I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 356: Just let me do it

"According to what you mean, can they still threaten my status?"

"Yes, they have accumulated a certain network of contacts while you were away from the company. There are several directors on the board of directors, and they have always had a deep friendship in private. I think if they really want to rebel, even if they don't It will hurt the foundation, but it will also severely damage the vitality. It will also be a big blow to our company." Shen Qingxue said seriously.

Lin Feng was a little shocked. He didn't expect that Shen Qingxue would take such a long-term view. But thinking about it, it was indeed the case. The board of directors played a decisive role in the company. They must have colluded with many employees in private. If they really left so many employees at once, In human terms, it is undoubtedly a devastating blow to the company.

Lin Feng frowned, thinking of expedient measures. He didn't expect that he had invisibly raised such a group of scoundrels and ambitious people. Shen Qingxue did not disturb him and quietly nestled in Lin Feng's arms, thinking about something.

"No, I remember that the relationship between the second and third largest shareholders of my company is not very good. They seemed to be competitors before. Why are they suddenly teaming up to deal with me now?"

Lin Feng suddenly remembered something and felt a little surprised.

"The relationship is not good?" Shen Qingxue was stunned for a moment. She had not been in the company for a long time, so she did not know these subtleties. Then she said, "You are right. Directors in the company have a certain right to speak. , neither one is trying to please the other, but a few days ago I saw the two of them hanging around each other in the company, and they seemed to have a lively relationship."

"Honey, I feel like we have a problem with our starting point." Lin Feng smiled and touched Shen Qingxue's hair.

"Is there a problem with the starting point?" Shen Qingxue was stunned, pondered for a long time, and suddenly realized: "You mean they didn't hook up with each other a long time ago? It's because they have reached a certain consensus recently, or because of the interests in their eyes. The relationship that led them to cooperate together?"

"When things go wrong, there must be monsters. I think there must be something wrong here. There may be some unknown secret between them."

Lin Feng took a deep breath. He had a lot to do with this kind of problem within the company.

"Then how are you going to deal with them? If the two of them join forces, it will be quite difficult. Do you want to clean them out of the company now?" Shen Qingxue nodded.

"Huh... Why do we have to deal with them? Besides, expelling them without any reason can easily cause conflicts within the company. I have a plan..." Lin Feng paused and continued: "Find a way to divide them. , wouldn’t it be more beneficial to us to let them kill each other?”

Shen Qingxue was a little confused when she heard this: "Do you want them to directly fight among themselves or instigate rebellion? To achieve your goal?"

"Exactly, isn't this the most common way to deal with enemies? Let them divide and destroy them, or wouldn't it be more beneficial to us to directly provoke them and turn them against each other?"

Lin Feng said lightly.

"I see, this is really a good idea." Shen Qingxue was stunned, cursing herself why she hadn't thought of this. She originally wanted to discuss with Lin Feng how to deal with the alliance between the two people, but she never did. Like Lin Feng, think about the problem from a different starting point. This hands-free approach is indeed a good approach.

"I haven't been very interested in the company recently. Do you know who took the lead among these two people?"

Lin Feng asked.

Shen Qingxue gave Lin Feng a big roll of her eyes and mocked, "When the company goes bankrupt, you won't even know why."

Lin Feng chuckled and said: "Isn't it still you? I can rest assured that the company will be left to you."

"Forget it, it's okay to deal with it simply. I don't want to do more troublesome things." Shen Qingxue said.

Then he continued: "The two major shareholders in the company are Huang Shen and Zhu Hao. You all know these, so I won't elaborate more."

Lin Feng thought of these two people: "If you don't tell me, I won't remember it. This Zhu Hao has challenged me again and again on the board of directors, but I'm a talent-loving person and don't have the same experience as him. I didn't expect him to have such a talent." Planting wolf ambitions." Lin Feng shook his head again: "Huang Shen is usually a very taciturn person. He usually keeps silent. He is not active in anything in the company and does not participate in the struggle for power. I always thought that he He is a reliable person, but I didn’t expect the two of them to get involved together and want to attack me.”

"Then if this is really what you are thinking, this Zhu Hao will most likely be the leader this time. Since what he did this time, he must have been fully prepared, otherwise he wouldn't have If you dare to do this, we might as well try to find a solution for Huang Shen."

Shen Qingxue analyzed it and found that this Huang Shen behaved so completely different from his usual behavior. There must have been some changes. There must be monsters when things go wrong, so she wanted to find this person to attack.

"Hmm, I happen to have enough business in the company. Why don't I take this opportunity to practice and train you? During these days, you can maintain the basic operations of the company. No one in the company dares to say no. I will handle it. Something else." Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Me... I probably can't do it, so you should do it."

Shen Qingxue did not expect that Lin Feng would hand over the company to her hands so simply.

"No, wife, I believe in your ability. You will be able to run the company well."

Lin Feng comforted him with a smile.

"Okay then, what are you going to do?"

Shen Qingxue nodded and then asked Lin Feng.

"If you don't do anything, go to his house and see him."

Lin Feng smiled calmly.

"Huang Shen's house...Husband, you don't want to kill people and steal goods, do you?"

Shen Qingxue was stunned and looked at Lin Feng worriedly.

"Let me go, am I so unbearable in your heart? How could it be? I will never kill him."

Lin Feng smiled faintly at Shen Qingxue and motioned for her to relax: "Why do you want to kill Huang Shen? If you want to kill him, it would be more practical to kill Zhu Hao directly. Since I have set my sights on Huang Shen, naturally I will be there for you." Don’t worry about your own plans, wife.

Lin Feng also wanted to kill Zhu Hao directly. In this case, it would be self-defeating and in turn bring unnecessary trouble to the Lin Group. It would be better if a small fish and shrimp died, but a major shareholder like Zhu Hao died. If you do, it will inevitably attract the attention of others, and it will also bring a lot of troubles to yourself.

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