I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 351: I really don’t want to deal with you

Long Aotian? It's even more impossible. Long Aotian has been made like this by himself, and he still dares to attack himself. Isn't this just asking for death?

Ye Tian? It was somewhat possible, after all, I hadn't seen him for a long time. Lin Feng thought about it without thinking about it. He only thought that someone as big as Ye Tian might be detrimental to him.

But the next moment, Lin Feng was slightly startled when he saw the person coming out from behind. It was the energetic young man who was following Xu Lele when he stopped his car last time.

Seeing that the person jumping out from behind the old man turned out to be him, Lin Feng immediately thought of something. He saw that this energetic young man was somewhat similar to Gou Dehai.

When Gou Tenglong saw Lin Feng in the car, he almost burst into laughter. He didn't recognize Jiang Li, but Lin Feng was deeply impressed by him. After all, he had never seen someone so big who could push a cart with his bare hands.

Just looking at Jiang Li next to Lin Feng, I couldn't help but be surprised. Isn't this guy just a bodyguard? Why are the girls around him more beautiful than the other? When I think about finding that girlfriend compared to this Jiang Li, I feel completely overwhelmed. It's just not on the same level, and I'm secretly jealous.

For a moment, his emotions were high. He had made such a big fool of himself in front of Xu Lele. He had been looking for someone to check him out for the past few days. Although he couldn't find any information, his hard work paid off and he was still found. After thinking for a while, he sent a message to Xu Xiaoxiao: "I met the boy I met while shopping last time again. Sister Le, I will send you the location."

After sending the message, Gou Tenglong looked at Lin Feng with evil intentions and burst out laughing: "I didn't expect that since it's your kid, you were so arrogant last time. Now that I think about it, I'm angry. What do you want? Just admit your mistake and I'll ask Uncle Huang to be gentler."

Gou Tenglong seemed to be a bit unsatisfied with his scolding, and continued to shout: "Last time, you pretended to be a strong man in front of Sister Le. Let me tell you, Uncle Huang is a martial arts master. He can deal with more than just one man's strength. Yes, how are you scared?"

Lin Feng looked at Gou Tenglong with some astonishment. After all, he was a child. His mind was so childish. He only thought about innocent things. Didn't he just push a car last time? How could he be offended? Lin Feng couldn't understand it.

Since the last time Lin Feng fought with the black wolf, both his skills and body have undergone earth-shaking changes.

"There is something wrong with your brain. Please watch less movies at home at night. Don't ruin your brain. What are you thinking about all day long?" Lin Feng looked at Gou Tenglong as if he were looking at two hundred and fifty: "You If you don't study hard, why do you just mess around all day long? Your dad doesn't care about you, or do I have to reluctantly take care of you?"

"Haha..." Jiang Li couldn't help but laugh when she heard Lin Feng speak so arrogantly. She felt that Lin Feng was too childish and kept saying the same thing. Jiang Li smiled like this, which immediately made Gou Tenglong looked at it and thought of taking it for himself. However, how did Lin Feng know about watching a movie at night?

Forget it, after Uncle Huang beats Lin Feng to the ground, he will ask him to help him take Jiang Li home, and then cook the rice. Then she will no longer be able to control it. Dad should take care of the rest. Take care of it yourself. This thought flashed through Gou Tenglong's mind, making him feel his blood boiling and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise.

"No, I just said it casually, and you immersed yourself in it?" Lin Feng saw Gou Tengyun staring at his car with a lustful smile on his face as if his brain was twitching, and he couldn't help but feel a chill.

"Okay, okay, I didn't expect you would still be so stubborn even at this time. It seems you won't cry until you see the coffin. I hope you won't ask me when you lie on the ground later."

Gou Tenglong argued with Lin Feng for a long time without getting any benefits, which made him feel angry and gritted his teeth: "It's useless no matter what you say now, Uncle Huang, help me take care of him, that girl next to him I want to take it back."


Gou Tenglong didn't even know when Lin Feng walked in front of him, but he saw a big mouth slapped towards him. He couldn't hide and received such a slap: "I didn't tell you that you, your father If mom doesn’t teach you and I educate you for them, who do you think you are and how dare you take advantage of the people around me?"

This slap directly stunned Gou Tenglong. He really didn't want to slap Lin Feng for being so lawless. He dared to slap himself in front of Uncle Huang. He immediately covered his face and screamed in pain: "Uncle Huang , Uncle Huang, help me teach him a lesson and kill him quickly."

Uncle Huang didn't see Lin Feng's move clearly just now and heard a crisp sound. Even so, in his eyes, Lin Feng just learned a few tricks of the three-legged cat and didn't take Lin Feng seriously at all. Here, he casually swung a punch and hit Lin Feng directly in front of the door.

Who knew that Lin Feng didn't even hide at all, but just glanced at him intentionally or unintentionally. In this way, Uncle Huang felt extremely humiliated. A young boy didn't take him seriously. He must be treated well. After suffering a lot, thinking of this, the momentum of the fist became a bit faster and fiercer.


Lin Feng slapped Gou Tenglong on the face again. He saw Gou Tenglong's sneaky eyes scanning Jiang Li back and forth. He didn't know why, but a nameless anger surged in his heart without saying a word. , slapped him again.

"If you dare to stare at the girl next to me again, do you believe I will dig out your eyes and use them as glass balls?"

This time not only Gou Tenglong was shocked, but Huang Bo was also shocked, not only because he slapped Gou Tenglong in front of his face, but because he didn't look at his fist at all and actually held it firmly in his hand. , and he seemed to be clamped by an iron pliers. No matter how hard he tried, he could not shake Lin Feng's hand at all.

"What did you call me? Girlfriend, you know, the girl next to you."

Jiang Li didn't pay attention to the shocked looks of the two people. When she was just trying to get Lin Feng to stand up for her, she heard Lin Feng calling herself the girl next to her, which made her very angry. , raised a pair of pink fists, and punched Lin Feng's chest several times.

"Hehe, yes, yes, Xiao Li, Xiao Li."

Lin Feng said with an awkward smile and quickly changed his title.

"What did you call me?"

Jiang Li kept asking Lin Feng about this topic, and she was puzzled as to why Lin Feng was so inactive in everything.

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