I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 358: Seeing guests off

Huang Shen was puzzled. When he was talking to his son on the phone, he had locked the door of the room from the inside, just to prevent his nanny and bodyguard from accidentally breaking in and hearing what he said.

The room was locked and could not be opened from the outside, but this Lin Feng appeared alive in front of him, how could he not believe it.

The most important thing is that his bodyguard is downstairs in his house, and he also knows the bodyguard's skills. He is a real master of internal skills. As long as he stands there, no matter what happens within a three-mile radius can escape his ears.

But this Lin Feng just came in and stood in front of him, looking at him without blinking.

The visitor is not good! Even though he was his immediate boss, he could not feel the slightest kindness. After all, he was also a person who had seen the world. He soon returned to his normal expression and smiled in a neither humble nor arrogant manner: "Mr. Lin is here, and the humble house is full of glory. ah."

Lin Feng nodded, still looking at him silently.

"Mr. Lin, how did you get in?"

Huang Shen asked with a smile.

Lin Feng casually pointed to the open window behind him, and did not answer Huang Shen's question, but said calmly: "Let me ask you something, are you and Zhu Hao hiding any shameful things from me?"

Huang Shen was stunned, and immediately understood Lin Feng's intention, and his smile did not diminish: "Mr. Lin, you must have been overthinking it. Those things that exist are just made out of nothing."

Lin Feng sneered and said, "It's already this time and you still want to hide it from me. Don't you think this is some shameful thing?"

Lin Feng sneered repeatedly, does this guy think he is a fool? You actually want to hide such a big thing from yourself? Should I call him naive? Or should I say he is two hundred and fifty?

If he hadn't revealed such a big thing in the company, he would really be too lazy to take care of it.

"I'm not hiding anything from you. I wonder if Mr. Lin is looking for me for something important?"

He confidently concluded that Lin Feng did not know about his rebellion. He had always secretly discussed it with Zhu Hao in private to ensure that no third party knew about it.

But there is no airtight wall in the world. When he was discussing with Zhu Hao last time, he happened to be bumped into by Secretary Liu who was passing by. Seeing the two of them sneaking around, he couldn't help but go to check. Unexpectedly, he heard such a big news. It was a secret, because Lin Feng was not available at the time, so he secretly told this matter to Shen Qingxue, who was in the company at the time.

"Since you don't know, forget it, then tell me about the fact that you have been so close to Zhu Hao in the company these days. What exactly are you discussing, and you have to hide it from some people in a meeting?"

The reason why Lin Feng said this was to show that he did not force him. Otherwise, if word spread that a boss of his company went to a shareholder's house in the middle of the night to threaten others, this would have a considerable impact on his reputation in the future.

"It's nothing, Mr. Lin, you don't know that many employees in our company are talkative. You can't just follow the wind and rain."

Huang Shen insisted that he knew nothing and refused to reveal anything.

"Why are you talking so much nonsense?" Lin Feng's anger suddenly rose, and he didn't care about the impact. He kicked the safe at his feet and kicked it away with a "boom" The sound landed less than half an inch away from Huang Shen's feet.

This frightened Huang Shen so much that he suddenly broke into cold sweat and his face turned pale.

"Wouldn't it be nice for people in our company to spread the word about my skills? Look, is this a rumor? You can't just make it out of thin air."

Lin Feng spoke calmly and spoke unhurriedly.

Huang Shen was so frightened that he still hadn't reacted yet. He stared blankly at the big hole on the side of the safe, which was actually kicked out by Lin Feng. He swallowed hard and felt It's really weird, you know, this kind of safe is all made of welded steel plates.

The thickness of the steel plate is very impressive. Even if a thief wants to use a chainsaw to cut it open, it will take a lot of effort. He didn't expect that Lin Feng could actually kick it to pieces. This is not just paper, it is a 280% steel plate.

Of course, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that if the safe just flew a little higher, I might not be able to see the sun tomorrow morning. It is estimated that it will be difficult to even see the moon that night. The previous one.

"Okay, I don't want to talk nonsense to you anymore. The reason why I came here today is just to let you stay away from this Zhu Hao. Do you understand?"

Although Lin Feng couldn't remove him from the company for no reason, he could scare him a little. He knew the kick just now, but everyone could understand the meaning of this sentence.

"This..." Huang Shen did not give Lin Feng an accurate answer. Indeed, he was scared, but he suddenly thought of his son, and swallowed back the words as soon as they reached his lips. His heart was infinitely bitter and difficult to express. If If he stayed away from Zhu Hao, what would happen to his son? He would be killed by gangsters.

He is a father. No matter what, he must try his best to save his son. He can die, but his son cannot die.

So although Huang Shen was scared, he still refused to bow his head.

Lin Feng didn't say any more nonsense. He walked to the safe that he had kicked and damaged. He stretched out his hand and pulled hard. The door of the safe was completely torn off by Lin Feng. With a "bang" sound, the four centimeter thick steel plate was covered with He threw it to the ground with a muffled sound.

"You are doing it for your son!"

Lin Feng rummaged around in the safe for something, then took out a passbook from it. When he opened it, he saw that the amount on it was as much as 60 million. Unfortunately, it showed that all the money in the passbook had been stolen. I took it out three days ago, and there is only a few dollars left in the bankbook now.

"..." Huang Shen lowered his head and said nothing. The money in the passbook and all his savings had been transferred to his son abroad three days ago. He is now doing everything possible to collect money. In a few days, the villa under his feet will also be resold by him.

At that time, he spent a lot of money to buy a villa for a total of 50 million, but he still had to do it for his son.

"This should be the reason why you agreed to Zhu Hao."

Lin Feng threw the bankbook aside and continued to lean down to look for the contents of the safe. When he took out a stack of documents, Huang Shen's expression changed on the spot.

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