Seeing that Jiang Li wanted to continue to dwell on this topic, Lin Feng quickly changed the subject and said: "Old man, your kung fu is average, so don't fight me. You can't beat me."

After saying this, Lin Feng let go of the hand holding the old man's fist and said calmly.

After Huang Bo was shocked, he almost felt angry. He was really fearless, but he just had a little strength and happened to grab his own hand, so he dared to utter such arrogant words. After all, he had practiced martial arts for twenty or thirty years. Years, how can this young boy be compared?

But when he thought about Lin Feng's strange strength, he had to become serious. He took a deep breath, stood up, and let the faint trace of Qi circulate in his Dantian for a few times. , suddenly punched again.

Lin Feng's movements were strange and he was surprisingly fast. He ducked to the side and easily dodged the punch. He continued to say sarcastically: "Old man, I see that you are weak and sick, so I'm sorry to attack you, but you can't go too far. ! If you do this again, I will really take action."

Uncle Huang frowned. He couldn't think of the reason. Lin Feng's steps that he was avoiding just now were chaotic and chaotic. There was no trace at all. He didn't look like a martial artist at first glance. How could he avoid his fist? How could you hide so easily?

When he heard Lin Feng say that he was weak and sick, Huang Bo Wenwen was a little angry. It was true that he had been in poor health since he was a child. Because he had been in poor health since he was a child, he said that no matter how hard he practiced in the sect, he would always be in a different place. At a level that was still above the level, there wasn't much development, so he took the initiative and volunteered to become a pawn of the sect, coming to the secular world to steal money and rob to support the sect's expenses.

But the frail and sickly fellow disciple in the sect who was about the same age as himself said it was okay. The yellow-mouthed kid in front of him dared to say that he was frail and sick. He simply didn't know how to live or die. Thinking of this, Uncle Huang became even more angry and gave out twelve points. The spirit comes, and the hands and feet move together.

"The flying crane flaps its wings!"

Uncle Huang shouted loudly, his whole aura improved qualitatively, and his palm almost turned into a phantom, attacking Lin Feng's several large acupoints.

After all, Lin Feng is a person who knows common medical knowledge. The places where Uncle Huang attacks are some of the more important acupuncture points of the human body. If he is really hit, he will have to lie in bed for a while even if he does not die. This makes Lin Feng immediately shocked. angry.

After giving this old man so many opportunities, he fought harder and harder. In this case, he didn't need to talk about respecting the elderly and loving the young. He took action decisively. Before Huang Bo felt that his fist had touched Lin Feng, a shadow floated in front of his eyes. , slapped firmly on his face.


There was another soft sound, but this time it didn't hit Gou Tenglong's face, but slapped Uncle Huang's face. A big handprint appeared on Uncle Huang's old face instantly, with five fingers very clear and distinct. He stumbled and fell to the ground on his back.

"Do you think you'll be awesome if you work harder at your age? I've put up with you so many times, and you don't understand at all? The attacks are getting harder every time. You, an old man, bully us two young people, don't you feel ashamed? Is it embarrassing? Lin Feng said this and gave Uncle Huang a few firm kicks. "

However, Lin Feng did not dare to attack too hard. He avoided important parts, leaving him in pain and unable to get up again in a short period of time. Otherwise, if Uncle Huang was determined to fight him, an old man, Lin Feng, would not be able to do it. Don't take any hands.

Lin Feng's words made Gou Tenglong's friend Jiang Li sweat profusely. He had heard of old people bullying young people, but never heard of young people bullying old people. However, Jiang Li didn't feel wronged by the old man at all. The first time he made a move, even a girl like her who didn't know martial arts could tell that Lin Feng didn't want to deal with him at all. She didn't expect that Uncle Huang was so unwilling to take advantage of the situation and insisted on taking action.

After hearing this, Uncle Huang also felt that there was nothing wrong with Lin Feng's words. In terms of martial arts training, generally the older you get, the deeper your understanding of martial arts or your proficiency in moves will be. If word spread in the martial arts world that an old man bullied a child, he would really be laughed at.

But the most important question now is, am I bullying the small with the big? Uncle Huang felt like he was about to cry, but he didn't expect that he had made a mistake. This young man's kung fu was not inferior to his own at all. He might be much better than his own, otherwise he would be lying on the ground now. Unfortunately, it was him but Lin Feng.

How can I say that even though I can't get registered in the martial arts world, I am still a respectable person, but I am trampled on the ground like a dead dog. I don't even have the strength to resist. Judging from this situation, Lin Feng obviously has a sect. People from the sect, and they are definitely much more powerful than their own sect.

"Uncle Huang? Why did you fall to the ground accidentally? Come on, come on, I'll help you up and continue to deal with him."

Gou Tenglong hadn't figured out the situation yet and was a little confused as to why Uncle Huang fell to the ground. He hurried over to help him up and continued to deal with Lin Feng.

He thought that Uncle Huang was showing weakness on purpose and wanted to see Lin Feng's strength, but he accidentally lost his ability and suffered a small loss.

You can't blame him for thinking this way. After all, Uncle Huang has the image of a martial arts master in his eyes. The last time his brother was besieged by more than a dozen people, he had no choice but to use an opportunity to ask Uncle Huang to help. As a result, Fifteen or six people were beaten to the ground by him without even touching Uncle Huang's clothes. It seemed quite effortless.

Since then, Uncle Huang has had the supreme status in Gou Tenglong's mind. He has always thought that martial arts masters in reality are nothing more than this. He has even secretly visited Uncle Huang several times and asked him to teach him several skills. In the end, in favor of his father, he reluctantly taught him a few tricks.

Don't underestimate such a small trick, he can become a big brother in the school, and he has many younger brothers. If anyone is dissatisfied, he can just try some of the kung fu taught to him by Uncle Huang. Basically, there are only a few people. Can survive.

Of course, Uncle Huang didn't know what Gou Tenglong was thinking now. He just prayed secretly not to interfere with his own business. It was actually quite good to lie on the ground and pretend to be dead. If he was asked to deal with Lin Feng again, Maybe he would have to suffer again. His old arms and legs couldn't bear such a torment.

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