I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 353: Want to cry but no tears

"Uncle Huang, come up. You don't have to give in to him. There's no one here. Just take care of him."

After Gou Tenglong helped Uncle Huang up from the ground, he did not forget to continue to be arrogant: "You brat, don't be proud, Uncle Huang is just careless. Seeing that you are young and don't have the nerve to use all your strength with you, I will continue to let Uncle Huang deal with you. "

"Okay, okay, then come on, I'll be right here waiting for you to come over and beat me."

Lin Feng stood there with a smile but not a smile. Seeing the expression on Uncle Huang's face that was uglier than crying, he couldn't help but feel a little secretly amused. He wanted to see what the so-called Uncle Huang would do next, would he still want to fight against him? ?

Uncle Huang felt even more miserable. Haven't you seen the form clearly? Shouldn't I beat him? I can't beat them at all. Only a fool would be willing to be stepped on by others. I had no choice but to do it. The opponent's strength is obviously much higher than mine!

"What the hell, how did you know I'm here?"

Lin Feng sneered and glanced at Uncle Huang. Uncle Huang quickly put his head aside and thought about it. He didn't even have the courage to look at him. It seemed that he was really frightened. Only Gou Tenglong, who was two hundred and fifty, didn't. After seeing the situation clearly, Yo thought that Uncle Huang could continue to deal with himself: "You fucking hit my dad's car and caused my brother to be sent to the police station. I am not allowed to take Uncle Huang to stop you and deal with you." ?”

"Oh, it turns out that sb is really your father. I see that you two look a bit alike. I thought it was your father who was messing around outside and causing trouble for you. No wonder you knew I was here."

Lin Feng raised his head and looked at Gou Tenglong again, thinking to himself that it's really not like one family doesn't have access to the same house. Why does this family seem to be not very smart? Each and every one of them looks like a fool.

"Uncle Huang, what are you still hesitating about? Listen, he dares to call me sb. I can't bear it anymore. He obviously doesn't take you seriously."

Gou Tenglong saw Uncle Huang acting like a normal person next to him, not feeling anxious at all, thinking that he was confident now, so he quickly urged.

"Well, I suddenly remembered that I still have some unfinished matters at home. I'm going to leave first."

Uncle Huang pushed Gou Tenglong's arm away, smiled awkwardly at Lin Feng, and ran away. He was walking as fast as flying. It was not at all the speed that an old man could achieve. He disappeared in a flash.

Just kidding, after all this time, you still need bullshit face. Can face be used as food? The most important thing is to save your own life.

"Uncle Huang, didn't you promise to help me take care of this little kid? Why did you go back? Hey, Uncle Huang, please wait before leaving."

When Gou Tenglong saw Uncle Huang leaving, he suddenly became anxious and called him back quickly. Unexpectedly, as soon as he shouted, Uncle Huang ran away happier, with wind blowing under his feet, and soon he could no longer see anyone.

Gou Tenglong was a little confused and looked at the direction Huang Bo was going. As soon as he turned around, he saw an even more terrifying step: Lin Feng was walking towards him.

"Let me tell you, this is the entrance of the police station, and you still dare to take action."

Now that things have happened, Gou Tenglong is still very arrogant, talking to Lin Feng arrogantly, without feeling the danger at all.

Lin Feng ignored what he said and continued walking this way with a faint sneer on his face.

Only then did Gou Tenglong realize that something was wrong. Lin Feng was not afraid at all. A chill surged directly from the soles of his feet to his forehead, making his scalp numb: "What are you going to do...don't act rashly...you are coming over here." I'm about to call the police..."


Another slap hit Gou Tenglong's face. There was no need to be polite to someone who wanted to do harm to him. This time, Lin Feng used a lot of force and slapped Gou Tenglong until his mouth and nose were bleeding. , opened his mouth and spit out two teeth.

"You, you, it turns out that Uncle Huang can't beat you."

Only then did Gou Tenglong realize the strangeness of the matter. It turned out that it was not that Uncle Huang was in a hurry, but because Uncle Huang was not Lin Feng's opponent at all, so he escaped. Although the matter had come to this, he was still a little unbelievable. He didn't It is simply unbelievable to understand how Uncle Huang could not be Lin Feng's opponent despite his high martial arts skills.

"As long as you know, don't utter arrogant words next time. I will take care of you for your parents first, which can be regarded as providing a little help to the society. Don't be so arrogant next time, otherwise you will be easily beaten. "

Lin Feng said with a smile, but his skills were not polite at all, and his big mouth slapped loudly. After a while, Gou Tenglong's face was swollen to the size of a pig's head, and there was no sign of begging for mercy in his mouth. Meaning, said vaguely

: "Let me tell you, I will definitely ask my dad to find someone to repair you afterward, so that you know the consequences of going against me."

Lin Feng was stunned, and his smile became brighter: "Your dad, your dad is still under investigation at the police station. You can't understand the formality at all. Now you are like this. You still don't forget to talk bitterly and arrogantly. Look, I still have to teach you a lesson."

"No, no, no, don't fight, I was wrong, I was wrong, I will never dare to provoke you again, please let me go..."

Gou Tenglong was really frightened by Lin Feng's beating, and quickly begged for mercy, fearing that Lin Feng would hit him more severely when he got excited, and he would really have to go to the hospital.

"I'm just a messenger. My dad asked me to bring people over. You said I have to come over, don't fight. I really don't dare."

Gou Tenglong lay on the ground and couldn't stop begging for mercy. He planned to run, but considering Lin Feng's skills, he would definitely not be able to outrun him, so he simply lay on the ground and said that he could not let Lin Feng face him any more.

"That's not what I'm talking about. What I'm talking about is that you have an idea for Xiao Li. Next time you see a beautiful woman, don't look at her blindly. Do you understand?"

Lin Feng put his foot on Gou Tenglong's butt and kicked him while talking.

"I know, I know, I don't dare to look around anymore."

After Gou Tenglong let out several inhuman screams, he responded one after another, nodding faster than a chicken pecking at rice.

"Lin Feng, don't continue. If you continue to fight, someone will die."

When Jiang Li saw Gou Tenglong lying on the ground and his wails gradually became weak, she couldn't help but feel a little worried. She quickly grabbed Lin Feng to prevent him from continuing to fight. She was also frightened by Lin Feng's actions just now. , I just realized it, but seeing that Lin Feng was so angry for himself, I felt a little happy. I thought, as long as Lin Feng is by his side, he will stand up no matter what danger he encounters.

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