Needless to say, this Huang Shen has such a strong psychological quality. Seeing Lin Feng holding the door panel and trying to call him over, he still has the time to talk about useless things, which really makes Lin Feng a little baffled.

"I want to hear what benefits your hand Huang Shen has given you. I'm not here to hear your story. Tell me the key points."

Lin Feng knocked on the ground a few times with the door panel and tilted his head.

"My son was trapped abroad and was tricked. He was studying well, but he became addicted to drugs. He also owed a loan shark of 100 million to the local gang and was arrested by the gang. If I can't get the money together, Come and hand it over to them, they are the ones who killed my son..."

Now that things have happened, there is nothing to hide. He is afraid that Lin Fei will be angry and hit his forehead with the door panel. Don't wait for his son to come back by then, and he will have already taken the wrong step. .

"So that's it, then Zhu Hao promised to help you pay off the money and rescue your son?" Lin Feng sighed and shook his head. He didn't expect that there was such a hidden secret behind it, and he was slightly moved. It was really pitiful. The hearts of parents in the world, this Huang Shen will not back down even in the face of death for the sake of his son. He would rather die than transfer the company's equity to him. In order to save his son, he would even give up his life and shares...

"It's impossible... Even though Zhu Hao is considered rich, it's impossible for him to come up with so much liquidity at once. My son owes us US dollars, and even all our savings combined can't do it." Huang Shen smiled bitterly and continued: "I have used all the assets I can use for him, and even plan to sell the real estate in my name in a few days, but after all, it is US dollars, and all my money has been transferred, but It’s just a drop in the bucket, what Zhu Hao promised me was that after I helped him become the chairman, he would allow me to misappropriate the company’s property..."

"Fuck!" Lin Feng wanted to curse after hearing this. He was really arrogant. I'm not even dead yet, and you've already set your sights on me. Isn't this nonsense? This Zhu Hao is nothing, can he even agree to such a request? If 100 million U.S. dollars were moved at once, what would he do to make up for such a big gap in the future? Isn't this just a rhythm that wants to bring down the company?

This Zhu Hao is indeed damaging enough. He will do whatever it takes to get into the position of chairman. Who knows how many directors in the company he has bribed behind his back in private? How dare he blatantly confront him?

"Where is your son? I should be able to bring him back. When the time comes, can you give me the company's shares?"

Lin Feng did not discuss it anymore, and directly spoke to Huang Shen with a commanding tone and an attitude that left no room for doubt. He originally planned to spend money to buy the shares, but the thought of spending so much money was a sin. Son, he was angry, come on, don’t even think about it, I don’t even have a son yet.

"Is this...really?"

Huang Shen was stunned for a moment, obviously at a loss.

"You don't believe in my strength, do you?"

Lin Feng saw the questioning look in Huang Shen's eyes and asked.

After all, he is also the chairman of the Lin Group. No matter in terms of connections or other aspects, he is not comparable to him. Thinking of this, Huang Shen felt relieved and quickly shook his head: "No, no, I believe Mr. Lin's strength is definitely not I can compare.”

It’s a joke, even if his identity is put aside, he has seen Lin Feng’s strength with his own eyes. This powerful body is simply more powerful than the special forces. How many can he find in the world, but foreign gangs are not small gangs. But the famous local gangsters still had guns in their hands. It was not that he had never thought about finding someone to rescue his son, but most of them were just people who were interested in money and lacked strength. In the end, the money was deceived. After walking around for a long time, he had not even seen a single hair on his son's body, otherwise he would not have made such a trick, betraying Lin Feng to help Zhu Hao get the position of director of the company.

"What? You don't really believe that you can save your son from the other party by giving him money?" Lin Feng looked at Huang Shen with a mocking look on his face: "You just use your toes to think about it. I think they will let you be such a big cash cow. Since your son is addicted to drugs, then the other things shouldn't be too bad, right? As far as single-round gambling addiction is concerned, this is also very difficult. Quitting, let alone drug addiction.”

"As long as your son is still abroad, and as long as others are still there, there will definitely be a next time. If I guess correctly, your son was kidnapped just like this, right?" Lin Feng continued to mock.

Lin Feng said that it was indeed true. His son had borrowed loan sharks at high interest rates not once or twice. However, he could still accept the amount of the previous times, so he paid it back to his son. Unexpectedly, he It's getting more and more out of control, each time going too far. This time, he has borrowed an astonishing amount of 100 million US dollars, which he cannot afford to repay. The best way is to get his son back and find someone to quit smoking for him. .

But he has told his son countless times to return to the country, but he just refuses to listen and refuses to come back no matter what. This leads to today's situation.

"Hey..." Huang Shen sighed. Why didn't he understand this? But what can he do?

"Well, I'll give you two choices. One is to give you 300 million, which is considered to be the purchase of your equity. The other is to bring your son back to you. You can choose." Lin Feng thought. After thinking about it, he made a compromise plan. No matter which one Huang Shen chose, it would not do much harm to him. Moreover, once he had such a large stake in the company, everyone else in the company would unite. It’s hard to defeat yourself, let alone a small Zhuhao.

"This..." Huang Shen pondered for a while, "I'd better choose the second condition."

So what if Lin Feng gives him one billion? If his son is not the same, he should still gamble. He is such an only son. No matter how big the family fortune is, it is still his. What if one day? It was over all of a sudden. It would not take long for his son to squander the rest of his family fortune, and he might even owe a lot. After thinking about it, for the sake of his son's future happiness, he would definitely choose the second option.

"Okay, that's it, give me a week, but I only have one request." Lin Feng said.

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