I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 350: Teach you a lesson

"Brother Yang... I was just passing by... It's nothing to do with me..."

Gou Sheng asked cautiously, thinking that he was really unlucky today, and said weakly.

"Go, you come back with me! You are illegally driving an unlicensed motorcycle on the road, and you also have the intention of gathering a crowd to cause trouble." Then he stared at Gou Sheng with a half-smile: "You can choose to run away, but if you can run away, a monk will run away." Without going to the temple, my impression of you will deepen..."

"Run, I won't run, I am a good citizen, I will cooperate with the investigation, I will cooperate with the investigation..."

Gou Sheng laughed twice while crying.

At this time, a song came from the motorcycle stereo: "Oh, the sadness is so great..."

"Brother Yang, thank you."

Lin Feng was quite grateful for Yang Xu's quick appearance and his rescue.

"No, you have to come with me too."

Yang Xu was also angry. He even turned down the blind date arranged by his family tonight. He finally got here, but he didn't expect that he was here to deal with a traffic accident, which made him angry.

"Ah? I won't go..."

Lin Feng pointed at himself in surprise, and wanted to explain a few more words, but Jiang Li, who had been hiding behind him, spoke up: "We'd better go, it's our obligation to cooperate with the investigation..."

Jiang Li felt that he had done nothing wrong in the first place. He was upright and was not afraid of shadows. He would just go and investigate. Naturally, he would not refuse to go to the police station to investigate: "And we did not make any mistakes in the first place. It was obviously them who went against the grain first. Let's go back and talk about it." Wouldn’t it be ok if it was clear..."

"Ha... okay" Jiang Li also said something. What else could he say? Originally, he planned to wait for Yang Xu to finish solving the problem and then turn around and leave. Anyway, Yang Xu couldn't catch him. Now he was treated like this by Jiang Li. He said that it would be hard for him to leave again.

"The police car can't take you. You drive and follow behind."

Yang Xu said this after getting in the car and drove away first, followed by the other two cars.

Gou Dehai became more and more angry as he thought about it in the car. He did not intend to let Lin Feng go just like that. On the way to the police station, he dialed the number of his youngest son.

"Tenglong, are you in school now?" Gou Dihai always let his youngest son study hard in school and never let him participate in social affairs. He also expected him to become a talented person, but this time he was too Angry, his eldest son's personality is too soft, and he doesn't dare to ask him to teach him a lesson. However, his younger son's personality is completely different from that of his elder brother. He is a bold and ruthless character, and does many things that his elder brother does not dare to do. He dares to do anything.

Although he has been trying his best to let him study well in school, he, as a father, knows exactly what is going on with his son's studies.

"Dad, I'm here, I'm studying hard..."

When Gou Tenglong heard that the call was from his father, he was startled, thinking that his father was here to check the post, so he quickly explained.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense!" Gou Dehai scolded: "How can I know what kind of little brat you are? I will arrange a task for you. Go to your Uncle Huang's villa and ask him to come to the police station to stop someone. , I’ll send you the location.”

"Okay! I understand dad." Gou Tenglong was stunned, wondering why his father suddenly let him do such a thing. Wasn't he never allowed to do things in society? However, it was really unexpected for him to ask Uncle Huang to come out for the first time.

"Hurry up, don't waste time."

Gou's lungs were about to burst with anger, otherwise he would not have allowed his youngest son to do such a thing. Today he was mainly made angry by his cowardly elder son, considering that he was also a prominent figure in H City. , he couldn't even deal with a young boy, and he was even more angry. He must be taught a lesson.

The so-called Uncle Huang is actually a master. He has practiced some techniques in a sect and is a real martial arts master. Uncle Huang never uses a mobile phone. He looks like a worldly expert. When he has nothing to do, he likes to He keeps flowers at home and reads books, otherwise he wouldn’t let his youngest son go and invite him in person.

But Gou Dehai doesn't mind, master, it's normal to be a little different from ordinary people, but the reason why Uncle Huang lives in seclusion has another meaning. He is a fugitive, so as not to be discovered by others.

After Gou Tenglong arrived, he briefly explained the situation. Uncle Huang nodded and without asking any more questions, he found a black peaked cap and hurried out the door with Gou Tenglong.

Huang Bo is a master who travels between the sect and the society. He often does some robbery and theft for the sect's financial problems. Because of his strong martial arts, he has never been caught, but people make mistakes. When he made a mistake, he was wanted by the police again because of his mistake. It was at that time that Gou Dehai happened to save him once.

So Huang Bo stayed in H City and left after promising to do three things for Gou Dehai. He had already done two things for him before, and this time was the last time. After doing this, he would leave H City and continue to work for Gou Dehai. The sect runs around society and continues to commit robbery and theft.

So according to Gou Haifa's license plate and confidence, the two squatted on a small road, waiting for the person his father told him to come out.

When he arrived at the police station, Yang Xu left, left him to another policeman, gave him a few brief instructions, and hurried home to continue participating in the blind date arranged by his family.

After the policeman made a record of the two people, he let Lin Feng and Jiang Li leave.

"Hey, it's a pity. It's all my fault. I can't go shopping tonight. I'm sorry, Lin Feng."

Walking out of the police station, Jiang Li said apologetically to Lin Feng.

"What are you talking about? I don't blame you. Who would have expected that there would be vehicles going the wrong way on a one-way street?"

Lin Feng shrugged indifferently and comforted.

As a result, just as the two people were about to walk to the car, they were stunned and a figure floated over.

Lin Feng couldn't see the person's appearance clearly, but he could tell from the white hair on his temples that he was definitely not young.

"Who are you?"

Lin Feng asked.

He didn't know who he had offended recently. This person seemed menacing at first glance, and there was definitely no good to be done with him.

"You messed with someone you shouldn't mess with, and I'm here to make you remember."

The man spoke slowly.

Offended someone you shouldn't be offended? Lin Feng was a little confused for a moment. Shouldn't he be able to deal with all his opponents? The remaining people should not be able to make a few attacks, and they would not be able to make any big waves.

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