"I'll check Huang Shen's address and go visit this old friend tonight."

Lin Feng gently placed Shen Qingxue on the bed.

"You still want to go out so late?"

Shen Qingxue was obviously unhappy.

"You don't know this, right? The dark moon and high wind are a good opportunity to do bad things."

Lin Feng gave a big toothy smile.

"Well, come back soon. Don't take too long."

Shen Qingxue knew that Lin Feng was not honest in his words, but he always thought of things that were reliable, otherwise she would not marry him.

"By the way, there is one more thing you know."

As soon as Lin Feng was about to go out, he was stopped by Shen Qingxue. Lin Feng turned around in surprise: "What's going on?"

"It's not a big problem, it's just that Huang Shen has a bodyguard, you know. I heard he's a master."

Shen Qingxue reminded Lin Feng that she didn't know what a master was.

"Ha... your husband is also a master, have you forgotten?"

Lin Feng blinked and joked shamelessly.

"Hmph, you are so shameless."

Shen Qingxue couldn't help but give Lin Feng a big roll of her eyes.

"Okay, okay, wife, I understand." Lin Feng didn't care, master... What kind of person is considered a master, and he is still a master...

Lin Feng walked outside the door, but this time he did not drive his own car. Instead, he walked out of the villa area and took a taxi. He didn't want to show his weakness, so he naturally needed to be more cautious when doing things.

Jinshuiloutai Community is one of the famous luxury communities in H City. It is known as the symbol of the powerful in H City. Each villa has a unique style, and there are even many independent villas and houses.

The starting price of each unit is 10 million, and there is no upper limit. The last few most popular units are said to be sold in the form of auction. The house price of 50 million caused quite a stir in H City at that time. The people who live here are either rich or rich, and the Jinshuiloutai community is definitely a gathering area for the rich.

Although it is said that rich people do not live here, if anyone lives here, if they are dragged out, they will have wealth that is unimaginable for ordinary people in their lifetime.

As the third largest shareholder of Lin Group, one of the top 500 companies in China, it is not surprising that Huang Shen has his own residence here. At that time, Lin Feng wanted to invest and develop this place, but the amount was so large that he could not bear it. I couldn't help but be speechless, and finally I had to give up.

The management of the community in Jinshui Tower is very strict, but the people who take taxis to go inside at this point are usually the residents of this community, and the security guards at the door do not stop them. After Lin Feng got off the car, he watched Secretary Liu send it to him He received the information and began to search for Huang Shen’s residence.

As a boss of the company, he can't be too close to his subordinates, so he usually doesn't interfere with the matters under his subordinates as long as they don't have anything to do with him. Huang Shen has worked under him for such a long time. , except for the occasional company dinners or meetings, I rarely have much interaction with him.

Lin Feng pressed the address on his cell phone and finally found the door of Villa No. 11. When he walked to the door, Lin Feng did not ring the doorbell. He looked around and stepped on the transformer box outside the villa. , jumped up to the balcony on the second floor...

Huang Shen was in the room, talking to others via video chat, and communicating with them in fluent English. However, the person on the other side of the video call made one or two "Fake" sounds. Huang Shen looked a little nervous, as if he was talking to the other person again. While explaining something, Lin Feng was still some distance away from him. He didn't hear their specific conversation clearly and just stood silently on the balcony.

Although Huang Shen lives in a luxurious villa, he is not a person who loves luxury. Living here is also hindered by his status as a shareholder. With his current worth, he often has to negotiate a lot of big business with others. If he lives here If your business is too shabby, you will easily lose face and make the other party doubt your financial strength.

Huang Shen has not remarried since he lost his wife in middle age. He is a person with relatively low requirements for material desires, so he has not remarried since his wife passed away. Otherwise, with his current worth, even if he remarries, It would be easy to find someone twenty years younger than him.

His biggest wish is for his son. He hopes that he can successfully graduate abroad and find a promising job. If that doesn't work, he can come back and take over his mantle. However, his son did not study well abroad and just ate, drank, whored, and gambled. He did everything, and he also talked about his son many times, but he just didn't listen. He was in a foreign country, so he couldn't go over and slap him twice, so he had to let him go.

What I didn't expect was that he got worse and worse and became addicted to drugs...

In comparison, everything his son has done before is so insignificant. This is drug abuse... No matter how much wealth he has, it is impossible to fill this bottomless pit...

He couldn't even remember how many times his son had been kidnapped by others. This time was the most serious. He actually owed 100 million to foreign gangs... Although Huang Shen was furious with anger, what could he do? After all, it was His son was his flesh and blood, no matter how angry he was, he couldn't let it go.

Huang Shen had just finished talking to his son on the phone. The gang leader asked him to hand over the money quickly. It was a full 100 million U.S. dollars. No matter how rich he was, he would never be able to collect such a large amount in a short period of time. So he begged the other party to forgive him for a few days, but they didn't want to do this at all, and threatened that if he couldn't pay the money in full, he would never see his son again.

Whenever Huang Shen closes his eyes now, in his mind is the image of his son being beaten with a bruised nose and swollen face. If this continues, he may be tortured to death. Thinking of this, Huang Shen can't help but feel uncomfortable. He wishes he could do it now. He rushed to his son and rescued him!

Seeing that Huang Shen finished the call, Lin Feng jumped up and climbed directly in through the window on the balcony.


The loud noise startled him, and he turned his head subconsciously, only to see a scene that surprised him.

"Mr. Lin! Why are you here?"

Huang Shen looked at Lin Feng standing in front of him, as if he had seen a ghost. He looked at Lin Feng in disbelief. He had just finished talking to his son on the phone, put down the phone, and was stunned for a while. Suddenly I found that there was an extra person in my room.

The reason why Huang Shen was surprised was not because Lin Feng appeared silently in front of him, but because he was shocked by how Lin Feng came in?

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