"What? Detective? Or captain?"

When Gou Dehai heard this, he was completely stunned. No matter how stupid he was, he knew the weight of the detective, and he was immediately dumbfounded.

"Are you leaving or not? Do you still have to let me do it myself?"

Yang Xu took out the handcuffs and said solemnly.

"Let's go... let's go, let's go." Gou Dahai's face was quite ugly, with a look of decline. He didn't expect that he would meet the criminal police when he went out for a ride. He didn't dare not cooperate no matter what, just in case. What should I do if I make the other party anxious again and the other party pulls out a gun?

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